
1029 Words
I sighed to myself in the mirror, Astria whispering positive things through my head as I picked myself apart. There was nothing special about me that would make Ashton’s family fall in love with me immediately. I had regular dark brown hair, so dark it was almost black. My eyes were a regular blue-green color. My nose was regular, like a button nose. I did have a full set of lips, very pink. But that alone wouldn’t make them love me. As I turned my face around in the mirror, I noticed a small scar on my chin, almost in the shape of an x. Almost impossible for someone with immense healing abilities, I thought back to where I could have gotten the scar. I could feel the heat beginning to swell around my skin, the cramped space beginning to close in on me. My breath started to quicken, and I grabbed at my chest to try and free my lungs. The scene began to unfold around me, and I could hear shouts and growls close to me- “Adelina?” Ashton’s face came into view, worry lines appearing around his eyes. “Ashton?” I said quietly, confused. “Are you okay?” He asked, wiping my hair away from my head. I was sweating and hadn’t realized it until my hair pulled at the beads as he moved it out of the way. “Yeah, I’m-“ I stopped myself, my hands shaking as I sat down on the edge of the bed. “I’m fine. Just thinking is all.” He grunted, crossing his arms in front of him. “Are you almost ready to meet them?” He said hesitantly, and I looked at the floor. “You said you would be today, but if you’re not, we can try again in a couple days.” “I’m ready. Just give me a minute.” I said and he nodded. I took some deep breaths, steadying myself, and stood up smiling. He chuckled, looping his fingers through mine, and pulling me through the door. We made our way downstairs, to a private room set off from the main dining hall. His parents were already seated, looking up at us as we entered the room. My breath caught in my throat, and I started coughing. “Are you alright?” Ashton’s voice was worried as he handed me a glass of water. I nodded, taking a slow sip from the glass and holding it in my hands. “I’m okay, just inhaled wrong.” I smiled and he nodded, taking the glass and setting it on the table. He pulled my chair out for me, allowing me to sit and pushing me to the table before sitting himself. “Mom, Dad.” He nodded at them respectively. “This is Adelina. I met her on a visit to William’s pack.” They both smiled at me and I began blushing. His mother was beautiful, with stormy grey eyes and black hair flecked with streaks of silver. His father looked like an older version of him, with light green eyes and an almost full head of white. “It’s lovely to meet you, dear.” His mother said, he voice light and whimsical. His father nodded, smiling at me. “It’s about time he found his mate instead of sulking around the packhouse when he wasn’t on business.” I snuck a glance at Ashton and his face was turning red with embarrassment. “I’m very thankful to have found him and left Wild West Pack.” I said, squeezing his hand. He blinked at me in appreciation, taking a drink from his glass as our food was set down in front of us. “Oh? Were you just ready to find your mate as well?” His father said as he wove noodles around his for with precision. “I was absolutely ready to leave those pack lands and never go back.” I said quietly as I took a bite of my own noodles. His parents looked at me questioningly and I kicked myself mentally for allowing myself to say that. I snuck a glance at Ashton, who gave me a resigned look, and cleared my throat. “I was just ready to start fresh.” I said, smiling softly. “I never had friends there when I was forced into the pack, and I definitely had none when I left.” His parents stared at me with a concerned expressions. “Why didn’t you have any friends?” His dad asked, his gaze jumping between Ashton and I. “I was basically bought as a slave. I’m not from Wild West Pack originally.” I said, almost confidently. “I was born into Red Sky Pack, but it was destroyed and I am the only one left. The alphas daughter.” His parents nodded along until I said that, their eyes widening and looking shocked. “You’re…Adelina Nichols?” His mother asked, astonished. Her eyes started leaking, and his dad sniffled. “We know all about Red Sky Pack. We were very close with your parents and thought you had perished with them.” His mother wiped a tear from her eye. “The news that you’re alive is…astonishing, to say the least.” His father nodded to his wife’s words, also pressing his hands against his eyes. “Yes, well…I don’t know who did it, but I’m still here.” I said quietly, looking into my lap. “And we’re very glad you are.” His mother said. I looked up and she was smiling at me, then went back to her food. His father did the same. “So have you had any training, then?” “No, I…I haven’t, unfortunately.” I said, taking a bite of my food. “We’re working towards it.” Ashton said. His father nodded, chewing his meal thoughtfully. “Well, we can’t wait to see the hidden talent you have.” He said after a moment, and I laughed along with them. Is this my dream of having a family coming true before my eyes?
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