Chapter 10

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Atlas's POV:                    My gorgeous mate fainted after receiving all the information about who she really is. I caught her before she hit the floor. I carried her to my room. I know I gave her, her own room  but my wolf and I felt better that she would be surround by our scent. Her dark hair fell around her face as I set her on the bed. It made her tan skin stand out. I don't know what this girl is doing to me but I know that I would lay my life down for her many times over to make sure she is ever taken from me again.                   I take one last look at her and walk out of my room. Chris and Zander are standing in the hallway. I can tell Zander is deep in thought by the way his eyebrows are creased. I sigh at the thought of what we have all been through to get her back. It took us taking over the kingdom for us to be able to look for her. I never thought we would find her in the closest pack to us. I am trying to figure out why they took her there and if the Alpha was in on it.                 "How is she?" My Beta Chris asked concern lacing his voice.                  "She is in some sort of deep sleep. I am going to let her sleep for a bit. It was a lot for her to take in." I tell them. I wipe down my face with my hand. I never wanted to force her into remembering but I have to she is in danger.                "Your Majesty." Someone says from behind me. I turn around to find Jason. He was shuffling his feet while bow his head in respect.                 "No need for formalities Jason. What is it?" I roughly say. I am still not keen on him being her Protector when that is my job. I am Athena's mate. Why does she have to have a special person to be her protector?                "I was wondering if I could talk to her when she wakes. I never knew she was not a Blackwell. Hell, I didn't know about her being a royal. I mean, I knew she was stronger than most but I thought her and I were born the same day and we were attached at the hip. But ow I don't even know where I stand with her. She is my best friend and I don't want to lose her." He rambles. I would have laughed at how fast he was talking but I kept my straight face.                 "No one blames you. My sister was taken so soon that none of us knew what happened. I thought she was dead while Atlas ever gave up hope that she would come home. And believe me as her brother no one failed her like I did. I was suppose to protect her." Zander growls lowly.                 "We can stand here and put blame on whoever for whatever reason but the fact is she is here and alive. And we need to protect her now. She is in danger and we know it. She is the wolf that everyone should fear. We can't stand here and pretend that they won't come for her." Chris whisper yells at us. Normally, I would reprimand him for disrespecting me like he did but he is right.             I ponder what he just said. He is right. Of course, I wouldn't tell him that because it would inflate his ego even more than it is. Chris has always been the jokester of the group. But when the time comes he can get serious. He is my best friend and I don't know how he has managed Zander and I for all these years. Zander has always kept quiet for the last sixteen years. Athena was the heart of our group.             "So what do we do?" Jason asks bringing me out of my thoughts.             "We wait for her to wake up. And then, we see what she wants to do." I say. I know Athena and no magic can change who she is.             "Okay, I need to go train the youngins. You want to join me Jason." Zander pipes up. That's weird Zander doesn't ever want anyone to help him with the youngsters during training.            I look between Zander and Jason. I see that Jason is blushing slightly and Zander is holding his normal stance with a straight face with a blank expression. But his grey eyes can't hide the emotion swirling in his eyes as he looks at Jason. I wonder if they are mates. Jason glances up at Zander with a nervous expression. Then they walk away like for the last few minutes they weren't looking at each other.            I hear a chuckle next to me. "You saw that right. I am not just seeing things." Chris smiles. I can tell he saw the same thing I did.          "I think Zander found his mate." I simply say with a hint of happiness that my friend found his mate even though he hasn't actually told us yet.            "I think you should stay with her. I will handle some of the paperwork. I have somethings I need to figure out anyway. She needs you." Chris gives me a small smile and walks away toward his office.           I turn back to the door listening to her shallow breathing. She is still out so I walk in quietly. I want her to rest. Today has been a bit much for her. I just hope that she doesn't hate us for bringing back any memories she may experience. I am scared she will wake up and hate us for either not fighting to save her or not finding her. I know she hasn't had the easiest life. Anyone with eyes can see she is hiding more than she is willing to talk about. I don't even think Jason knows the depth of the darkness she is in. I just hope when she wakes that she will talk to me.       I sit on my desk chair never taking my eyes of how beautiful my mate really is.  Athena use to be such a spunky girl. And I want to really find out if she still has it. I missed so much of her life. I didn't get to know her growing up. I missed my mate so much.       "Hey, I missed her too."  Zeus whines.       "I know buddy. We have her back now. And there is nothing going to stop us from protecting her." I tell him.        "Atlas, we have to protect her." Zeus demands. then he cuts our connection.         