A New Family

1181 Words
“Are you ready?” Ashton’s smile was dazzling as I buckled my seat belt. I turned to look out the window and nodded. “I’m ready.” I said, steeling myself to meet an entire new pack. He smiled again, squeezing my thigh and reversing out of the parking spot, starting our travels towards his pack. We had a few conversations on the way, but I wasn’t really in the mood to talk. “We just crossed the border into my pack lands.” He smiled, and I nodded again. “Are you nervous?” I smiled weakly. “Of course I am. The last time I met another pack didn’t end up so well for 10 years.” He nodded at my words, seemingly to understand. His hand found mine and our fingers closed together, causing a jolt of electricity to shoot up my arm and give me goosebumps. Sooner than I would have liked, we pulled up to a packhouse about the same size as Williams. People were milling around; omegas doing chores and gardening, children playing, and warriors were training. Most of them looked up when Ashton’s car pulled in, and my stomach started to turn with nerves. Ashton looked over at me and gave me a soft smile, one that I couldn’t return. “It will be okay.” He said softly, nodding at me. I nodded back, his words barely registering. “Ashton!” A girls squealing voice cut through the air and she came running towards him, her arms wide open. He picked her up, spinning her in a circle and squeezing her close. “Yessenia!” He smiled, putting her down and ruffling her dark hair. She gave him an angry look, fixing her hair and putting her hands on her hips. She was quite a few inches shorter than him, with the same facial structure, eyes and hair. “What took so long for you to come back?” She said, pointing an accusing finger at him. “I found my mate.” He smiled, and her jaw dropped. “Finally!” She was happy for him, that much was clear. “Where is she?” He came around the side of the car, opening the door for me. My heart was beating so hard, I thought it would pop right out of my chest. “Adelina, this is my sister Yessenia.” He said, offering me his hand. I took it and he pulled me out of the car, closing the door behind me. “Where are you from?” She asked, looking me up and down. “Red Sky Pack.” I said, meeting her gaze with my own. What an intrusive question. Her eyes widened at my answer. “The pack that was annih-“ “That’s enough.” Ashton’s sharp tone made her look at him and close her mouth. “You can find out all about her when she’s ready. But for now, she’s ready to go inside and eat and bathe and rest.” Yessenia gave him a dirty look, but smiled at me. “Let me know if you need anything, especially help controlling this jerk.” She laughed and walked away, towards the training warriors. I blinked after her, unsure of how to respond. “Don’t worry about her, she’s always been nosey.” Ashton said, pulling my bag out of his car. “Come on, I’ll show you my-“ he cut himself off, blushing. “Our room.” I nodded and followed after him. Inside, many people looked at me suspiciously after welcoming him with open arms. I ignored all of them, something I had gotten used to doing in the past 10 years. “Here we are.” He opened the door and I smiled. His room was not what I imagined at all. His walls were a cream color with splashes of green placed strategically, like leaves or vines. He had drawings all over them, with a few pictures here and there. His bed was placed underneath a large window, a simple bed with a solid oak headboard. His sheets and blanket were plain and black, inviting me to wrap myself in them. There was a door leading outside, and a bookshelf with a chair and lamp next to it in the corner. “It’s not much, but it’s now yours as well.” He said, setting my bag down in front of his dresser. “There’s enough space in the dresser and closet for you to put your clothes in, and the bathroom has space for you to put your toiletries wherever you want.” I nodded, unable to form words. I could feel the tears welling up and starting taking deep breaths. “Are you okay?” He said, standing in front of me and placing his arms on my shoulders. “If you don’t like it, I can change it however you want?” I shook my head. “I just…haven’t had something like this is in a very long time.” My words were so soft, but I knew he heard them. He gave me a small smile, one of sympathy. “Well, it’s all yours if you want it.” He was looking down at me intently, his eyes dark. He had an expression on his face like he was fighting his wolf in his head. Our eyes were meeting, and mine were probably wide and round. He suddenly turned away, walking towards his bathroom, sounding like he was moving things around. I let out a breath I hadn’t known I’d been holding when there was a knock on his door. I looked at him quizzically and he shrugged, walking over to open it. “Ashton.” The voice was a silky smooth purr, a smile hinting behind it. “I heard you just got back and brought a little mouse with you.” His eyes were steely, looking at the person in front of him, but I couldn’t see past him. “What do you want?” His voice was cold, making my skin shiver. “To see if you wanted to hang out for old times sake.” She giggled, and I saw her cross her legs. “Nope. I don’t. Haven’t for a long time and you know that.” The girl scoffed. “Fine. But I’ll be here if you need me.” I heard the footsteps walking away as he closed the door and looked at me. “That was her. My ex.” He said, not looking at me. I nodded, turning to start putting my stuff away. “Are you okay?” “I wasn’t stupid enough to believe this would be easy, if that’s what you’re asking.” I responded quietly, putting some clothes in the dresser. He sighed behind me, bending down to meet my eyes. My hands stopped moving as I looked at him. “It won’t be for some parts, but the rest is a breeze. Are you ready to meet my parents?”
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