Part 6

834 Words
TAEYONG'S P.O.V. "Yah! Taeyong-ah." I hear him say before I close my bedroom door. I sigh sliding down against my door onto the floor. I pull my knees up to me and wrap my arms around them, laying my forehead against them. "That's called stalking Yongie." plays in my head over and over. "Was I really stalking him?" I ask myself. I shake my head. "No, I was checking to see if he's on any social media platforms." I try reasoning with myself. "s**t! That is stalking." I groan rubbing my temples. "What has become of me. I don't stalk people, I'm not like that." I say laying my head against my door. I close my eyes trying to get him out of my mind, nothing. Every time I close my eyes, I see him standing in front of me, his hand held out to me. The touch of his skin against mine feels unnatural. "What is this feeling inside of me, butterflies? No, no it can't be that. I probably ate something that upset my stomach." I say to myself. I push myself off of the ground and walk over to my bed, falling down onto my stomach, my head buried in my pillows. A knock at my door wakes me up. I must have fallen asleep, it's dark outside now. My door opens slowly causing light from the hallway to find its way inside my room. "Taeyong? You awake?" Yuta asks walking into my room. "What time is it?" I ask rolling over, rubbing my eyes, trying to adjust them to the light source coming in from outside. "It's seven thirty." Yuta says walking over to my window, he closes my curtains and turns around to face me. I yawn still rubbing my eye. "Jeez, I slept so long." I say looking around my room. "Have you eaten anything yet?" I ask getting up, scratching my head. "No, I didn't want to eat knowing you haven't." He says playing with his fingers. I nod a few times lightly. "You wanna go out and grab something to eat?" I ask waiting for him to answer. "Y-yeah, yes. What did you have in mind?" He asks me. "Anything, you pick, I don't really mind." I say grabbing a black leather jacket throwing it on. "How about Tteokbokki?" He asks. There might not be a lot of light in my room but I can still see his eyes starting to glister with happiness. "Sounds good to me." I say adjusting my jacket. "Let me just grab a hoodie, I'll meet you at the door." He says walking out of my room. I quickly go to the bathroom and fix my messy hair. I wet the strands a little and run my fingers through them. I look at myself in the mirror. "Good enough, I've looked worse." I think to myself. I walk out of the bathroom to the front door and find Yuta waiting for me. I throw on my shoes and we head out to the nearest restaurant. "Taeyong, I just want to apologize for earlier." He says. "Don't apologize Yuta, it's fine." I say with a faint smile. "No, I was being a d**k about the whole situation and I'm really sorry about that." He says taking my left hand in both of his. "Yuta, it's really fine and thank you for saying that you're sorry, I appreciate it." I say, placing my open hand on top of his hands. The waiter comes and gets our order and leaves. "What have you been doing the whole time?" I ask playing with a sugar packet. "Playing games basically." He says with a small chuckle. "You shouldn't play video games so much, you're going to fry your brain." I say putting down the packet of sugar. "Yah! It won't fry my brain. It helps with improvement." He sates. "Improvement in?" I ask. "Knowledge of games and... I don't know what else." He laughs. "See it's already frying your brain." I say laughing with him. "That's mean." He whines. "I'm not being mean." I pout. He glares at me which turns into a staring contest. 5 minutes passed and we're still going. "Here's your order." The waiter says placing our plates on the table, snapping us out of our staring contest. END OF P.O.V. YUTA'S P.O.V. "That's mean." I whine. "I'm not being mean." He pouts. I glare at him which turns into a staring contest. 5 minutes passed and we're still going. With every second passing by, I feel my heartbeat picking up. Warmth making its way up my neck once again. "Everything about him is just perfect." I think to myself. "Here's your order." The waiter says placing our plates on the table, snapping us out of our staring contest. I clear my throat sitting back in my chair, running my hand through my hair. "Way to go waiter." I say to myself rolling my eyes. Luckily Taeyong didn't see that. END OF P.O.V.
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