Chapter 1

1570 Words
Joy POV I was in the library excited that my new book had come, I’d been waiting for decades well it was actually only a week but it felt like decades lol. I sat comfortably in my favorite chair, opening the book & started to read *Joy’s Book * “Mary was sitting home alone in front of the fireplace When she heard the doorbell ring. She got up thinking to herself it was probably the pizza guy delivering her deep dish sausage pizza, spinach & Chicken stuffed cheesy bread, sweet mango habanero wings, & a 2 liter sprite. *Joy* Mmmh that sounds so delicious right about now I call down to the kitchen. Jenn the head cook answered Hello Ms Joy how can I help you ? Hi Ms Jenn I was wondering if I can place an order to be delivered to the library on the Alpha Floor please ? Of course Ms Joy what would you like ? I’d like a deep dish sausage pizza with extra cheese, spinach and chicken stuffed cheesy bread, sweet mango habanero wings, & a 2 liter sprite thank you. Np sweetheart I’ll have that to you in 30 minutes. I hung up got comfortable , & continued reading my book *Joy’s book* To her surprise it wasn’t her food it was the guy next door Chris that she’d been crushing on. Hey Chris wassup. Hey Mary I was wondering what you were doing tonight. Mary screamed in her head at the thought that Chris Winkle was actually interested in her. Hello earth to Mary , oh my gosh Mary blushed feeling tons of butterflies in her stomach. Well nothing much I’m just sitting in front of the fireplace and I just ordered Carlos’ Pizza. Ooh sounds great would you mind if I join you. Mary almost fainted, she wanted to slap herself or pinch herself to see if she was dreaming. Chris Winkle is at my front door & he wants to chill with me. She said yes shyly cheeks flustered red & let him in. As they were closing the door the pizza guy showed up. *Joy* Jenn walks up to Joy with a tray & sets it on the table. Ms Joy your order is ready enjoy, she bowed slightly & turned to leave the room. Thank you so much Ms Jenn, anytime dear enjoy your food & your book she smiled & left the library & headed back to the kitchen. Her food had arrived just as Mary was getting hers & Chris asked her out. Joy was geeked it was getting super interesting so she set up her station on a small table beside her chair took a bite of her pizza. Mmmh this is so delicious Ms Jenn knows she can get down. Enjoying her pizza she continued to read *Joy’s Book* Sitting down on some cushions they set the food next to them on a coffee table & began to talk & eat. So I’ve never seen the inside of this place it’s really nice in here. Chris said as he looked around the foyer and lounge room. There were floor to ceiling windows all around, a high ceiling with a beautiful draped chandelier, it had Crystals all around it, was Gold & shiny, giving the light an extra pop. The fireplace sat in a far corner of the wall with a log stand right next to it. There was a log storage on the other wall across from it not too far away. It was breath taking. Thanks said Mary still hiding bliss & excitement. She didn’t wanna seem desperate but she didn’t want to seem uninterested either. Uugghh why didn’t I have any experience talking to Boys screamed Mary in her head. *Joy* Uuugghh I know how she feels I have Zero experience talking to boys. I never been to school I’ve always been home schooled, I didn’t really interact with the guys in my pack because I barely left the castle there was no need literally everything I need is in the castle & if I don’t have it my dad would surely get it for me. I wasn’t trapped or anything like that my sisters left the castle all the time. I’d just rather stay in. I put a book mark in & closed my book putting it in a safe place just in case Sam had evil thoughts. As I headed to the studio to record a new song I mind linked my producer. Hey Jeff wassup, Hey there Joy Joy what’s shaken nothing much I just had a new vision I’d like to work on , okay I’m On my way! Now I’ll meet you in the studio. I smiled to myself & headed to the studio. Samantha’s POV I walked up to the Alpha floor & knocked on my dad’s office door come in he said from behind the heavy oak wood door. I opened the door quietly closing it behind myself. Dad’s face lit up he smiled. Hey sam baby he got up & hugged me with a peck on the cheek. He smiled at me to what do I owe the honor of this visit. I felt my heart melt. I loved my dad & I was daddy’s little girl. I smiled widely feeling excited at daddy’s response to seeing me. I thought to my myself maybe todays the day he’s in a great mood. As I shuffled my feet around nervously he was the only one who’d ever see this side of me I worked up the courage to ask him the big question I been hoping all spring. Well Dad you know school starts in a few months & I was wondering if Joy Joy & I could actually GO TO SCHOOL this year. I started to ramble with it being my senior year & final year as a teen I just wanted to experience going to school with other pups my age looking at the floor nerves raging like a flaming fire. He slid his reading glasses off his face and looked at me amusingly. Okay Princess I can grant your wish tell your sister & we’ll go shopping in a few weeks to get the supplies. I’ll make the necessary calls to make the arrangements. Oooh thank you daddy I clapped my hands jumping up & down & gave him a kiss on the cheek. I went to find Joy , she wasn’t in the library so I mind linked her. Hey Joy Joy where are you ? I’m in the studio finishing up on a session what’s up I cut the link & headed towards Joy’s studio. As I entered the studio I saw my baby sister in the sound booth singing her heart out “ I don’t wanna love you but I’m too scared to let go, all these feelings of doubt but I can’t let you know , this love too crazy like a rollercoaster , I’m up then down steady twist & turning I gotta walk away, no more you & me, gotta get out this twisted fantasy I don’t wanna love you nooo I gotta let gooo” Pure love & pride hit my heart as I watched my baby sister sing like an angel. She was singing about a heartache, she knew nothing about but the way she sing it I felt it. I knew this feeling all too well as my thoughts drifted to my boyfriend Jake. I highly doubted that Jake was my mate because of the way that he treated me. I was secretly hoping that I’d find my Destined Mate & have an excuse to kick his butt to the curb. Seems strange that someone as dope as me would tolerate a rollercoaster love. Maybe it was because he was the son of the Alpha from our neighboring pack Blood silk pack. Jake’s dad was Alpha Joseph. Their pack was very strong & big. We were Allie’s so it’s only right if we’d dated. It would bring my dad so much pride for his Daughter to be with the future Alpha of our Allie. Envy & anger replaced that pride quickly as Goodie too shoes Joy Joy walked over towards me smiling. I looked at her with disgust & visibly rolled my eyes eeew why do you gotta be so weird looking Joy was taken aback by my outburst. I felt a ping of guilt as she looked at me hurt but I shook that off quickly, no signs of weakness it opens you up to hurt I told myself. Listen Joy you better get a personality and quick we’ll be starting school this year. Joy looked at me confused ignoring my insult school ? She questioned scrunching up her face we’re going to school outside of the castle ? Yes Joy dad’s in his office making arrangements as we speak isn’t it wonderful. Joy looked horrified school ? Sam I can’t go to school I won’t fit in there, I won’t have any friends, I’ll be the biggest outcast. I snickered well at least you already know you suck so it won’t be a shock to you I laughed loudly as I turned my back to walk away I said in a low whisper Nice song Joy & I walked out before she had a chance to respond leaving her confused
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