Hot coincidences

2547 Words
I'm screwed. I'm totally screwed. I have to get out of here. But how?! Ok Katherine. Slow down. Don't panic. You're trained for situations like this. Why is Nathan here, for heaven's sake?! I slowly turn my back at him, praying not to be seen and I hide in the crowd, making my way back to the bathroom. Damn it! If I exit the club he will see me. I need an emergency exit. "Savannah? I have a problem." I open again the connection and I hear Savannah gasp. "Miss?! Are you hurt? You need help?!" I can hear the stress in her voice, after all if something happens to me hers will be the head on a silver plate. "No no clam down. There's one of my friends in the club. I'm still in the bathroom but if I go out there he will blow my cover. Can you look ate the planimetry? Is any way out from here?" I'm circling in the bathroom, jumping every time someone enter. "There's a window above one of the toilet. Get out from here, I'm gonna bring the car back there." I kick off my heels and thankfully the only girl in here is to occupied puking in the toilet and not looking at me. Above one on the stalls I see the little window and I climb on the toilet, praying not to fall in that disgusting water and I reach the windowsill. I manage to squeeze my body through it but I loose balance and fall outside. Two guys look at me, thank god everyone here is drunk. I smile and, faking a tipsy walk, and I get in the car safely. At least I got the information that I needed. *Home. In the Boss' office.* "WHAT?!" my dad's voice thunder throughout the whole house, it's a miracle that no one wakes up. "Dad it's not a big deal, he didn't saw me and I got the information that we needed." I try to calm my dad that's boiling with anger, the veins on his neck are pulsing trough his skin. "Savannah! Why the hell you didn't double checked?! This could have been a huge mess!" his voice shakes me into the core, but I can't stand him when he puts blame on her, when there's absolutely no one to blame. "Stop it right there dad! It's not her fault! She doesn't even ever saw him! How could she knew? It's no one fault. We're safe and we completed our mission. That's all that counts." I step between him and her, raising my voice too, this is not fair. But, as I expected, the reaction in far from good. I gotta learn when to shut my f*****g mouth. He slams his closed fist on his desk, papers flying around, and beaks two glasses. "Watch your mouth Katherine Moore! I'm still the Boss here! For f**k sake. Get out of my sight, the both of you, before I do something I will regret." I make a step back while Savannah almost runs out. I look back at him but he points his finger up, telling me to go in my room and I slam the door. I make my way upstair also slamming my door. I almost growl for the frustration. I hate when he doesn't listen to me! I strip to the bathroom and I get into the shower, letting the hot water streaming down my back. Nathan. Why were you there? I'm so confused. It's pretty far away that club, it's not like he happened to be there. I get out the shower and go straight to bed. Tomorrow I will ask him. I have to know. *The next morning* Maddie looks at me like I'm a crazy girl. "Katie you seems a little paranoid" she tilts her head and smiles at me while we walk to class. We are taking the long way, I don't want to meet him right away.  "You think I'm overreacting?" Jesus what's happening to me?  "Maybe?" Maddie opens the door and I sneak into the classroom, head down, sitting as far as I can from him, I have to think and he's too distracting. *End of school* I'm walking out of school when I hear his voice. "Hey stranger! I didn't see you all morning!" I stop dead in my track and I close my eyes. Concentrate Kate. I take a deep breath and raise my shoulder. How can I ask him without getting caught? "Yeah well I'm sorry but Miss Brown was really cranky this morning and I didn't want another detention." I fake a little smile but he obviously doesn't believe me and frowns, his beautiful black eyes scanning my face, studying me. "You're sure everything's ok? You know I'm always here for you, you're my best friend." I bite my lower lip. Friend. Well, that sucks. I notice that he's looking at my mouth and all I can think now is that I just wanna jump in his arms. God not now Kate. I let got of my lip and take a step back. He blinks a couple of times and goes back to my eyes. "Did you do something particular yesterday night? You seem pretty tired." All of a sudden he looks at his feet rubbing his nape. "Ermh.. what? No.. I was.. home.. I.. ermh.." Is he lying? I tilt my head but a squeaky voice stops my mouth before I even try to speak."EHY GUYS! Wait for me!" Seriously?? two tiny arms wrap around his chest from behind and Nathan looks relieved. She smacks a kiss on his lips and I just have to look away. "What are you guys up to?" I stare straight at Nathan, raising an eyebrow. He's looking everywhere but me.  "Nothing honey.." he smiles at her but Anna is to occupied scanning me with a super fake smile and pulls Nathan even closer to her. Is she jealous? I look at her in the eyes and smile too. What the f**k is her problem? "Well, we should get going. My mom is waiting for us. Bye Katie!" She frantically pull Nathan's arm away and get in his car. Before closing the car door he glance at me, a sad look in his eyes. You're hiding something Nathan. But what?  *The next day.*Marcus is back from his mission, I've training with him this afternoon. I really missed him, he's a really good friend, makes this life a little bit better.  "I can't wait to kick his ass! I have a name to defend!" I'm on my bed talking on the phone with Maddie. Out the window I can see birds flying by and the tops of some trees moving in the wind. I hear a gasp on the other side of the phone. "You're so lucky Katie, you don't know what I would do to have a body like his all over mine!"  