Try Again

1095 Words
I stared at Ashton, my mouth open. “Your…parents? Right now?” He nodded and smiled, the smile that made my knees weak. “Yeah, they’re interested in meeting you.” He said. “If you’re worried about them judging you or anything, don’t. They’re not like that.” His eyes were sincere, filled with hope. I stared at him, debating for a second before sighing. “I’m not ready.” I said quietly, looking at my suitcase. His smile faded, his eyes becoming wide. “Is it…because of William?” His voice was quiet, like he didn’t want to say it out loud. I nodded slowly, still not looking at him. He groaned in frustration and I shrunk away. “No, no.” He said. “I’m not mad at you or anything. I’m furious with William.” His voice had a hard edge on it, and I scooted away from him. His expression was hurt, and my heart twisted. Feel through your link, Ada. Astrias voice was soft; non-judgmental and calm. I listened to her, closing my eyes and reaching out with my heart. I didn’t feel anything, unsure of what I was supposed to be looking for. I kept reaching, searching for anything. Hurt. Sadness. Frustration. Sympathy. Every emotion hit me at once and I almost fell over, opening my eyes and looking at Ashton with surprise. He wasn’t looking at me, but instead pacing back and forth with his hands behind his head. “I’m sorry.” I said, and he turned towards me slowly. “What are you sorry for?” He asked earnestly, crouching down. I looked at him, fumbling with the fabric between my fingers. “Because…” I made a face, not sure what I was apologizing for. “I’m not sure, I’m just sorry.” He sighed and pulled me into his arms, sitting awkwardly while he kissed my head. “Oh, Adelina.” He whispered. “There’s no reason for you to apologize. None of what happened is your fault. You never need to apologize for what happened to you or how you feel.” I could feel myself tearing up, the wetness of my eyes dripping down onto his shoulder. “You don’t have to meet them right now; you don’t have to meet anybody right now.” He said, pulling away and wiping my tears. “I’m never going to push you to do something before you’re ready. My parents were just excited is all. And they’re nothing like William.” I nodded, wiping the rest of my tears. “I’m just not ready yet. Everything is happening so fast and I’m already uncomfortable. I’ve never done anything other than be treated as an omega.” He nodded at my words, listening and urging me to keep talking. “Meeting new people is…scary.” I frowned and he nodded again. “Well,” he said, kissing my forehead. “We’ll just take dinner in here tonight. And you can meet everyone when you’re ready, like I said before.” He smiled at me, squashing my fears and making me feel comforted. “Although I will tell you now that my sister may make that difficult. She’s a people person.” I nodded again, unsure of how to feel. “I’m sure one person wouldn’t hurt…” I trailed off and he nodded. “I can’t tell you when she’s going to appear because she likes to bother me randomly but she has no ill will in her heart for anybody. She’s fierce but not mean.” I nodded again, remembering her long dark hair and eyes the same color as Ashton’s. “She seems to love and appreciate you.” I said wistfully, thinking of Cecilia. “She does and I love her very much; she’s one person I would do anything in the world for.” He smiled, his eyes looking far way. My heart hurt knowing I could never have that relationship with my own sister. A knock on the door made us look up and he smiled. He stood up and opened the door, the smell of food hitting my nose and making my stomach rumble. We hadn’t eaten since before leaving the hotel, and I could feel myself starving. He closed the door after thanking the person on the other side, and sat down next to me. He handed my plate to me and I looked at it with interest. “What’s wrong?” He asked taking a bite. “I can’t eat all of this.” I whispered in shame. He looked at me with confusion and I sighed. “I was treated as the lowest of omegas; I never had a full plate of food, only scraps. The end of everything when everyone else had eaten their fill.” He looked at me with sadness. “Now you have as much food as you want, my love. If you can’t eat it all now, you will eventually. We’re going to get you into training as well.” I looked at him with panic on my face and he chuckled. “Not yet, obviously. But I’m hoping by next month you’ll be ready to integrate yourself with the alpha bloodline you have.” I nodded as I took a bite of my potatoes, the flavor of herbs dancing across my tongue. I took a few bites of the vegetables, the beef cuts, and the potatoes, and could feel myself filling up already. “Finished?” He asked after I sat there picking at my plate for a while. I nodded and he stood up, setting the plates outside the door and shutting it again. I finished putting my clothes and toiletries away and changed into my pajamas for the night. Sighing, I went back into the bedroom and sat on the bed. “Ready for bed?” He asked, having changed into a pair of shorts and no shirt. I blushed, never having been so close to a shirtless man, let alone one I was mated to. “Yes.” I said, still sitting there uncomfortably. He slid under the covers, looking at me. “Just like last night, I won’t push you into anything. Let’s just go to bed.” I nodded, getting under the covers and turning onto my side. He turned the lamp off, scooting close to me and putting his arm around me. “We’ll try again tomorrow, my love.” He whispered, kissing the back of my head. Nothing but up from here.
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