Chapter 7

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Athena's POV:             Dinner went well as I met the others that were sitting at the table with us. I already knew Beta Chris. He was with Atlas when they were at my old pack. But I did learn the name of guy that I had a semi eye contest with. His name is Zander Crawford. And he is the Delta of the pack. He didn't say much to me. He almost had a confused and shocked look on his face. I wondered why but I let it go and made a mental note to talk to Atlas about it.            Then there was the Head Guard. His name was Kieran Shores. He was sitting straight up, you could tell he was disciplined. It's good to see that he takes his job seriously but dude needs to relax. He looked to be about 27 maybe 28. He has a scruff beard and mustache. The muscle was screaming for some air in the black v-neck t-shirt. But I would have never guess that his eyes would be emerald green. They highlighted his dark brown hair. He was a standoffish person. His personality is dry,               I was stunned at how silent our table is. The tension was getting to me so I thought that I would excuse myself. I was kind of tired anyway. I was almost positive that Zander and Kieran didn't like me.             "I'm sorry boys but I am going to retire to my room." I announce.            "Darling, are you okay?" Atlas asks worriedly.            "I'm just tired." I tell him              "Baby, are you sure? I can take you up." Atlas replies.             "No, you stay with your friends. I will be fie. No need to worry." I express.         I want to use this time to think. I knew it would be hard. And the change would be rough but I never thought some of his friends not liking me. I am not sure what to do about that. I want his pack to like me. I want to be a good Queen. I feel like they all are keeping something from me. the vibe that they were expressing was as if they knew something I didn't. I am severely confused.           "Dear brother! You thought you could hide her and not call me. What am I going to do with you?" A bubbly girl came in shouting.            She was astonishing. Her creamy tan skin brings her dark brown hair out. Her dark brown hair was shiny and straight. Her eyes were a light blue almost like there was a storm in her eyes. She had strong features and a powerful aura. An alpha blood aura. I wish I had her plump lips. She looked so similar to Atlas.         "Little sister, you have made a grand entrance as always." He pauses for a minute and the continues. " This is Athena, my mate." He points to me.        She looks at me with a glint in her eye. " Oh my Goddess. It's really you."  She pauses and looks at me like she has seen a ghost.      I just stare at her not sure what to say. Her stormy blue eyes glaze over as if she is mind-linking someone. I look around to notice everyone at the table seem to be having a private conversation. I am beyond confused at this point.      While they are all having their private conversation, I decide to make my exit. I run with my wolf speed and go to my room. My wolf is antsy and pacing my mind.       "What is everyone's problem?" Shadow growls in anger         "I don't know Shadow. But will be finding out. It's as if everyone knows something I don't." I respond in frustration       "Athena, what if mate rejects us?" She whimpers.      "Then we run. I would rather be alone than around people that hold secrets. She huffs at that. Wolves are made to run in packs. We are suppose to have leadership, otherwise our wolves have no stability.  That's why wolves that are exiled or cut pack ties become rogues. And when their wolf has no connection to a pack they start to go crazy.       I get to my room and open the door. I shut and lock it behind me. I don't want anyone to bother me. I go to my closet and grab a pair of grey booty shorts and a white tank top. I then go over to the set of drawers that has my underwear. I walk to the bathroom and run the hot water in the tub. I grab my phone and play my music playlist. The first song to come on is one of my all time favorites. 'She will be loved' by Maroon 5.          I thought having a mate would change my loneliness but I guess I was wrong. It feels as though my mate and I are not even on the same planet. Yeah, he says some really ice thigs to me but can he love someone like me. Can he love a killer? I know that I am his mate but he is the King. I killed someone and not in battle. I wish that was the case but it's not.        I strip my clothes and get into the tub. The water submerges me under. I push the button for the jets to run. I let the hot water and the jets relax all the tension out of my muscle. I don't know why I am so worried about who likes me. I have never cared before about people liking me. I wish that I knew why I was like this.        The water turns cold so I get out. I grab my fluffy grey towel. I dried off and got dressed. I walk out of the bathroom into the bedroom. But my door is standing wide open, I know I locked that door. I start frantically looking around my room when I find the balcony doors open. I sniff the air and smell the intoxicating scent that sends tingles through my system. This ma makes my knees go weak. I am feel Shadow stir but not in her usual yearning behavior. She was infuriated by the fact him and his buddies were mind-link right in front of us like we wasn't there. And particularly I would have preferred that that they had the conversation in front of us.          I walk through the balcony doors and there stands my mate holding onto the rail looking out toward the crescent moon and the beautiful array of stars. He must have smelt me coming because he turns around.  He held a smirk on those light pink lips.         "I locked the door on purpose." I scoff.        