Chapter 3

703 Words
Samantha POV *The flashback of Lisa’s first Shift* I was in my room laying across my bed talking to my bestie Joan. Joan is the Beta’s daughter she’s my age 14 years old. We’d just hit our teen years was so excited about the freedom that came with our maturity. Although our parents weren’t prison guards we weren’t allowed to go out the castle bounds. We always had 4 body guards with us, being 14 means daddy will lower than number & extend our boundaries. I never listened anyway. How could they control my moves but yet they never spent time with me , they don’t even know what I would or wouldn’t do. I snuck out the castle bounds with my bestie all the time. We visited the other pups throughout our town. We went to parties with the older kids whatever I felt like I wanted to do. Joan & I were talking about our Destined mates and how we’d dream they would be like. We had pieces of paper writing down our desires in our mates. We walked into the hall to go to the kitchen for a snack we heard giggling coming from Lisa’s room *rolled my eyes* I said those nerds are in there giggling about nothing, there’s nothing even exciting in either one of their lives. They do whatever father tells them. I said with my face twisted up. Lisa was 17 so my dad had removed her boundaries to beyond the castle bounds. She went to school with the other kids but me & Joy weren’t allowed to. Dad was worried about us being distracted and he needed us to master being the perfect Luna. Being the Alpha’s daughter means that God would mate us with an Alpha & we’ll be Luna of his pack like mom. I excel in all my studies, I’m gonna make a wonderful Luna one day & my dad will be proud of me. I had a deep desire to please my father. I know I seem like a horrible person but I’m really not. I just feel so angry a lot. I love my sisters & I feel left out because Joy & Lisa are so close they do everything together. Sometimes I feel like they don’t want me around so I give them a reason hey call me what you want at least I won’t be the one hurt. As I headed back to my room they were running outside all excited, they didn’t even see me. So I waited a few minutes so they wouldn’t know that I followed them (I wouldn’t want them to think I was sweating them), then I went outside casually as if I was strolling somewhere. I stopped suddenly noticing that there was a wolf Hugging Joy. I was afraid for a minute my instincts told me to protect my sister, before I could process what to do next realization hit me that it was Lisa. She was so beautiful she was dark brown with this cute little silver skunk patch on the top of her head. Her eyes were gold & glowing I admired her secretly but somehow my happiness for my sister slipped out. “Omg Lee you got your wolf “ I exclaimed excitedly. My excited face replaced with a look of hurt then my usual disgust. I felt left out again. Joy was there to experience Lisa getting her wolf & shifting. Why was I always left out of everything. “It’s so sad you needed your baby sister who doesn’t even have a wolf help you shift”. I laughed throwing my head back. “You’re so weak it’s pathetic.” I snarled turning on my heels and walking away from them. I hated it. What made Joy so special ? Why was I good enough ? I wasn’t good enough for my sisters, I wasn’t good enough for my parents. There wasn’t anyone who loved me except Joan. She was the only one who put up with me. She saw me as a person & tells me when I’m wrong. Although I hate her being right sometimes she keeps me in check. *End Of Flashback *
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