Chapter 9

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Athena's POV:                 I am sitting in Atlas's office just as confused as I was before. Why is this old lady telling us about a legendary silver wolf when my mate and I are afraid to even touch each other due to the electricity that forms between us. I would like some dam answers from her. She says she is an oracle so tell me what the bloody hell is happening. I can feel the anger surge through me and I abruptly stand up.           "What does this wolf have to do with why I can't touch my mate?" I command in a voice I don't even recognize. It's a rough authoritive sound. I know I am the future Queen but I shouldn't be able to do that yet.          "It has begun. However, to answer your question, The electricity that comes between you and Atlas isn't a bad thing. You can touch each other." She stops and looks at Atlas and speaks to him directly. "If you were to hold her hands long enough it might trigger what you have been wishing for since you found her." She smirks at him. What the f**k? I want to know why there has been secrets every since I got here.          I have noticed the way the pack members look at me. I also her the whispers behind my back. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I could tell that it was Jason by the low growl that Atlas emitted. I look into my best friends eyes and know that he is trying to comfort me and I just can't relax. I know he is trying but for some reason it isn't working.           "What the f**k is actually going on? Why is everyone keeping secrets from me?" I yell out.           "Athena, I think there is something I should tell you before Sybil finishes." Atlas speaks up.          "No Atlas, this is my deal not yours." Zander admits           "Okay, finally someone that will tell me the truth and not give me riddles even if he hates me." I throw my hands up in the air.           For f**k sake, it takes one of the people that hates me to let me in on the joke. Every since I got here, they all have been acting weird. It's like there is some big joke going around and I haven't been here 48 hours. The guy that wants to tell me the actual truth was giving me dirty looks last night at dinner. When Quinn came in, she said 'You found her' like I had been lost.          I get broken out of my thoughts.          "You couldn't haven't any further from the truth. I don't hate you. You just remind me of twin. See, she was a lot like you. Always striving to be better. I will tell you more about her but you will have to listen until the end. I promise that this all has to deal with the truth." His smoky grey eyes meet my now silver ones.  There's a familiarity about them. But they held so much honesty. I just nodded not trusting my voice.       "My little sister was 6 when she was taken. But before that, I want to take you back to when she was born. Mom spent 32 hours in labor. It wasn't suppose to happen that way. Mom had a whole month and a half left of her pregnancy but something happened and we almost lost them both. The doctors managed to get my mom back and my sister out. She was in the NICU for over a month. She only weighed 3 pounds 12 ounces. She was so small growing up. she never looked her age. To be honest, we all were scared of what her future held. As she grew up, she wanted to be a warrior. Even when Atlas, Chris, and I would threaten to kick the s**t out of kids they teased her behind our back.  we were 11 when she was taken from us. She was with our father in the clearing they loved so much. It was a weekly thing our dad did every Thursday. My sister was our dads' angel. They would go on a picnic and then talk about whatever she wanted too. Dad loved her so much. I think mom and dad just felt blessed. We all had a special connection with her." he paused to take a breather and probably wanted to give me some time to process the information.          I think this is hard for him to talk about. He is trying to put this story out there without breaking down. His eyes were glassing over. I could tell he was getting ready to cry. That's when I knew I had to go to him. I had no siblings unless you count Jason but I didn't have one that lived with me and grew up with me complaining about our parents. I just knew that even with the age gap that Zander wished he would have had that like I wished I did. It's hard not having someone to talk to about how hard your dad is being on you in training or how your mom is never around. I grasp his hands. He snaps his head up to me. He looks directly in my eyes. I can sense a connection between him and I. By the looks in his eyes, he has regret and hope. I hope I can give him some kind of solace.        "Anyway, Rogue's came into the the kingdom. My father tried to fight them off. He even told my sister to run. She was only 6 for f**k sake. So she ran. We thought she ran back towards the palace but she must have gotten lost or taken. We never knew what happened to her. Well, that was until Atlas came across his mate in a different pack." He looked at me with so much honesty but I still don't believe him. He is insinuating that I am his long lost sister.       This is impossible. I let go of his hands and stand up. I walk behind Atlas's desk and sit down. I now understand why he got this chair. It is beyond comfortable. I glance up to look at everyone. Their eyes held pity and knowing all except the old lady Sybil. She looks at me with encouragement and knowing but not like the knowing everyone else had. It was as if she wanted to show me.         I began to get angry. Everyone knew. From the moment I came here, they all knew. I am start gaze around the room when realization hit that I was his long lost sister. How do I not remember him or any of them then? This is impossible. There is no way I am this guys long lost sister because I am 18, she would be 22. I don't believe them. They are playing a joke on me. The room began to get blurry as I realize I was crying and that pissed me off more.         