Why is he here?       "I came here because I want to apologize for how everyone acted tonight. I know that this is all a change for you. But you have to understand that everyone here is more than happy to have their Queen here, it's just that something happened almost 17 years ago and it shocked the kingdom. No one was the same here." He looked back out at the forest with a sadness in his eyes.        I just stood there not sure what to say. I know what happened 17 years ago. His mother was murdered and that's when the kingdom went on lock down. I wondered what truly happened to her and if they figured out who killed her. I know that he still grew up to be a good guy and King from what I can see.        "Atlas, regardless of what happened, you turned into a good man. Your father did an amazing job." I tell him with as much sincerity as I could.       "You don't understand. I have wanted her to come home for so long. But I couldn't even sense her. I was suppose to protect her. It was my fault it happened. And now I don't know what to do for the first time since my father died, I don't know what to do." He chokes up at the last part.         I have to comfort him. I have ever seen an Alpha like this let alone a King. I wrap my arms around his waist, giving him as much comfort as I can. I soothe him with kind words. I know he must miss his parents. I could imagine a world without mine. Even if I wasn't exactly their favorite person to spend time with lately. Words can't describe how long we were standing there in each others embrace. I just want him to know that I am here for him.          It's weird that the mate bond is this effective so quickly. I mean I have heard that the mate bond happens quickly and they finish the mating process within a week but I am o where near that ready for that yet. I just met the guy. I want to get to know the man behind the crown. Maybe there is a way to separate the man from the King in him.      "Atlas, the past is in the past. You only have the future to look forward too. Don't dwell on your past." I softly tell him. I look at him in those gorgeous honey brown eyes.       "Love, you are exactly what I need." He replies as love shines through his eyes.         He brings me back to his chest. The warmth of his arms around me I can't help but feel safe. I don't remember the last time I felt this safe and protect except for when Jason was around. I wanted so bad to see him. I miss my best friend. I haven't seen him in a whole day and we never go without seeing each other.     Stepping back away from Atlas, I turn my body to look out at the beautiful midnight blue sky. My old pack didn't have this view or at least I didn't ever have a view like this. The stars twinkled in the sky. It was like a million fireflies were flying high. I loved the light fall breeze. Although, it was a bit chilly for what I am wearing.      "Where's my friend Jason?" I inquire. I watch out of the corner of my eye and visibly see him stiffen.      "He is in a different part of the palace with the other Royal Guards. He will start his training tomorrow. If I may ask, why is he so special to you?" He regards my reaction.     "We have been friends since the diaper days. Once when we were around 10, I was getting pushed around on the school playground by some boys. He stepped in the way of one of the boys trying to punch me. He had managed to catch his hand and stop the boy from hitting him instead. Jason didn't even hurt him. He just warned the boys that if they ever messed with me again then he would personally make it his mission to make them suffer. After that day, none of them ever messed with me again. My father started training me after that day because Jason told his parents and they told mine. My father was hard on me from there on out and my mother looked disappointed in me. So I depended on him a lot. He was always there for me." I respond never looking at him.         I never really understood why my parents did what they did. How they could ignore me like they did. It was always their jobs that came first. After that day, they never showed much interest me. Even when I had school events, they never showed.        "You know I understand where you are coming from. My parents never showed me love or affection. I mean I guess they did when I was a baby maybe eve a toddler but I don't remember that. When I was 10 my father started training me. He was hard on me and pushed me to points the point where I broke. I have only had Jason as my friend. I wasn't allowed to go to parties or anything. If it didn't have the experiences most teenagers have. My mother, she was a joke. She never showed me the attention I wanted. I remember when I got my first A+ on a test. I was 12, I wanted her to put it on the fridge and tell me how proud she was. Instead, she told me that I shouldn't be so happy for getting it. That I was showing weakness. She told me I needed to be stronger than I was being. I was never allowed to show them my grades again." I tear up at the memories of my childhood.          I just continued to look out at the beautiful view. I love the smell of the oak and pine trees. The sky was so exquisite with the stars shining and the moon high in the sky. I feel like I want to fly high up close to the moon. Something inside me surged, I felt like I needed to run. My wolf was getting antsy and I can feel her trying to take over. I start to bounce from one foot to the other, I was trying to control her but she wasn't having it. She took over and jumped of the balcony, shifting into our wolf form. I could hear Atlas yelling for me to come back before I heard clothes shredding and paws hitting the ground.               That's when I realized all she wanted was to run with our mate.
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