Part 4

681 Words
TAEYONG'S P.O.V. I was sitting in the library, getting some studying done when I felt a tap on my right shoulder. I look to my right and see Yuta busy with his work, my eye catches a piece of folded paper on the table with my name on it. I pick up the paper and unfold it. Just by looking at the handwriting I already knew Yuta wrote it. "You like him don't you?" I written on the paper. I over look at Yuta, he's looking at me right now. "Maybe, I don't know." I write back. I fold the piece of paper and slide it back to him. He unfold and reads it, a few seconds later he crunches the piece of paper in his hand. The bell rings for next class. We both get up out of our seats and grab our things. As we walk out of the library Yuta walks closer to me. "How can you like that guy? He's a total ass" He says looking at me. "He's not an ass! He's interesting, something else." I say looking back at him. He scoffs. "I'm something else Taeyong, him on the other hand, he's a complete dick." Yuta states. "You don't even know the guy. Stop being mean." I say shaking my head. "You like him." He clicks his tongue. I grab his right hand with my left and pull him closer to me. Inches apart from each other. "I said I don't know. Get to class Yuta." I say letting go of him, I walk into my class before he can say anything back. END OF P.O.V. YUTA'S P.O.V. "He's not an ass! He's interesting, something else." He says looking back at me. I scoff. "I'm something else Taeyong, him on the other hand, he's a complete dick." I state. "You don't even know the guy. Stop being mean." He says shaking his head. "You like him." I click my tongue. He grabs my right hand with his left and pulls me closer to him. Inches apart from each other. I hear my heart beating in my ears, heat making its way up my neck. His cologne still strong. "Keep it together Yuta." I say to myself. "I said I don't know. Get to class Yuta." He says letting go of me, he walks into his class before I can say anything back. I sigh and walk off to my next lecture. Back at our apartment I find Taeyong on his laptop. "He seems very invested into whatever he's busy with." I think to myself. I walk up behind him and peek over his left shoulder to see what he's doing on there. "Kim Jong Hyun." I say out loud. Oops. Taeyong gets a fright, and jumps a little. "Jeez Yuta! You scared me." He says closing his laptop. "Sorry." I say standing next to him. He looks up at me with a faint smile, a ray of sunlight shining through a small part of the living room's barely open curtain hits Taeyong's face, defining his perfect features, his light brown hair glistering in the sunlight. "How is he so perfect?" I ask myself. "What's up?" He asks looking away. I open his laptop back up and his screen lights up. "You stalking him now?" I ask in a "Are you serious?" tone of voice. "I'm not STALKING him, I'm just checking if he has any social media accounts, that's all." He makes up an excuse. "That's called stalking Yongie." I say rolling my eyes. He turns off his laptop and closes it. "Why isn't he saying anything back?" I ask myself. He gets up off of his chair and as he's about to leave he turns a little to face me. "You haven't called me that in years." He says softly before heading off to his room. "Yah! Taeyong-ah." I say after him but he just closes his bedroom door behind him. "What are you doing Yuta?" I ask myself shaking my head, I sigh sitting down on the now empty chair. END OF P.O.V.
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