I burst into laughter from Maddie's tone. I can picture her: sitting on the floor, painting her nails and daydreaming. "Don't you ever think about him in that way, you're off limits. I don't want you to get hurt. You know that he is a f*****g player. Once he gets into your panties he will dump you like garbage. And then I would have to kill him with my bare hands." Maddie pretends to cry like a baby and we both laugh. "Ok ok I got it. But I still think the he is hot AF." I try to think at Marcus again, but I can't picture him like my lover anymore. I don't think we will f**k ever again. On the other hand I can clearly see a naked Nathan in my bed almost every night. If someone could look at my dreams I would be in jail! "Kate?" Maddie snaps me out of my thoughts. "Yeah yeah you got the point. Plus, I've got to train with Harrison this past week and it was boring to death. So much theory and almost no hand to hand." *Later*  "Long time no see Katie!" Marcus has a big smile on his face, he's waiting for me in the gym, stretching on the floor. "Missed me?" I enter like a runway model laughing at his expression. "Actually yes, pretty girl." I put my hands on my hips and I and shake my head. "I'm gonna beat the crap out of you. This will be my personal welcome back." "I don't expect anything less from you. Bring it on." He jumps up ready to fight and I smile. Adrenaline enters my body and I savor this wonderful sensation.  We begin circling each other, trying to spot some weaknesses. I notice that he barely puts weight on his left ankle, he probably got hurt back where he was. And me being me, a low blow lover, I drop to the ground swinging my leg behind his right foot to force him on the hurting ankle. As I expected he loses balance and falls on his butt. "I knew it. You're such a cheater." he glares at me from the floor, rising back up. "If you knew it you should have been more concentrate. " I swing my hair behind my shoulder and he gets me while I'm distracted. He grabs  my waist, spins me upside down and drops me to the ground. I lose a breath from the impact. Marcus tries to block me down but I quickly put my feel on his chest slamming him to the wall. "Always too slow." I'm panting from the impact but he doesn't slow down. "Watch out." Marcus raises his elbow and hits me across the face. s**t! That hurts! I spit a little bit of blood before grabbing his forearm with one hand and I begin punching him in the stomach, to his breaking point. He falls on the ground face down. I get on top of him, rotating his arm back. He his blocked. I tight my grip and Marcus finally slam the other hand three times on the mattress. I won. I'm back at my old self, and I love this sensation.  "Come on little girl, let me help you." I offer my hand at Marcus, helping him back up on his feet. "Jesus Christ Katherine. That was harsh." Marcus rubs his stomach and look at me with a little smile. "Don't say I didn't warn you. Welcome back, by the way" I put my harm around his shoulder and we laugh together a little. "You'll never change. Let's go eat, shall we?" We make our way upstair, a strong, delicious smell catches our attention and we rush to the kitchen. *Evening*  I'm in my bedroom, exhausted and guess what? I can't stop thinking about Nathan. How much he turns me on every time he runs his hand through is messy hair, when he strips his shirt at practice. He's always surrounded by cheerleaders and luckily he never saw me staring. Every time we lock eyes I get lost in them, sometimes I just want to jump on him and make him mine. More than once Maddie had to literally shake me to get my attention. I just can't help it. He's always so nice and flirty to me but he suddenly changes when there's Anna or Marcus around. And I think that Anna is starting to hate me. She's sweet as a candy when Nathan is watching but when we're alone she kills me with her stare. Good God what did I do to deserve this drama?!  *The next afternoon. School* "Are you ready to go Katie?" Maddie and I are changing fro practice as fast as we can, we lost track of time at lunch. "Yes, I really need a run." I just put on my shirt when Mr Lee slams his fist on the door shouting. "LADIES! This is not spear time! Don't make me lose my patience and start running! " Maddie and I jump from the scare and we get on the field, head down, under the teacher's infuriated glare. We start running in circles an in front of us there are Nathan and Anna, running as well. I take this opportunity to study his back, without anyone noticing. He has a toned physique, his muscles dart under his sun-kissed skin as he jogs. I follow the line of his back to his ass and, I gotta say it, he has a pretty good butt. I feel the heat on my face and between my legs. Holy f**k, what I would to him. Thank God I'm running and no-one is guessing why I'm so red and wet. *End of practice.* We're inside again, me and Maddie alone, changing our sweaty clothes. "There's no way that I'm showering here! I'm going home. Want a lift?" She looks with a disgusted face inside the showers and backs off immediately. "No thanks Maddie, I've got no time, I must to shower here. My dad is picking me up, we're going out for dinner." I strip my clothes too and wrap my body in a towel. I start the water in one of the stalls to warm it up. "Some father-daughter time? " Maddie tilts her head and looks at me with a sweet smile. She knows how delicate this period is for my family. "Yeah, mom death's anniversary is tomorrow and you know.." words die in my mouth and my throat closes. It takes nothing to rip open this wound. I've never been able to talk about her. "Ok sweetie don't worry.. no need to explain, I know." She stroker my head and gently pulls me in a hug. I bury my head in her blonde cascade of hair. "I'll let you shower, I'll text you later ok? Love you!" I nod and wait for her to be gone. I need some time to myself. After a nice hot shower I wrap myself in a warm towel and go back in the locker room. As I'm searching for my clean underwear in my bag I hear the door open and it scares the crap out of me. I jump back, letting go of everything, and see Nathan entering the room. Half naked, just a little towel hanging for dear life on his hips. Those V lines... "What the f**k are you doing here?!" My jaw drops and my heart is pounding in my chest.  "Holy s**t I'm so sorry Kate! I got out of the shower and I though this was.. the.. well.. the.. " Nathan's gaze changes a million times while staring at me, his mouth is open but he just doesn't speak. I loose my patience. "What?!" I snap my finger in his face when he finally looks in my eyes and I can read his gaze. Lust. He's staring at me with his most sexy eyes. He gazes back down at my body and it takes me a few seconds to realize the I dropped my towel. I open and close my mouth several times but I'm petrified, I can't move a muscles. I look down at my naked body and back at Nathan. I can't think straight and he is slowly walking towards me.
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