Is that you?

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I close the locker door behind me and I lean on that, slowly sliding down to the floor. I feel like he tore my heart out. Just a few deep breaths Katherine. Deep breaths. He's nothing to me and I'm nothing to him. So I've got no right to be jealous. I regain my temper and start changing for P.E. "Kate? Are your in there?" I hear small steps in the silence as I'm tying my hair. "Yes Maddie, come in, I'm changing." Her head pops from behind the door, with an uncertain smile. "So.. do you want to talk?" Her hands squeezing softly mine, But I feel like and empty room. "There's nothing to talk about Maddie. He can date whoever he wants and so do I. We're just friends" I see the doubt on Maddie's face but she knows me, I will talk when I'm ready. She lets go my hands and takes me under my arm. "Ok then.. let's go practice before Mr Lee starts yelling at us." she fakes a scared face and makes me laugh out loud. Oh I'm so grateful for having her. We step out on the field and I see him with a bunch of cheerleaders all around him. He looks at me and I wave at his direction like nothing ever happened and take off running with Maddie. Oh yes, rough air in my face, adrenalin pumping trough my veins. I needed a good run. Me and Nathan don't talk during practice but I peek at him every now and then. His athletic and sweaty body... Sometimes we make eye contact and I always look away. No emotion Katherine, remember what dad says. Everything is easier. *End of school day, in the alley* "Hey bestie! I have to run, my mom is waiting outside, see ya tomorrow?" Maddie smacks a big kiss on my cheek before running down the alley. "Sure girl, see ya tomorrow, love you!" I have to scream because she's already far and all I can hear is a far 'I love you too!' I smile and shake my head, Maddie is like a volcano, she never stops. I'm walking out but when I turn around the corner Alexis blocks my way. "Well well well. Who we have here? Or should I say what" I'm a little surprised and her disgusted face honestly makes me want to laugh.  "And all alone." Behind her there's her fiend Kayla and at that point I can't take it anymore and I burst in laughter. "Really Alexis? You needed your minion to be strong enough to talk to me? Do I scare you?" I'm panting, trying to stop laughing. "Listen to me you slut!" Her voice reaches a pitch that I didn't knew existed, but how dare she calling me a slut, when she's the one that ha passed every boy? I close my fists and tilt my head. She better stop right here. "Stay away from Nathan. He's mine and he doesn't need bad influence!" Unfortunately she continues and point her hot pink nailed finger at me. Wrong move. I quickly grab her wrist, twisting it and pulling our faces a few inches apart. I bet my face shows all my anger. "First, if I were you I would watch my mouth, you don't know who you're talking to. Second, we're only friends, he's all yours, I'm not interested. However, if he wants to get popular why not start with  the easy one?" I push her away, and as I'm walking away I hear her screaming and stomping her foot like a baby. Jesus, one day she will push my limits a little too much. I close my eyes a second to calm down only to bump in somebody chest. "So you're not interested?" I jump away, scared. "Jesus Christ Nathan! You freaking scared me!" He smiles a little and so do I. I can't resit, he's contagious. "I couldn't help but listen at your little conversation." he seems a little uncomfortable and I rub my hair.  "Lovely, don't you think?" the scene of him and Alexis of this morning won't stop hunting me so I start to walk away, cutting the conversation. Nathan grabs my forearm and spins me around to face him. At his touch another jolt of electricity runs trough my body leaving me in need of something more. How does he do that?! "She won't stop following me, I don't know what to do, I swear!" I raise my brows. Is he justifying himself? "Maybe wearing a burlap sack will help hiding that body of yours." I can't stop my mouth And my jaw drops. I take a step back from him, only to find myself against the wall. He takes a step closer and puts his hands on either side of my head, he seems so massive compared to me right now. "You think so Katie?" his minty breath caresses my face, I'm trapped and completely speechless. We lock eyes and everything else goes blurry, I'm drowning in that black ocean. I can feel his breath on my skin as he gently strokes my cheek, and a shiver of pleasure runs down my back. I gulp as he slowly closes the distance between us.  