Chapter 8

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Atlas's POV:                   Zeus is stunned just like I am by the sight of our mate. Athena's wolf is magnificent. We have never seen a silver wolf before. And the way her silver fur glows in the moonlight, I am in aww of my mate. Now that we are in my favorite spot in the whole territory. She hasn't looked at me yet. But Zeus and I are sizing her up. She is bigger than a normal she-wolf. She isn't as big as I am but her size is amazing.             I walk up to her. I allow Zeus a little control because he wants to meet his mate. Zeus rubs our wolf head against her side. He wants to leave our scent on her so that unmated males will know to back off. As we rub against her our fur creates electric currents that actually create a spark. We jump away from each other quickly. What the hell was that? I can see that she is just as confused as I am. But what shocks me the most is her bright turquoise eyes.          I quickly run behind a tree and shift. There is a cubby hole we built to stash clothing. There was a pair of grey sweat pants so I put them on. I grabbed her a green and black sports bra and a green pair booty shorts. I come out from behind the tree with clothes for her. I put them in front of her. Her bright eyes never left mine. It was like her turquois glowed. I could see resolve in them. She bent down and sniffed them then grabbing them with her teeth and scampering behind the tree.            I decide to give her a little privacy so I turned around and walked to the lake. I found this lake when I was 11. I found this place after some special was taken from us. I was made at myself for not being able to protect her. She was us boys angel. She was the only girl to be born out of us high ranks. she was 5 years younger than us. It was our responsibility to protect her and keep her safe.           The lake is perfect at this time of night. The moon is high in the sky and shines directly on the water. You could see the tadpoles swimming close to the rock that were close to edge of the water. The light wind of fall hit. I can't believe home brisk it is. I think that this is going to take some time to figure out, Athena seems so stubborn. I am not sure where to begin to get her to open up more to me. I don't know maybe even trigger her memories.            I hear the snap of a twig and sniffed the air. Her peach and honey scent instantly had me turning around.  My d**k pulsated at the sight of her. Her breasts were flumpiously to big for the sports bra I gave her. And the booty shorts looked a bit tight for her. She isn't like the other she-wolves around the kingdom. She has curves in all the right places. She keeps herself toned but you can tell she eats. But when I look at her gorgeous face, I see the blush on her cheeks. The moon illuminates my mates face making the pink stand out on her cheeks. She is so adorable.         She breaks the silence. "What happened between our wolves?" She questions with so much confusion swirling in her grey wait what? I walk closer to her and I confirm what I am seeing. Her eyes are silver no longer the stormy grey they normally are.          "Your eyes? They are silver." I say more as a statement than to her. I place my hand on her cheek. The instant electricity formed between us like it did with our wolves. What the hell is going on? I don't move away this time and she doesn't move either.         "What's happening Atlas? I can feel the electricity on my face. I'm not stocked this time but it feels like my body is alive and awakening at the same time. I feel like my soul is being stitched together with yours." She rambles and I think it's cute but this is a more pressing matter. There is realization swirling with more confusion in her eyes.        "We need to get back to the palace and call a meeting with our most trusted. I have already mind-linked who needs to meet us in my office. We're not that far from the palace if you want to walk or we can shift." I inform her of what we need to do. Something is happening with my mate and it is effecting our mate bond but not in a bad way. It's just I have never heard of this happening between mates before let alone a silver wolf.         "We can walk. Shadow says she is to tired to shift right now." She shyly says. she looked at the ground shuffling her feet.         "Walking it is." I chuckle a bit.         We walk in silence back to the palace. I wanted to hold her hand and be close to her but until we figure out what is happening we need to try not to touch. Zeus growls at the thought of not getting to touch our mate. I know the feeling. I hate the idea of not being close to our mate. Her in my arms is all I think about. I have touched her before this why now? What has changed to cause this?           We walked through the tree line and Chris joined us.       "Why a meeting?" Chris asks.         "Something happened. And I don't know whether to take it as a good thing or not." I mumble. To tell the truth, I don't know what to think about what is happening with my mate and I.         "Are you bringing Zander in on this too?"  He smirked knowing that our best friend had a really hard time during dinner. Zander was so confused on what to think about Athena.       "He has to be, she's his sister. Even if she doesn't remember us yet.? I say getting annoyed.       I block the link. I am done answering questioning. Looking at my mate, I can tell she is deep in thought. I can only imagine what is going on in that pretty little head of hers. She is probably overthinking everything. I hope this doesn't effect us as going forward as mates. She is my world. I don't know what I would do without her now that I have her here.         We make it up to my office. I opened my office door, motioning my mate in then going in after her. I showed her that she could sit in the upholstery grey chair that my great-grandfather had for my great-grandmother. My desk and bookshelves were made of pine wood with a light wood stain. I have a comfortable armchair that is a light grey color with the same wood finish as my desk. I have black leather couches with black metal glass tables. The walls were a dark grey that gave off a midnight blue look with the right lighting. Everyone took a seat with my head warrior shutting the door as he is the last to enter.               "Thank you all for dropping everything to come here. But there is a new development in Athena and my mate bond. I want what I say next to stay in this room and no one finds out about. I am going to explain but I will be having someone join us after I am done." I look at all of them. They all look confused. And my poor mate looks almost ashamed of herself. I wonder why? "Okay. Now that I have said that then I can continue. Just a little bit ago, Athena and I went for a run. But when we stopped to rest and I rubbed against her the electric current that should go through mates was different for us. We actually created a spark that could be felt but also seen." I pause allowing them to take in the information.         