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“This isn’t going to be easy since it’s your first time.” Ashton said, smiling down at me. I could feel the blood rushing to my face, turning me red. His face was so close, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous light. His breath fanned across my face, smelling faintly of the fruits we had with breakfast. “I know.” I exhaled slowly, stretching my arms and legs. He chuckled at me, putting his hands on my shoulders. My muscles tensed, ready to spring into action as he stared down at me. “No, Adelina.” His eyes were serious, making me stare at him intensely. “We don’t go easy just because we’re pack members; in fact, that makes us go up against each other with a fierceness. If we go easy on each other, we expect easy from the enemies.” I nodded, breathing slowly as I followed him out the door to the little clearing in front of the woods; the area already filled with everyone training. “Hey, Adelina!” Yessenia bounced up next to me. I looked over at her with a smile. “You ready to begin training?” I nodded at her, my nerves making me unable to speak. “Alright everyone!” We all turned and my jaw dropped. Ashton was standing there in only his gym shorts, having taken off his shirt and shoes and putting him with the rest of our clothing items. He was so attractive it hurt my chest. Astria purred with appreciation at the perfect sculpting of his chest and abs. My own eyes ogled his arms and his back muscles as he turned to look at someone. “We’re welcoming a new pack member to training.” He broke out into a smile when his eyes passed over me and I blushed, stifling a giggle. “She’s never really trained before, and I’m not saying go easy on her, but I am saying lead her through it; don’t just fight her without teaching her.” “How do you want us to do that?” A man’s voice asked from the crowd. When I looked, I couldn’t pinpoint who had asked that, so I looked back at Ashton. He had a thoughtful look on his face, and his eyes brightened before he spoke. “When you’re showing her defensive moves, guide her through it easily while showing her why she’s using it. When it comes to showing her offensive moves, guide her through the movements and show her where they’re landing and why you chose the defensive move you did.” Ashton’s voice rang loud and clear, inciting nods and sounds of agreement from the crowd. “Alright, random pairings, now!” I stood there in confusion as people moved around me, stepping up to people I hadn’t met yet. A girl with longe blonde hair tied up in a ponytail stepped up to me. She was taller than me so she was looking down at me, even if it was unintentional. She wore a tank top and leggings, bare footed like the rest of us. “Hi.” I said, giving her a small wave. “I’m Adelina.” “A lot of people are talking about you.” She said, crossing her arms. “Wondering where you come from, why you don’t mingle with us, etc. Like you’re better than us.” I looked at her in shock. “I definitely never thought that.” I crossed my own arms as I stared at her. “Like Ashton said, I’ve never really trained before.” “Well, I’m Sarah, and I’m going to be your trainer today.” She said as she took up a stance I’d never seen. “Try to hit me.” I swung at her slowly with my fist clenched and she pushed my arm out of the air with force. “Try again and try harder.” I clenched my teeth and fist at the same time, swinging at her again with more force and aiming for her face. She threw up her arms and my fist smacked against them with a slapping sound. “Okay, when you want to block your face, you usually put your arms up in an x formation in front of them.” Sarah said casually, lowering her arms. “Not too close to your face but not far enough away that the punch can break through them.” I nodded along with her words. “Try again.” This time I aimed for her ribs. When my fist swung, I was confidant that I was fast enough to land at least one hit. She slightly shifted her body to the left, and I completely missed, stumbling forward and barely catching myself before I could fall. “If someone’s aiming for your body, always predict they’re going to feint and use their other hand; protect the side you think they’re really going for and sidestep the first ‘attempt’.” I nodded again. She also showed me a proper offensive stance, allowing me to practice a few hits on her arms and legs to gain the feeling of skin hitting skin. We practiced for a while, a light sheen of sweat starting to form on my face. Sarah showed my multiple ways to try and attack someone, and I picked up every move pretty quickly. She also showed me defensive moves in the process, but I don’t think she really meant to. By the end of my offensive practice run, I had sweat forming on my back. I had also landed a couple hits, although not very powerful. “You’re not channeling any strength or speed into it.” Sarah said pointedly. “I’ve never had to so I guess I don’t quite know how to.” My response shocked her for a moment, her heading jerking upwards and her eyes widening. “Well, even if you never have to again, it’s good to get that practice in just in case.” Ashton’s voice rang around the area, calling for us to switch sides. I turned my body to the side, taking a defensive stance, and Sarah’s eyes went even wider. “Okay what the actual f**k?” She said, taking her own offensive stance. “Why do you know a strong defensive stance but can’t throw a punch to save your life?” I smiled softly, a serene sort of smile. “While I was never allowed to hit back, I was beat for 10 years of my life. When it goes on for too long, you start to pick up on protecting yourself in any small way you can.” Thump!
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