There was a loud clap of thunder from behind me, coming from outside. I started to hear the rain hitting the roof. The lightening starts to brighten the cloudy sky. I could hear and see it going on but it was like background noise to me. The room begins to spin out of control as if my world was coming down around me. I don't know what happens next because my world goes black.          When I wake up, my eye jolt open. Without command my body sits straight up. I stood up so that I could get a better look at the scenery. The midnight blue sky was lite up by the glow of the moon. The stars hung in the sky like someone painted them there. It was like I was in heaven. It was everything that I had dreamt it to be. The trees swayed with the light breeze. I twirled around until I got dizzy. I stopped while I caught my balance. The pure green grass looked so fluffy. My eyes catch a womanly figure that seems to have a baby blue glow to her. She is standing by a small lake that has a gorgeous waterfall. I strode towards the mysterious woman. As I get closer, she turns to me. She has the brightest smile with her pearly white teeth showing. It was so warm and inviting.             Her beauty has no words. Her honey brown hair was in a messy up do with strains laying perfectly around her face. The way her hair laid, it highlighted her high cheekbones. She has red luscious lips. And her eyes looked like sparkling grey blue. But she had the most translucent tan skin that I had ever seen. Her smile never faltered as I got closer to her. This stunning woman was radiating so much power and authority. It really didn't surprise me, she glowed like a goddess would.                 I stood in front of her. She just beamed down at me. Her 5'7 frame still towered over my 5'3 one. I was in the presence of someone great. I just wish I knew who she was.               "I am guessing you are wondering who I am. I am surprised you haven't figured it out yet. I am the Moon Goddess Lucile. And I brought you to my part of heaven." She giggles. It's as if she is a little girl herself.              "I'm Athena Blackwell." I introduce myself.              "Dear child, I know who you are but are you sure that is your name?" She smirks at me. "By the look on your face, you are not sure. Well, I can enlighten you, Athena Crawford. Oh dear, Zander was telling the truth. You were thought to be dead but I knew different. I mean, I am the Moon Goddess after all. I am just sorry you didn't have the life that you should have had.  There were some unforeseen things that happened. I wasn't planning for you to be kidnapped by your fake parents. I didn't know they would use witches to put a spell on you and Jason to make you both think that you had grown up together. You would have met Jason at some point anyway because he is you protector. He will stand by you during the most difficult times in your life but most importantly he will be there during the war." She pauses. She looks back out to the small lake.         So, I not only was I kidnapped but I had a spell put on me to forget who I was. I wonder if that's why my "mother" ignored me and my "father" was so hard on me. I feel as if my whole life has been a lie. And everyone in the palace knew. I have been there for a few days now and no body wanted to tell me what the f**k was going on not even my own mate.           "Don't blame Atlas. He blames himself enough for you being kidnapped. Atlas knew in his heart you were still alive but his father refused for him to have warriors and trackers to go find you. His father always told him that it was too dangerous for them to go on a wild goose chase when they already knew your father was dead so you probably were too. Zander didn't want to believe that you were dead but he felt the spell being cast on you which ripped your connection to him away. He felt what he thought was the sibling bod being cut off. I wish I could help you with this but I ca only guide you in the right direction right now. I just need you to remember that you can trust them. And whatever you do be careful. You wield more power than you think. Your gifts are going to expand quickly to get you prepared. But Shadow will be there to help you and lean on your mate to help you calm because if you don't you could destroy everything around you." She looks at me with a sad smile.           "What happened before me? The legend comes from somewhere so there has been someone other than me that wielded the same gifts and was a silver wolf." I question.           "It's always been you. You have just been reborn every time. This world needs you. And the last time you lost your mate. Ultimately, you got your point across and only killed the enemy but your pack lost you and their Alpha at the same time. You killed yourself shortly after the last war was won. You couldn't survive living without your mate." She looks at her hands in her lap and sniffles. I can tell it was more than me just killing myself in the past that is making her sad but I won't press the issue.           "I should send you back. Atlas and Zander are getting restless with you being out so long. Oh and as a parting gift, I am giving your memories back so when you wake up you will remember everything from you past as well as remember your current memories. Just remember not everything is what it seems. I will see you soon." Lucile smiles and nods.           Before I could react, I was in darkness. I could her murmur of two voices but can't understand what they are talking about.
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