I watch as they all looked at each other in confusion. I also watch as Athena fidgeted in her chair as she watch all of them. I can see her nervousness. It makes me want to comfort her and let her know no matter what I am here for her no matter what is happening. I just hope that this doesn't scare her away.          There is a knock on the door and one of my guards opened the door. My guest finally is here and hopefully she will gives us some insight. Sybil is our oracle. She is one of the last that are left, the others are in hiding because oracles use to be used for their visions. And if the specific oracle didn't abide by whoever was suppose to protect them then they were murdered.            Sybil is the oldest oracle. She is around 150 years old but still looks like she is in her 70's. She has white hair. She has that wise look about her. She has one icy blue eye and one emerald eye. Sybil has that grandmotherly attitude about her. I have to say she is one of my favorite people. She helped me a lot when Athena went missing. I knew that I would get my Athena back even after everyone thought she had died. Even Zander her own twin wouldn't believe me when I said I would get her back. Sybil just couldn't tell me where she was.              "My King, you requested to see me. I see that you have finally found her." Sybil slyly says. She isn't rude, she has a personality that keeps you on you toes.             "Please Sybil, no formalities. You know I hate you calling me that. And I have." I moved around my desk sitting on the front of it near Athena.          Athena looks from me to Sybil with curiosity. I could tell that she was intrigued by this new person in the office. While the others, were nervous looking. But Zander was looking at Athena with sadness and regret. I know that once Sybil works her magic then maybe Athena will start to remember.          "Atlas" Athena whispered.         "Yes, my love." I smiled at her to give her a bit of courage.        "I think Jason should be here. He is my best friend after all." She looks at her hand while she twirls her thumbs.           "No worries love he is on his way." I tell her.          She just nods. I pull a chair out for Sybil to have a seat and get a chair brought in for Jason sitting it next to Athena knowing that Jason comforts her. It actually makes me jealous knowing another male can do that for her. Jason walks in looking at me for confirmation of why he is here until he spots Athena. I see her smile wide at him. He strides over to her and sits in the chair. I see the way she looks at him. I just wish I could get her to look at me the same way.       "Shall we get started Atlas or should I go home." Sybil lightly says.        "Of course, Sybil. I brought you here." I get cut off by Athena.       "Can you tell me who she is. I am confused on why she is here and how she is going to help us figure this out." Athena scoffs.          "My Queen, I will get to that but you need to understand something." Sybil pauses and looks at Athena and Jason. "I have watched you grow through my visions. I have also seen how you managed to stay strong through everything you have been through. I realize know the seriousness of who you are. I guess the Moon Goddess decided to hold that piece of information from me until necessary. Anyway I am one of the last of my kind. I am an oracle that has been under the King's protection for many of years." She drifts off again looking through her big bag that she always brings everywhere. She brings out her stash of chocolate covered raisins. I shake my head and chuckle at her antics. I have to say Sybil is an odd ball.       "Okay but what does this have to do with us. I mean Athena is the same girl that grew up next door to me. She hasn't done anything spectacular unless you count putting a bunch of our old pack's warriors to shame with her fighting skills." Jason chimes in. I let out a low warning growl because of the way he was saying my mate wasn't special.        "Oh, young Jason, I have to say the way you protect our future Queen is phenomenal. I would have never guessed she would have a protector sent from the Moon Goddess, Atlas. She is special isn't she." Sybil looks between Athena and myself. She was pondering something. And when you know Sybil the way I do, you know that she has something concocting in her brain.         "What do you mean by protector?" Jason questions the old woman. I was wondering about all of this. Why Jason and Athena were so close. But that still doesn't explain why Athena is a Silver wolf and why there is literally static between her and I.       "I will explain everything if I quit getting interrupted." Sybil lets out her annoyance. That is one thing she hates more than anything is to be interrupted. The old wise lady has her pet peeves just like the rest of us.      She continues " Have any of you heard about the legend of the Silver Wolf?" She looks around at the room full of people. "I didn't think so. You youngin's don't know much about the old legends. I think there is a book about them actually. Some are true other not so much but I think this particular legend is true. The Silver Wolf was brought to our kind by the Moon Goddess herself. She wanted to bring peace to our kind but the only way to do it was to create something truly indestructible. A wolf that had none of the werewolf weaknesses. This wolf wouldn't be effected by silver or wolfsbane. Naturally, this wolf could still die but it would take a lot to do so. This wolf wouldn't just bring peace but it would bring a sense of togetherness. The wolf would be loved by many and not because of the wolf but it's human. She would be a fierce competitor. The wolf and human would be as one. They would wield the ability to control the elements. They would be the ultimate power." She pauses to throw some chocolate covered raisins in her mouth. Plus, I think it gives us all time to process this new information.        "The Silver Wolf has to have an equally strong mate. They have to balance each other out. The mate of the Silver Wolf has to have the strength but the ability to calm the wolf so that they don't destroy the world. With the power that is given it can equally destroy. The Silver Wolf has to be able to control and harness the powers given to her. They can't be as one if they can't work together to control it." She stops again. At this point, I think Sybil is just delaying telling me why Athena and I can't touch without us sparking.        We all take a moment to look at each other. Zander looks more confused than all of us. And I can tell he wants to say something.
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