Real Life Talks

1038 Words
“There’s so much screaming I can’t focus!” I started crying into my hands, my sobs echoing in the confined space around me. “Mom…dad…Cecilia…please be okay…” “Adelina?” I awoke to a soft shaking, the voice behind it filled with worry. “Adelina? Wake up, are you okay?” I opened my eyes to see beautiful blue eyes staring back at, frowns of worry around them. “Ashton?” I said, confused. He smiled back, relieved. “Yes, Adelina. It’s me.” He said, chuckling. “Are you alright? You were…tossing a lot.” “Yeah…I’m fine.” I said quietly, yawning and stretching. “What time is it?” I heard him move the alarm clock on the night stand. “Three in the morning.” He said, ending it with a yawn. He scooted around, bringing himself closer to me and wrapping one arm under his pillow and the other around me. I lay there for a while, trying to force myself to fall back asleep with no success. “Ashton?” I said quietly, hoping I wasn’t waking him up. “Yes Adelina?” He responded just as quietly. “What’s regular life like inside a pack?” He was quiet for a moment. “I couldn’t tell you, I’ve always been an alpha. But from my experience, it’s regular life. Having a routine, doing your job, training, doing hobbies.” “I don’t have any hobbies.” He squeezed me closer to him. “You’ll find some.” I nodded at his words. “What are your hobbies?” I turned my head to face him. “I like to draw.” His voice was quiet, like he was embarrassed. “Oh.” I said. I wasn’t disappointed, not at all. In fact, knowing he draws made my stomach flutter. An artist? I wondered what he drew, but wanted to see it rather than hear about it. “Are you ready for a normal pack life?” My heart squeezed at his question. “I had one before.” My voice was almost a whisper. “You did?” He asked, surprise tinging his voice. “What happened?” I stared at the wall ahead of me; if I closed my eyes, flashbacks would take over the darkness. I wasn’t ready for that. “Nothing.” I said quietly, hoping he’d take the hint. “I see.” He said, his arm squeezing me closer to him and his lips repeatedly meeting the back of my head. “You’ll tell me when you want and that’s okay. But I will never let anything happen to you again, Adelina. You’re mine, and that means something.” “It does?” He chuckled softly in my ear, kissing my head again. “It does to most people, and especially Blue River.” I nodded slightly. “Can you tell me more about Blue River?” I heard him sigh softly. “Anything specific?” He asked. “Their kids?” I replied, chewing on my lip. “Which set of triplets?” “Both?” He chuckled again. “The older set is the girls; Avery, then Star, then Violet. And they’re in a completely different country, somewhere in England is where I believe Lycan territory is based. They’re beautiful, as all of us are. One of them has one amber eye and one green eye. And while all of them are Lunas, only one of them will be Queen.” “How do they know which one will be Queen?” I asked doubtfully. “Whoever has the first pup is Queen, and the current King and Queen will step down from that leadership role; but they’ve already stepped down as Alpha and Luna.” I almost gagged. Pups? That’s how they figured it out? “What a terrible way to determine the next queen.” I said indignantly, shoving my face into the pillow. “It’s never happened before, and I doubt it will happen again. Nobody knows who fathered which pup, so triplets don’t run in the family; but twins do.” “What about the other set?” I asked, not wanting to hear anymore about the girls. “Chase, then Oliver, then Jayden.” He said, his voice wavering on Jayden’s name. “And they have found their mates. They haven’t done the ritual yet, but Chase and Oliver will be the Alphas soon.” “Only Chase and Oliver?” I asked with surprise. “Jayden is dead.” His voice was quiet. “He…died?” My eyes widened and I craned my neck to look at Ashton. He nodded somberly. “What happened?” “Rogue attack. Recent, actually. A couple months ago. Both him and his brothers chosen mate died; Karlie was killed by her brothers mate in an escape. And unfortunately, there’s a witch involved in all of it.” “Wait…chosen mate?” Was there such a thing? “Yes, the three of them were mates to another set of triplets, and they could have chosen any one of them. Unfortunately, Oliver’s chosen mate died. And so did Jayden. Leaving Oliver and Elizabeth to be mates.” “Oh that’s absolutely horrible.” I said, tears forming. So close yet so far to my own story. I quickly blinked them away and turned back to the wall. All I could think about was the twin sets of triplets. “Unfortunately, they’re working on some things so we can’t join them quite yet. But as soon as it’s all over, we’ll be there to sign paperwork, you and I.” Ashton said quietly, kissing my head and pulling me closer again. “Do you know what these things are?” “Kind of, but only because of the rogue attack and witch. It’s not my pack yet and they still need to remain strong to perceived threats, including packs that may be joining them.” I nodded slightly again, my eyelids starting to feel heavy. “Goodnight Adelina. I’ll be right here in the morning.” He said as my breathing slowed down and my eyelids closed for the rest of the night.
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