Part 3

634 Words
REN'S P.O.V. Minhyun and I were busy in the training room preparing for an upcoming event. I've always liked fighting, it makes me feel like I'm in charge. I was my father's best fighter up until the accident. "The accident, that goddamn accident! It took everything from me!" I think to myself. My blood starts to boil just thinking about it. I haven't really talked about that day with anyone, not even my own family. I was snapped out of my own thoughts when my head slammed against the cold, hard, concrete floor in the training room. "Yah! Ren, where's your mind at? You aren't focusing at all." Minhyun says crouching down besides me. I sit up rubbing the back of my head. "f**k, that one hurt." I thought to myself. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something." I say looking at the ground. "Are you okay Ren?" He asks with a sad expression. No, not sad, worried. "I'm okay Minhyun." Liar, you are not okay. "I just got distracted, that's all." That's also a lie. "Maybe we should take a break, yeah?" He asks placing his left hand on my left shoulder, squeezing it a little. "No, let's keep going, I have to better myself. I need to better myself." I say pushing myself off of the floor. "Are you sure? We can con-" I cut him off by grabbing his left arm with my right hand, I flip him, making him land on his back. "We keep going." I exclaim. END OF P.O.V. JR walks into the castle expecting no-one to be home except for the cleaners. He was wrong though. "He's alive." Leeteuk says when JR entered the main room. "Hi dad." He says falling down onto the black, leather couch. "Where have you been JR?" He asks looking over at him. "I took a stroll through the park." He says closing his eyes. "You didn't kill anything or anyone did you." Leeteuk asks, his voice filled with worry. "No dad, I didn't kill anything or anyone, I just went on a walk." He says sitting up straight. "Where's the others?" He asks cracking his neck and rubbing it afterwards. "Ren and Minhyun are in the training room and the other two I don't know." Leeteuk says going back to what he was doing before. "Thanks dad." He says getting up. "Oof." Ren let out when he ended on the floor again. "That looked painful." JR says walking into the training room. "You're back. Where were you?" Minhyun asks walking over to him. "Took a walk through the park." JR says taking off his light blue denim jacket and laying it down on a table. "Saw or met something interesting?" Ren asks getting up. "Maybe." JR smirks. "Who is he?" Minhyun asks getting interested in the subject. "He's got blond hair, not too short but also not too long. Fair, soft skin, beautiful smile and big brown eyes. He's a little shorter than me. He's name is Lee Taeyong." JR says smiling to himself. "Sounds like our JR's got a crush." Minhyun says wiggling his eyebrows. "Shut up! I don't have a crush, I'm just intrigued." He says. "Was he alone?" Ren asks also interested. "No. He had a very protective 'friend' with him." He says rollong his eyes. "Girl or guy?" Ren asks. "A guy." He says annoyed. "Maybe he's just a friend, who knows." Minhyun says. JR walks over to the punching bag. (JR is someone who gets what he wants, and if something or someone is in his way of doing so, well... He'll make sure to get rid of the threat.) "If he's more than that, then I'll just have to change that." He says tilting his head to the left and right before punching the bag.
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