Book 1 Chapter Five

1262 Words
------5 Months Later------ "I'm so fat!", I said to my assistant. "That's because you're pregnant Sarah, don't worry your pup will be here soon.", Lena said. Lena was my assistant and she was a wolf from the main New York pack that has been good allies to my pack for a while. Since I left Los Angeles I've been living in New York as a professional photographer, I have my own company that was popular and always had customers. We take photos for weddings, graduation ceremonies and occasions like that. I was always asked if I could personally take them. This is what I do when I'm not doing pack work and it's also something I enjoy doing. New York has been very good to me since I came here at the start of the year I've had a lot of spare time to myself. Most of the people here are wolves so I don't have any problems. James and I also speak a lot, I miss seeing my family and being so far away doesn't help. But it has to be this way, just until things get sorted out. My mother wasn't very happy when James told her I went away she screamed at me over the phone and I tried to calm her down but she couldn't she didn't talk to me for about a week which hurt a lot and made me want to tell her but I couldn't. My father was calmer but he was suspicious of it but he let it go, I told him I was working with the New York pack helping them with training and patrols. Which was true when I'm not at work and have completed the paperwork for the pack I was there, Obviously they knew I was pregnant but I asked them not to say anything yet. I've never missed a meeting even though I was here in New York James would put me on Skype and id be here and also there. When I have the baby we will live in New York just for a little while for me to get comfortable being a single mother, but I know I couldn't stay here forever my mother would kill me. I had my own place here big enough for me and the baby to move and grow. I forget to mention, I'm having a little baby boy. His name will be Mason Blake Collins, it's simple and I've always wanted a boy named Mason. It's such a strong name I had to include the father's last name since he was an Alpha but doesn't mean he'll have anything to do with the baby. I was scared of course I was, I didn't want to disappoint my son I didn't want him to grow up and think of me in that way. I want what I have with my parents were all so close, we have fun with just the simplest things and they were always there no matter what. I know he'll one day get sick of me smothering him with love and always being that one person to keep him in check, but when they're young your everything to them. Their parents, their teacher, their protector and their first love. I will be that and more because no matter how good or bad it gets I will always love and protect my son. "Ahhhh!", I screamed as I suddenly felt a contraction. "Sarah! You're going into labour, we need to get you to a hospital!", Lena hurriedly said as she called the ambulance. For humans, it takes 9 months for them to have a child but for Werewolf's it's a lot faster. 10 minutes later the ambulance pulled up and I was taken away to the delivery room where Mason would be born. ------Hospital------ The pain was unbearable I felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out, I held onto Lena's hand and I think I almost broke it. I'm thankful for her being there for me I owe her so much, she's amazing. I screamed and cried all I wanted was it to stop but as soon as laid eyes on him I knew it was all worth it. "You did well Sarah, he's gorgeous. ", Lena said as she sat holding Mason. I smiled and watched as she swayed with Mason in her arms moments like this made me think about how my parents would react but I knew in my heart they'd fall in love with him the way I did. I've never loved someone as much as I loved my son he had me wrapped around his finger already. *Beep* *beep* *beep* I looked at my laptop It was a Skype call from James, immediately answered it and saw his beautiful face. He doesn't know I've given birth yet, but I want to tell my parents first and explain everything. "Hey sweet cheeks, how's your day?", he asked looking at me with a smile that reached his eyes. I smiled and looked over at Lena and Mason. "Well, it was a very hard and tiring day. James, I want to talk to my parents now. I think I'm ready to explain what's happened", I said. He nodded and stood up to go get my parents, leaving the laptop on the desk. "Miss Collins is it okay if we take the baby to the nursery to check everything is okay with him. As soon as we're done we'll bring him back", the doctor said. I nodded. "Can Lena go with you? I just need to talk to my family for a moment. Maybe she can bath Mason?", I asked. Her eyes lit up as she followed the doctor to the nursery James appeared back on screen with my parents and my brother, Gale. "Oh, sweetheart we've missed you so much! When are you coming back?", my mother asked as she smiled at me. "Mum, Dad, Gale. I haven't been completely honest about why I left and I owe you all an explanation", I said and the look on my parents face told me they were worried. "What happened? Is it bad? Did you kill someone?", she gasped and I frowned. " Why is it every time me and gale tell you we have to tell you something you automatically think we've murdered someone?", I asked and Gale agreed with me. " You didn't answer the question ", she said and I sighed. " No mum I didn't kill anybody ", I said and she sighed in relief. "Sarah what's going on?", my father said and I looked at them and then I closed my eyes preparing myself. Well here goes nothing... ------ Twenty Minutes Later------ "And that's why I left.", I finished holding back the tears at the memory of the rejection. "Oh, honey! If only you had told us before, no matter what happened we would never abandon you or the baby. I'm glad we finally have a grandchild.", my mother said as she held back tears. My father and Gale were both smiling at me. " When he gets older, he'll be a great Alpha just like his mummy.", my dad said as he held my now crying mother. The door to my room opened and Lena walked in with Mason in her arms. "So when can we meet our grandson?", my mother asked. Lena passed me Mason and I instantly heard gasps from my family. I smiled and kissed Mason as I sat him up. "This is Mason”.
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