Book 1 Chapter Four

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I woke up to the sun shining through the open window and an empty bed. Images of last night ran through my head, I saved myself for my mate and I'm so glad I did James would be proud. I looked around the room for my dress that I discarded at the door and slipped it back on, I pulled on my boots and headed out the door. I walked out of the room and downstairs to see the house trashed and people passed out everywhere. I followed his scent towards the back door, I stepped outside adjusting my eyes to the light. Once I came to I looked around and what I saw made my heart drop to the floor. Alice had her tongue down his throat and his hands roamed up and down her body, I saw red. "What the hell is going on!", I yelled as they stopped kissing and looked at me. "Sarah what do you want?", Alice asked annoyed as she got up and looked at me. "I want to know why you're tongue is down my mate's throat", I growled my eyes flickering back and forth from red to hazel. "Mate you were a one-night stand, I was drunk and I don't even remember your name. What is it... Ah, Sarah. Well I Adam Blake Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, reject you Sarah Collins as my mate and Luna.", he said as he smirked and put an arm around Alice who just stood there and smirked at me "F-fine. I, Sarah Collins Alpha of the Gold Moon Pack, accept your rejection. You pack your things since your tongue twisting with him you can live with him, you have 2 hours or ill drag you out myself", I snarled and she raised her eyebrows. " You think I care about your demands you don't have that right", she said and smiled and I gave her a wicked smirk and stepped forward, she stepped back. " I am Alpha now I have every right there is, if you don't like it then banishment is put in place you either live here as one of his play toys or you will become the one thing I hate more than you ", I said and she looked shocked. " James wouldn't let you banish his only sister neither would my father ", she growled and I growled louder and she whimpered and grabbed my mates arm. " What gives you the impression that he cares? You've done nothing but upset him and drive him to do things he's not proud of you are a pathetic excuse for a sister and a friend, two hours is all you get don't test me ", I snarled and looked at my mate who had his eyes on me and I smirked. " Have fun with your new pet", I said and turned walking away the smirked wiped off my face and replaced with tears. *** 4 Weeks later*** "Sarah you've been in there for 2 hours. How long does it take to brush your teeth!", James said as he knocked on the door. I looked down... Positive. I opened the door to see James frowning at me, annoyed that I took so long. "Finally! I have this piece of meat stuck in my teeth that won't come.... out.", he said but started stuttering as he looked down at the test in my hand, he looked up and his eyes widened. " It might be a false test. You know, out of date.", He said placing a hand on my shoulder as I walked out of the spare bathroom and toward my room with James behind me. "James I wouldn't stop vomiting this morning, I've been very emotional these past weeks, I'm late and on top of that I pee every 5 minutes", I said " I've done 10 different tests and all have come back positive you can't tell me I've been a complete angel these past weeks", I said getting really annoyed. " Well after what happened with Alice you've had every right to be emotional and also it's not against the law to sit in your PJ's all day, binge-watching supernatural with a pint of cookies and cream ice cream. Because I do that religiously.", he said and I smiled but then began to cry. I've been crying for weeks it gets that bad that I eat all the food in the kitchen, but now I know why. " What birth control method did you use?", he said and I tried to look innocent but he face palmed himself. " I knew you weren't listening in Mrs David's s*x-Ed lesson, what are we going to do?", he asked looking at me and I shrugged my shoulders and began to cry again, he pulled me into his chest and I cried. " I don't know it's so hard and what will my parents think I'm such a disappointment ", I cried and he hushed me. " Hey it's going to be okay this is just your hormones and since you're an Alpha wolf their on overdrive, your parents will understand yes maybe they'll be concerned but never disappointed we'll figure this out together okay come on ", he said and I sat up and he wiped my tears. " I don't know if I can do this especially here and I don't want to tell my parents not yet ", I said and he sighed an nodded. " So what now?", he asked and I looked at him and thought. " I don't want him to find out that's the last thing I want, I want to tell my parents just not yet I have to leave I can't be here ", I said and got up and hurried to my closet pulling out bags and my clothes. " Wait Sarah stop think about this for a minute you can't just drop everything an leave what about the pack they need heir alpha", he said and I continued. " There's meetings and a lot of papers to fill out and send away ", he said and I walked to my bathroom. "I can do it all electronically ill have my computer and ill Skype all the time it can work but I need your help ", I said and zipped my bags up. "If you're going, I'm coming with you", James said. "No, I need you to stay here and look after the pack while I'm gone, keep things in order just until I have this baby and give myself room to think. I promise to keep in touch with you, you can email me the pack work. I'll call you every two days I promise but you have to stay here. It's only for a year so I can have the baby and get myself together.", I replied. I turned to James to see that he was crying, I went up to him and put my arms around him. I cried a little and kissed his cheek. "I'll help you with the bags", he said once he had calmed down. He carried 2 big suitcases down to my car. Everything was packed and in my car, ready to go. I gave James one last hug. " What should I tell everyone your mum is going to kill me for letting you go ", he said and I looked at him. "Just tell her I'm going on a business trip ", I said " For a whole year, okay yes that's going to work ... I'm dead", he said rubbing his temples so I took his hands in mine. "Please James you're my best friend and I need your help your smart you'll figure something out ", I said and pouted and he looked at me and cursed. " Okay ill cover for you just please promise me you'll come back", he said and I nodded and gave him one last hug. "What am I going to do without you?", he said and I teared up. "You'll be fine without me and we'll Skype every night", I replied kissing him on the cheek and getting into my car. " Where will you go?", he asked and I turned the car on. "I've always loved new york this time of year ", I said and smiled saying goodbye before driving off.
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