He is right though. We have to protect her. We may have been only twelve when she was taken last but now we are the King and we are stronger, faster, and there isn't anything we won't do to make sure she is safe. And now that I have opened up the kingdom again, things could get interesting.          I snap my head in the direction of my mate. She starts to stir a bit. Her breathing starts to become heavy. She starts to tossed and turned. She continued to breath heavy. I was getting worried as she started to sweat and it looked like she was crying. I go over to the bed and get in next to her. I grab her gently around her waist and bring her to me. Instantly, she cuddles into my chest. Zeus purrs. Him and I are content with having our mate in our arms.          She nuzzles her head into me more and I play with the strains of her hair. I smile down at her as I watch her sleep. How could I have missed all this. I still blame my father for not sending out any search parties after I told him that the mate bond was weak but not gone. He just would tell me that I was grieving for my mate and was wishing the mate bond was still there. Zander use to say the same thing. It use to piss Zeus and I off. Athena is our world. I knew she didn't die next to her father.           I take in Athena's scent. She smells of lavender and vanilla. It calms me from the worry I feel for her. I wish I could hear her thoughts. I wat to know what goes on in this woman's head. She always seems inside of her own head. . As soon as she wakes up, I am going to bring in Zander and Beth. She needs to meet her mom and Beth needs to know her daughter is here. That's if Zander hasn't already let her know.         "Hey" Her voice sounds so majestic.          "Hey there gorgeous." I smile at her. She blushes and tries to hide her head in my neck.          "Stop it! I am not." She giggles          "Baby, you have obviously not seen yourself through my eyes and I find you very beautiful." I playfully growl at her.           "If you are up for it, I think there is someone you should meet." I got serious because this needs to happen. Nothing triggered her memory and maybe this will.          "Okay, but first can I see my brother and my mom?" she asks me            "Wait what!!!???" I say with my mouth hung open.             She giggles again and it's music to my ears.            "I want to see my mom and my brother. Atlas, I remember everything. But what I need to say needs to happen somewhere that no one can hear us." She smiles.           I grab her up out of bed and twirl her around. She remembers. She remembers me and everything. Thank the Moon Goddess. This is great.          "So, you remember everything from your childhood?" I question just to make sure.          "Yeah, that's part of why I want to talk to all of you. Plus, I need the oracle here too." She says as she walks into the bathroom.              I mind-link the others to meet us in my office. I go into the walk-in to change my shirt. I hear the bedroom door open with a threatening growl sounding off the walls. I rush out of the closet to see Rebecca standing by my bed and Athena standing outside the bathroom. Athena's eyes were almost glowing silver.           "Baby, why is this slut in our room." Rebecca squeaky whines at me looking at my mate.         A low warning growl came from Athena. She makes calculating steps to the middle of the room. Rebecca was staring Athena down with this nasty look on her face. Athena looks at me with a flash of hurt in her eyes before she covers it up.           "Who the f**k do you think you are coming into my mates room unannounced?" Athena calmly says. It was deadly calm. I was even scared of my Queen.          "Ha, you are such a slut that you actually think the he is your mate when he is mine." Rebecca sneered out.            The next thing I know Athena's eyes turn to turquoise and her wolf was out. She lunged at Rebecca's 5'8 figure. Rebecca hit's the ground with a shirk. It was so loud that I had to hold my ears with my hands. I mind-link the guys to hurry. Athena was wailing on her punch after punch to Rebecca's pale face. The blood from the damage that Athena was doing was staining Rebecca's blond hair. I quickly had to pull Athena off before she killed her. I know that she would regret it after she calmed down.            The guys barge into the room. They were shocked at the scene before them. They looked from Rebecca to us. Shadow, Athena's wolf was still trying to get out of my arms to get to Rebecca again. I was trying to hold o to her but boy was she stronger than what I thought for her being no more than 120 pounds. She is really scary. The next thing I know Jason comes running in taking in the seen.             "What the f**k happened?" Jason angrily says.             "She came into my room with no notice when Athena came out of the bathroom. Shortly after all hell broke loose." I told the guys. She was still thrashing in my arms.              Jason came over to help but it was like her wolf was immune to my touch and his. She didn't even flinch. Chris and Zander grabbed Rebecca up to take her to the infirmary. An idea sprung to me, I took her down to the ground. Jason just stood there watching. I ignored his presence as I moved her so I could cradle her. I started rocking her back and forth while talking to her.           "Baby, it's okay. I am here and I am all yours. She is nothing to me I swear. I didn't even know she had come back. Baby. please listen to me." I tell her.            I could still feel her shaking so I murmured sweet and comforting words to her until she settled down a little. Jason left closing the door as he left. I just continued to rock her back and forth. She moved slightly to put her head in the crook of my neck taken in my scent. 
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