Chapter 2

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Joy POV I stood there in the middle of my studio confused , excited, anxious, shocked. I couldn’t believe we were going to school. Wait did Sam just compliment me what the freak ? Was my song really that good ? Couldn’t be , she had to be being sarcastic. I didn’t want to go to school, I would feel out of place. I was excited to meet new ppl other than the same faces around the castle, but mostly I was scared that I wouldn’t make any friends & no one would like me. I paced the floor then screamed uuuggghhh I took a deep breath Jeff you in the mood to create or you ready to go ? I can stay , for what it’s worth I love the song it’s amazing & you shouldn’t let your sister get to you Joy you don’t suck. Thanks Jeff I said as i walked back into the booth, I grabbed my base to play around with some sounds and create something new Sam just stressed me a lot & I needed to work off this Sam encounter. Follow me Jeff I put my headphones on, closed my eyes & started to play tuning out todays drama & tomorrow’s possibilities. After leaving the studio I had a thought cross my mind that my 17th Birthday will be coming up, Me & Sam will be the same age for a little while until she turns 18. I was born when Sam was just 6 months old so we’re the same age for 6 months. See werewolves are only pregnant for 5 months way less than a human pregnancy. Yup my mom got pregnant with me a month after she had Sam. We’re almost like twins. Every Wolf gets their wolf & shifts between the ages of 16-18. Lisa has her wolf already her name is Shane she’s a dark brown with silver streaks on the top of her head like a skunk. She has Gold eyes though Lisa’s is bright green like mom’s. She kinda big but smaller than most men. She’s very strong & fast. My dad had us in training with the elite warriors all our lives, mom too so we were all trained skilled warriors. Me & Sam hadn’t gotten our wolves yet so we fight in our human form for now. The good thing about the pageant is that not everyone in competition has their wolves yet so if you don’t you’re excused from the shifting portion of the competition with no penalty to your score. Ooh God why am I even thinking about this pageant I would never embarrass myself like that, but that’s definitely good for Samantha. Lisa POV I love my little sisters & my baby sister that’s my heart that’s my baby I practically raised her. When mom had Joy I was 4 years old. I was so excited to be getting another baby sister. Samantha was a sweet baby, but it was kinda hard for her she didn’t really get to be a baby for long before Joy was born so I guess I can see why she’s always mean to her but Sam just needs to get over it already and move on so she can let us in. She just shut down when I was like 9 years old & Samantha was 7 she just stopped talking, stopped playing with us & started being alone. After failed attempts to connect with her she just came out swinging. Sam began to act really mean & rebellious nobody could tell her anything except my parents. Too bad they weren’t around enough to tell her anything. She is terrible. I know my loving little sister is under there somewhere I just hope she finds her soon. I got my wolf Shane when I turned 17 years old I remember it like it was yesterday. *Flashback* I was sitting in my room talking to Joy about mate bonds & I heard a voice in my head say “we’re gonna be able to find our mate soon “ I jumped gasped clutching my chest. Joy asked me what was wrong and I told about the voice I’d just heard she got excited clapping her hands omg Lee you just got your wolf. I smiled shyly I was so excited I’d been expecting her arrival since I turned 16. She spoke again “Hi Lisa I’m Shane it’s a pleasure to finally speak to you “ Joy looked on at Lisa expectantly huge grin on her face. Lee tell me what’s her name Joy couldn’t take her excitement anymore. Lisa looked at Joy lovingly, her name is Shane. I could feel her, I could hear her thoughts I could feel her emotions it was absolutely amazing & I enjoyed every part of the experience with my favorite person. We headed outside as I begin to sweat feeling hot all over. My legs got heavy, not like weighed down but heavy like tight, strong, fast & I felt a burst of energy like I could run a marathon. Pain shot through my abdomen I dropped down to my knees clutching my stomach. Joy was there for me through the whole painful ideal never leaving my side. She made it bearable. Pain shot through my back , down my spine as I heard my bone cracking. It felt like God was breaking my body apart piece by piece then reassembling it. After a short while I begin to shift. Fur sprouted on my arms and back. My hands changed to paws. Before I could even blink the pain had stopped & I’d officially shifted for the first time. Joy was so excited she hugged me. I mind linked her to tell her I’m okay. Her worried expression leaving, & the creases in her brows and forehead finally relaxing. Shane walked slowly to Joy rubbing her head against her, Joy rubbed Shane’s head & hugged her neck tightly wow even my wolf had a soft spot for Joy. We truly were one soul. Sam came walking out of the pack house and glanced at Joy. She looked at bit concerned briefly before realization hit her that I was the wolf Joy was hugging. Omg Lee you got your wolf she exclaimed excitedly. Her excited face replaced with a look I couldn’t identify then her usual disgust. “It’s so sad you needed your baby sister who doesn’t even have a wolf help you shift. She laughed throwing her head back. You’re so weak it’s pathetic. She snarled turning on her heels and walking away from us. Don’t worry about her Joy said sadly you’re not weak Lee you’re the strongest person I know, you did good big sister I love you. I shifted back into human form hugging Joy. I love you too baby sister. *End of Flashback* What will we do about Sam she’s getting so horrible I hurt for her. I know what it’s like to feel alone. I’d just wish she’d see that we’re sisters & we’ll always have each other’s back that makes us stronger than we ever thought we were. Sadness hit my chest as tears welled in my eyes. My parents are alive and yet they missed another life changing event. What great strength it is to love someone through a broken heart. I wish Sam knew that I needed them too just as a bad as she did. I know I couldn’t take their place but I just wish she’d let me love her.
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