Chapter 11

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Athena's POV:                       It's been a few weeks since I went ballistic on the Rebecca chick. I guess, I beat her pretty bad that it was taking her wolf a lot longer to heal her. I feel so bad that I did that to her. It makes me a bad person, a bad Queen. I just want to do my best but I attacked a pack member. Who am I? I don't understand my anger. When she said that Atlas was her mate I lost it. Shadow took over and she just attacked.                        I am now sitting in the kitchen with my mom. I got to meet her finally but I was so upset to know that my dad died that day. He was a fierce fighter, one of the best. I haven't talked to anyone about what else I know about what really happened to me. I don't know really why I left that part out except I was still trying to understand myself what happened back then. Plus, all the memories I have already. It's just been confusing. I just don't want to worry anyone. I still haven't got these special gifts that the Moon Goddess told me I would have. She didn't exactly tell me when I would get them either.             "Darlin, are you okay?" My mom brings me out of my head.               "Yeah mom, I am fine. I just was thinking." I tell her.                "You always were a stubborn child. You only ever opened up to Zander and Atlas. I just can't believe that you are twenty-two already. I have missed your whole life." She chokes out the last sentence.              I walk over to her and embrace her in a hug. Tears roll out of her milk chocolate eyes. She wraps her arms around me. She is so beautiful. I wish I would have had her as my mom all these years. It would have been awesome to be able to come home to mom baking in the kitchen. I can actually imagine coming home to her baking in the kitchen and me coming home from a bad day at school, needing to talk to her. But I guess she is here now.                         "Mom, I am here now, that's all that matters. We all got robbed mom. I wish I could have had you in my life, rather than deal with feeling alone." I shrug like none of this matters but I really need to have my mom there for me.                          Mom pulls away. "You are right as always baby girl. You were always outspoken just like your father. So, how are you and Atlas?" She smiles.                      "To be honest, I don't know. These last few weeks it's like he is avoiding me. I haven't seen much of him and I am getting worried that maybe he regrets finding me in the first place." I tried to keep the sadness out of my voice but I failed terribly. I didn't realize it until my mom wiped away the tears that stained my face, that I was even crying.                  "Sweetheart, men are strange creatures. When, it comes to romance and duty, they have their priorities mixed up." She soothes me with her calm voice.              I just nod. She goes back to to her baking and I leave the kitchen. Deciding that I wasn't going to stand for him to be working all the time, I go straight to his office. I remember walking these halls when we were young.  I run my hand down the wood walls. It's nice that Atlas kept this part of the palace this way. He always said that he one day he would occupy his great-grandfather's office. That one day we would occupy this part of the palace as our own. He always knew that his great-grandmother's room was where I liked to play dress up and pretend I was a princess.            I get to his office door. I take a deep breath because I am going to need the courage to tell him everything on my mind. I am mad at him for ignoring me. I want him to know it too. He was so kind and gentle with me and now he works all the time. My anger for not being near him is enhanced because Shadow was angrier than me.  She thought that we would get to know our mate but no he has been stuck in his office. So instead of knocking, I just barge right into his office.             What I see is not what I expected. He was sitting on the edge of his desk. Sitting in the chair across from his desk was none other than Rebecca. I instantly let out a warning growl. Their heads snap to me. I could feel Shadow's anger rise. The rumble in my chest was a sign of me fighting my wolf. I slam his office door shut.         My grey eyes bore into her.  Rebecca's tight jawline with her high cheekbones makes me want to falter a bit. Her forest green eyes are hooded by her log eyelashes. She has blond hair that shines as it lays over her right shoulder in a braid. But her skin is pale. She almost looked sick with how pale her skin is. She is so gorgeous. I really have nothing on her in beauty but she will not get to take my mate.                   "Baby, I am glad you are here. I was just discussing with Rebecca about her behavior." My mate says. It makes me stand straighter but the sneer doesn't leave my face as my eyes ever leave Rebecca.                  I finally look at my mate. I am so angry that he has ignored me for the last couple of weeks and the first time I am seeing him, he has f*****g Rebecca in his office alone. I want to trust my mate but the smirk on her face says that there is more to this story than him scolding her. If she was just her to be punished for the disrespect of her King and soon to be Queen then shouldn't I have known about this little meeting.         "Talk." I say with a cold ruthless voice. I saw how my mate was taken back by the tone in my voice. The look he gave me was that we would be having a talk about this later. But really I was even surprised at my tone.            "Have a seat please." He kindly instructed.         I give him a 'are you kidding look'. "I think I will stand, thank you." I sarcastically say. Yeah, I may be throwing a lot of attitude and may be I am acting a bit childish. But wouldn't any girl react this way with their man is in a room with another chick.         "Okay, when you came in, Rebecca had just got here." He informs. Rebecca's smirk couldn't get any wider.  I can feel my blood boil. I just want to wrap my hands around this b***h's neck.        "I promise you Athena, I am going to kill her if she doesn't wipe that smirk off her face." Shadow growls.        "Yeah believe me girl, she even thinks of touching our mate, I will snap her neck myself." I angrily growl internally.        "You need to wipe that smirk off your face before I wipe it off for you." I menacing growl. The smirk on her face dropped. Now it was my turn to smirk at her.       "As I was saying, I was going to give Rebecca here her punishment for disrespecting her King and Queen." Atlas coldly says. I don't know if it was being directed at me or if he was directing his coldness to her.       "And what is her punishment Atlas? Because I am telling you that Shadow wants blood for what she did. I will not tolerate disrespect." I sneer out.       "I was thinking you should choose her punishment since you are my equal. She disrespected the crown as far as I am concerned." He replies with no emotion on his face.         He wants me to choose her punishment. But I am not officially Queen yet. I don't know how to give out a punishment. I internally groan because I don't know what punishment to give out. I am sure that I will mess this up. I mess everything up. But then I start to see flashes of when she came barging into Atlas's room. I remember that all I could see is blood red and Shadow pounced. I don't really remember what happened after that.             "I am not going to be inhuman about your punishment Rebecca. But I think that you should spend a month in the cells with the being injected with silver. You will have no communication with the pack during this time. You will have no visitors except for the guards that bring you meals. You will have no ability to talk to your wolf either hints the silver. Maybe this will make you rethink what you did and maybe you should think about wanting to find your own mate instead of trying to climb the social latter." I calmly said.           "You can't do this to me. I am suppose to be Queen. He promised me that I would be Queen." Rebecca yells. I am kind of taken back by her reaction. But before I could ask her what she meant. Atlas confronts her.             "What do you mean by he promised you that you would be Queen? And who promised you?" Atlas confusingly says.           "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE MINE. I WAS MOLDED TO BE QUEEN!" She exclaimed.           Atlas and I just look at each other. He must have mind-linked the guards. She got out of the chair and tried to lunge at me. Somehow Shadow calculated that she would do this and took over. Shadow grabbed her by the throat just as the guards bust through the office door. Kieran lead the charge with Jason right by his side. At least five Royal Guards came in. The Chris an Zander come in. Zander ran to me wrapping his arms around my waist.           "Come on sis, don't do this you will regret this." He tells me with concern. I knew he was right but calming down Shadow was going to be hard.            "Tell me who told you that you would be Queen!" I exclaimed. Shadow and my blood was boiling.              "I won't tell you s**t b***h. Just know that I will be Queen." She spit in my face. This pissed me off where I wanted to kill her.              I loosened my grip on her throat, just as she fell from my grip Kieran caught her and had her hand in cuffs. I was shaking as I wanted her to have a taste of her own medicine. However, at this point, I not only have Zander holding me back but Atlas too. They were struggling to hold me back as I was snarling at her even as Kieran was taking her away. I could see fear in her eyes as she was looking back at me.             I feel a prick in the side of my neck. I growled at whoever did this. I thrashed around until I felt Shadow fall to the back of my mind. She whimpered. Atlas picks me up bridal style and sets me down on the couch in his office.            "Baby, I had to have Dr. Stevens give you a sedative. Why don't you rest on the couch while I talk to Chris and Zander." He gently rubs my hair out of my face. He then leans down and kisses my forehead.            The tingles that spread through me and my body calmed. Soon the darkness over took me.  
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