Chapter 6

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Athena's POV:                He had held me in his embrace for what seemed like hours. He never said anything else. We stayed in silence until he got a mind-link saying dinner was done. He let me up and I went and got freshened up. I even changed my clothes to a grey turtleneck sweater and black pants. I put my black hair in a messy bun. I look at myself in the mirror and it's as if my feature have become more defined.              I am already self-conscious when it comes to my looks. I am not exactly ugly but I am not really pretty either. I wish I could believe I was worthy of this life. I shouldn't be the next Queen. Atlas deserves someone with elegance and grace. He deserve someone much better than me. if he only knew what has happened in my life then he wouldn't want me to be his Queen.         "Babe, you ready okay in there?" I hear Atlas's muffled voice.       "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." I reply back. I try to hide the sadness in my voice.       There are things that even Jason doesn't know about me and he is my best friend. I am not as strong as I let on. I have trained for years and have learned to hide my emotions. My father taught me that. He taught me how to have a stone heart and a tough exterior. I shake off my thoughts of my father and exit the bathroom. My mate is standing in the middle of the room and smiling at me.        "You look so beautiful." His voice a bit husky. I can see admiration, happiness, and a tad of lust in his gorgeous eyes.        I just smile at him but it wasn't a genuine smile. I know that he will love me and care for me no matter what because I am his mate but he should have a stronger mate that I could ever be.      "I don't know what is going on in that head of yours, my love but you need to understand that I will never give you up. You are mine and I will take care of you." He gently says while lifting my chin with his finger.        I feel the everlasting sparks and warmth that only he can provide.  I just hope that I can be the Queen he deserves. I want to melt but he quickly grabs my hand and drags me out of my room. He never lets go of my hand as he leads me back to the elevator. We head down to the main floor for dinner. We turn right off the stair well and go towards the sitting room. He pulls me gently to the left of the sitting room where there is another hallway. We continue to walk in comfortable silence. We come upon double doors at the end of the hall. There was guards standing on each side of the double oak white doors with windows.           The dining hall was filled with people. It looked like a modern day banquet hall. The walls were midnight blue with white trim. There was royal blue curtains that were slightly open to the floor to ceiling arch windows. The room was filled with round tables that could seat at least six people. The tables were light oak wood with the blue upholstery chairs that have the same light oak wood legs. The carpet was blue with intricate designs. There was one table that was long and Chris the beta was sitting there with two she-wolves and another male wolf. By the demeanor of the other male wolf, he had to be the Delta. But all I could really see of him was his hair was as dark as mine and his skin was a medium tan.          Atlas guides me to the long light oak wood table that matched the rest of the room. He pulled out the seat to the right of him, as he was the head of the table. He is the King. Beta Chris sat to Atlas's left and then there was a she-wolf that had The most beautiful silky smooth blond hair. She had baby blue eyes and cream colored skin. She smiled with so much kindness and friendliness. She had light make up on that highlighted her blue eyes. She used natural colors to define her high cheekbones. You could tell that she held some authority.        "May I have everyone's attention!" Atlas's voice booms through the room. Everyone gets very quiet. You could probably hear a pin drop. He continues. "As all of you have suspected, I have found my mate and you new Queen. This is not a formal introduction. We will be having a coronation soon. I expect you give her the same respect you give me. I would like to give the floor to my beautiful Queen." He looks down at me expecting me to say something. I hear the claps and hollers of excitement. I blush a little because I don't really like all attention on me but I guess it's something I am going to have to get use too.        I stand and look out towards the pack members of the kingdom. I can feel my hands get clammy and sweaty. I felt the tingles of the mate bond as my mate grabs my hand. I start to calm as he sends encouraging vibes through our bond. I look at all the faces in the dining hall. Some had looks of curiosity, other with jealousy. I began my small speech.           "Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am Athena Blackwell as my mate forgot." I laugh a little. Hearing the light chuckles across the dining room. I continue. "I will do everything in my power to be the best Queen I can be. I look forward to getting to know all of you." I ended and I felt a gentle squeeze to my hand. I look to my mate.         His honey brown eyes were a shade darker. I gulp seeing the pride, adoration and love. We haven't even had a chance to get to know each other. How could he love me already? I smile a genuine smile. I want to get to know this man. This all seems to be happening so fast. I am just exhausted already. What will it be like when I take on the Queen's duties?        "Alright everyone, now we can eat." Atlas bellows out.        The palace kitchen staff came out with our plates. It smelt delicious. I could smell the medium rare steak with sautéed onions and mushrooms. As the plates were set down in front of me, my senses were right. The steak came with a loaded baked potato, a buttered roll, and Swedish green beans. Then they came around filling our water glasses and wine glasses. Everyone dug into the mouthwatering meal.          I take a bit of my steak and held back a moan. I could feel someone's gaze on me so I looked up to find the guy next to Chris was staring at me. This man had the same shade of grey eye's as I do. His hair was filled with ringlets of short curly black hair.  He has high cheekbones and a strong jaw. You can tell he is built under the dark blue button up. His grey eyes are swirling with emotions that I can't decipher. I am only assuming by his powerful aura that he is in fact the Delta.           While we had our staring contest, I felt again like I was having Deja Vu.  He looked so familiar. The longer our eye's were on each other, the more I felt like there was a connection that was reforming. It was as if two ends of a wire were being put back together and I could feel the electric shocks. I very quickly pulled my eyes away from his and looked down at my plate.         What the hell was that? I feel as though I am losing my mind. Everything about this place seems as if I have been here before. I think I would remember if I ever visited the kingdom. I shake my head of the thoughts. I am giving myself a headache.          I feel the familiar tingles on my thigh. My eye's snap to my mate. His lips were downward and his eyes were giving me a confused but knowing look. I don't understand what is going on but I am determined to find out. 
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