Part 5

974 Words
BYUNGCHAN'S P.O.V. I was laying on my bed trying to drain out the noises around me, when there was a knock at my door. "Come in!" I shout, my eyes still closed. The person at the door comes in and closes it behind him. "Can we talk, please?" Hanse asks looking at me. I sigh opening my eyes and sitting up straight. "What is there to talk about Hanse? You bluntly called me a murderer, when I have NEVER killed anyone in my entire existence." I say pissed off and hurt. "I wasn't trying to hu-" I roll my eyes and cut him off. "What also kind of hurt was that you think that I'm not capable of doing it." I say. "Well are you capable of doing it?" He asks me. "This bitch." I think to myself. "I'm not a killer Hanse." I say. "That's not what I asked, but it answered my question." He says leaning against my red door. "Get out of my room." I say standing up. "Face the truth brother, you just don't have the hart to do it." He says with a smirk. "What is your problem with me?" I ask offended. "What makes you think I have a problem brother?" He asks tilting his head a little to the left. "Everyday you have to pick a fight with me, why?" I ask irritated. "I'm not picking fights with you brother, you just get offended easily." He says moving away from the door. "The audacity he has." I say to myself. "I don't get 'offended' easily, you just ask and say offensive shit." I spit out. "Now, now, don't get aggressive brother. I'm just trying to have a conversation with you but you are making it very difficult for me." He says walking closer to me. "Just get out of my goddamn room." I say heavily annoyed with him. "You know, I was here to apologize but not anymore." He says shaking his head lightly. "As if I care." I say pushing past him, heading for my door. "I didn't kill that mundane." He says making me stop, my hand on my cold, silver doorknob. "I don't believe you." I say looking at the ground. "I'm telling you the truth. I wasn't even in town when that mundane was killed." He says. "If you didn't kill her, then who did?" I ask turning around to face him. "I don't know. All I know is that her body wasn't drained of blood. What 'Vampire' kills a mundane and doesn't drain the body of its blood?" He asks with a concerned look. "That doesn't make any sense. Are you trying to say that it wasn't one of us then?" I ask trying to understand what's going on. "Yes. When I was away, I heard that some are saying that a werewolf family moved to town." He says. My stomach sank to the ground by those words, "werewolf family". "You don't think it's true right?" I ask worried. "Honestly, anything is possible." He says. "God forbid it's-" Hanse cuts me off by completing my sentence. "The Lee's." A little back story. The Lee's, they are the biggest and 'royal' werewolf family among the werewolves and The Kim's, that's us, the actual Royal family and strongest vampire family among all the vampires has never seen eye to eye on anything. Grandfather Kim banished the Lee's after killing his daughter, my aunt, in combat in the early 1300's. If they're back then it means that grandfather.... is dead, and the banishment is lifted. "Oh my god!" I say out loud. "Yeah, we have a problem." He says bluntly. I rush out of my room to my fathers office. I knock twice before opening it and stepping in, not even waiting for him to grant me entrance. "Byungchan? Have you lost your manners?" Jaejoong asks unimpressed. "When did he die?" I ask, my eyes starting to sting from fighting back the tears. I've always loved my grandfather dearly. He was my anchor, my safe place, the only one who understood me. Now that he's gone, my heart is aching. "A month ago." Jaejoong sighs after a few moments of silence. "A mo- a month ago! And you didn't think to tell me?" I burst out, a tear finding its way down my cheek. At that moment Seungwoo steps into father's office. "Am I interrupting something?" He asks looking at me then father. "Byungchan knows." Jaejoong says looking at Seungwoo. "Son of a b***h! He knew as well?" I ask myself, anger taking over my sadness. "Byungchan, we wanted to tell you earlier." He says trying to defend himself and father. "You also knew? Why didn't you tell me Seungwoo?" I ask. "I couldn't find the right time to tell you, I'm sorry." He apologizes. "Unbelievable." I say to myself. I pull myself together and wipe away my tears. I take a deep breath before speaking. "Hanse and I think that The Lee's are back." I say looking at my father. "That's impossible. They are banished." He says sitting up straighter. "No, that makes sense." Seungwoo says. "Grandfather died, causing the ban to be lifted." He continues. "Hanse didn't kill that mundane father. A werewolf did." I say defending my brother. "What makes you so sure of that?" He asks. "The body wasn't drained of blood. What vampire kills a mundane and doesn't drain the body of it's blood?" I ask, repeating Hanse's words. "You are right, it is unusual for a vampire to kill and not feed." He says. "Father you don't think that they will try something again, do you?" Seungwoo asks concerned. "I'm not sure, but if they do, then they have to get through us." He says sternly. "That won't be easy." Seungwoo and I say in union. END OF P.O.V.
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