DRIIIIIIIIIN Fuck. Are you kidding me right now?! Suddenly we are torn from our fantasies and I take a deep breath as he puts more distance between us. "Let's get going." I nod and we walk together in complete silence. We reach the parking lot and I see Marcus, leaned on the car, flirting to a random girl. Another on the list, he will never change. When he sees me he winks at me and start walking in my direction, completely ignoring that poor girl. "Ready to go home beautiful?" He scans Nathan from head to toe, whit a look that I've never seen in his eyes. "I already told you not to call me that. By the way, Marcus this is Nathan, Nathan this is Marcus." They stare at each other without saying a word. Soooooo awkward. "Ermh we should get going. See you tomorrow?" I try to break the silence but they are still staring at each other. Oh, if only looks could kill. "Yes. I'll text you later ok?" He walks to his car, without even me being able to answer. Why? I punch Marcus on the shoulder and get in the car. *Home* I take a step in the kitchen and try to go as fast as I can to my room but obviously, Marcus won't let this thing go. "Was him jealous of me? He gave me a death stare." seriously? Like he wasn't doing the same thing! "We're only friends and there's nothing between me and you to be jealous about" I raise my hand and cut the conversation, going straight to my room. I'm not used to keep secrets from Marcus, and I don't like it, but is necessary. I launch myself face down on my bed, I just want to get away from everything. My phone buzzing forces me to move. 1 new message from: Nathan Walker "Hey stranger" I little smile creeps on my mouth. I feel like I'm acting like a stupid. Reply "Hey Nathan" 1 new message from: Nathan Walker "Can I ask you something?" Reply  "Yeah, what is it?" 1 new message from: Nathan Walker "Do you happen to know the blondie who's sitting behind us in history class? I noticed how she looks at me sometimes and I wanted to talk to her. Please tell me she's single!"  Ouch. That hurts. What did you expect Kate? He's hot, nice and clever. And other girls are not blind. Neither is he. And I'm only a complete mess. 1 new message from: Nathan Walker  "Katie? Are you there?" Reply  "Yeah, sorry. She's Anna Clark. She's a very sweet girl and yes, she's single. It's your lucky day." 1 new message from: Nathan Walker  "Really?! Yeah! Do you think she will like me?" Double ouch. My heart just dropped in my chest. That's how is supposed to be, it's better now than later. Reply  "Yeah, I suppose." 1 new message from: Nathan Walker "It's everything ok? You seem a little off. Is that boyfriend of yours treating you right?" Reply  "He's not my boyfriend. He works for my dad. But whatever, I have to go training now. See you tomorrow Nat." I turn off my phone. I must blow some steam off and I go downstairs.  "Harrison? Are you here?" I just have to get out of here, as soon as possible. "Yes, Miss. What do you need?" He's working on his computer, but stand immediately up at my orders. I like this feeling. "I want to go to the shooting range. Can you drive me?" Is efficiency is surprising, he nods and walks me outside. Even if this way my dad will know right away, I didn't have the will to sneak out and face the consequences. Just not now. *A few hours later* All in the head. Exactly in the center of the forehead of the target. I have a wonderful aim. And I feel a little bit better after a hot shower. I wrap my body in a towel and go back to my room. I'm searching for my pj when I hear a knock non the door. "Come in." I see Marcus' head sliding in from behind and I wave my hand, letting he in. "Hey. You ok? Harrison told me what you did to that poor targets.." aaaand there we go. I can't do anything without them questioning me. "Well, I was a little bit stressed. Better them than you right?" I turn around untying my hair and I her him chuckle. "Love problems?" I look at him sideways and keep doing my things like nothing happened. "Nope. No emotions. You know what Boss says." I see that he doesn't believe me but I won't leave room for the conversation to continue. "So why did you came in the first place?" I try to distract him from that topic and luckily I can. "I was wondering if you wanted to let off steam a bit, but I see you've already done it." He turns to exit the room but I don't want to be alone right now. "I never said that I was done." I lower my voice and I hear him locking the door. He looks at me with his best grin. It feels so wrong but I can't help it, I need to distract myself. I need to think at something else rather than Nathan and Anna together. Or Alexis. I stay in place while he walks towards me. Slowly and sensually. He stops a few inches from me, softly touching my collarbones. I close my eyes and all the anger, the sadness, the betrayal come to surface. Nathan wants Anna? Or that b***h of Alexis? Good. This is my way to avenge myself. I roughly pull the collar of his shirt making our lips collide. He rips the towel of  my body and pushes me down on the bed. He blocks my wrists above my head with one hand while the other one wander on my curves. I lock my legs around his waist, felling him harden on my lower belly. His mouth leaves a trail of kisses and little nibbles down to my breast and I arch my back in pleasure. Whit my feel I pull down his sweatpants, freeing him. He takes me like that, and we consume our bodies in each other while I desperately try to feel a little better. *The next morning* I feel like s**t. Literally. I'm making my way to class while I fill up Maddie with everything that happened. "Wow girl. This is sad. But you're not a thing. I mean.. " she squeeze my hand trying to relieve my pain. "I know what you mean Maddie. I'm gonna enjoy his friendship. No man can mess with my head. I'm done with this s**t. I need to focus and I.." I see her eye rolling and I laugh as she repeats word after word. " .. "I don't need emotions nor love" I know I know! Jeez Kate, you always repeat that sentence." "You know Me too well Maddie Johnson! Thank you for listening" I tilt my head and she hugs me as hard as she can. The rest of the month went by smoothly and Nathan and I are becoming more closer every day. We are a little flirty with each other but nothing really happened. You know why? Anna. Since the day Nathan spoke to her she's always with us. Maddie and I are going crazy. She's sweet and all but jeez! Let me breathe! My mom death's anniversary is approaching and both me and dad are so grumpy and ready to blow up. Constantly arguing with everyone. Marcus is on a mission and he won't be back for another week or so.  I'm in my dad's office, studying the last couple of thing about tonight. "Katherine. I want you ready by 7:00pm. Your going to spy on Torres' man at the club. Someone will watch and listen from outside. But inside you will be on your own." he looks at me and I can see his pride, just like mine, shining through. We smile at each other, we are just as two water drops. "Don't worry dad. I'm ready. " I'm getting ready to go, my dark red waves fall on my shoulder perfectly and my body is hugged by the tiniest piece of fabric that I ever seen. I feel so sexy in this! I put on a heavy hand of mascara, liner and red lipstick. I look at the girl in the mirror, confident in her body, that knows how to use her curves. *Outside Malia's club, north San Francisco, 7:55pm.* Savannah is next to me in the driver seat, with a grin on her face. She's one of the best in our team. "Ready Miss? Here's you earphone. Your gun?" She puts a hand on my shoulder, lightly squeezing it and I smile. "In my purse. And I've got knives in both my shoes." I check my equipment and take a deep breath. "Good. It's time." I get out of the car, head held high, moving as sensually as I can. *in the club* I enter and scan the bar and almost right away I can spot two of Torres' men sitting at the counter. By looking at the amount of shot glasses in from of them I would guess that they are already pretty tipsy. Perfect. "Excuse me Mr, can you make a little room for me? I wanted to order something." I bite my lower lip and look directly in the eyes of the first one, playing with one strand of my hair. "Oh what a gorgeous thing we have here! Don't you think Scott? Please, my treat." his eyes widen and I can almost read the lousy thoughts crossing his mind. It's disgusting, but that's how this have to go. "Oh what a gentleman. So rare nowadays. I'm Miky, by the way." I take his hand in mine, circling my thumb in his palm. "Such a pleasure meeting you. You're something different." I blink, moving my long lashes. The other one grabs my men by his shoulder, angrily. "Don't get distracted. We're here for a reason." I act as innocent as I can, even with a pouty lip. "I'm so sorry, I didn't want to disturb. It's just a bad day, you know? That useless boyfriend of mine can't keep a job for more than a week and he's making me crazy. I can leave if you want." I take a small step back but Lewis put his arm around my back, keeping me close. He glares at the other one and focus on me. "Oh don't mind my friend. It's your lucky day, sweet Miky. In front of you there's a real man, I love my job and it gives me a lot of money. I could make you happy." I let out a big smile and caress his arm. Ugh. I want to vomit. "Really? What kind of job? You're such a great man. And so handsome." I laugh like a little girl and see the lust sparkling in Lewis eyes. "I'm nothing like you, sunshine." he leans on me whispering on my neck. I'm going to puke, for God's sake.  Many shots later he stats talking like a bird. Where he lives, where they usually meet. I'm so f*****g good at this s**t. But I need a pause from his filthy hands. Jesus, I'll have to wash myself with acid when I go back home. "I'm going to use the restroom if you don't mind handsome. When I'm back I will be all yours." I blow a kiss to him and slowly head to the bathroom. I can feel his eyes on my butt the whole time.  I lock myself in one of the stalls and open the connection with Savannah outside. "Savannah? Can you hear me?" Luckily there's loud music and no one near me can hear. "Loud and clear Miss. You're doing a great job." Perfect now I just have to get myself out of this situation before Lewis tries something on me. "I'm going back, I wanted only to check up." I cut the connection and make my way out. I walk, ready to get the hell out of there but when I'm in the middle of the dance floor I stop frozen in my track. I didn't expect to see who I'm seeing right now. Fuck f**k f**k! What the hell is he doing here?!
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