Book 1 Chapter Six

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------5 Months Later------ "Mason. No. Not again", I said as I rushed up to the nursery, Mason had just spewed all over my new top I just bought two days ago. Now it was just covered in green. "Remind me not to feed you spinach ", I said and lay him on the changing table. "And also buy a new shirt ", I said looking down at Mason with his feet in his hands giggling at me. " Oh, so you think it's funny?", I said looking at him, trying to keep a serious face but he was just too cute and I couldn't resist. I picked him up and held him in the air making him break out in cute giggles, making me laugh. I held him against me letting him snuggle up to me, his hands holding onto my now green free shirt. I went to my office and sat down cradling the little angel he looked at me and smiled. "How did I get so lucky?", I said rubbing my nose against his making me laugh. *Beep* *beep* *beep* "Hi, Mum. Say hi Grandma, look Mason who's that?", I said as I pointed to my mother's smiling face. Mason started reaching for the computer, giggling as he did it. Mum looked at him and smiled. "I wish I could wrap my arms around him. God, I wish you were here, things haven't been going too smoothly down here", she said rubbing her tired face. I looked at her and frowned. "Is something wrong? Has something happened?", I asked as Mason was still reaching for the computer. He squirmed and giggled making Mum laugh, suddenly Dad was at her side. "Hello, little man! How are you and Mummy? Hope you've been a good boy", my dad said as he smiled and pulled faces at Mason. "Well when he's not ruining my clothes with vomit, I don't think I have one piece of clothing that he hasn't gotten to ", I said and looked at Mason who was moving around a lot. God, he's annoying but that's why I love him, he makes my life exciting and not boring as you can tell by the many loads of washing I have to do every day. Mum and Dad just laughed at him. "God Bubba here look, go play with your toys", I said, putting him in his little playpen next to my desk so I could look over him while I do my work. "He's so adorable Sarah, he looks just like...", and my mum started but trailed off. "I'm sorry Hun, I didn't mean to-", Mum said but I cut her off. "I know he looks just like his father but he doesn't act like him. I love him to pieces, he's my world... but sometimes he makes me want to rip my hair out", I laughed as I looked at him playing with his rattle which I bought yesterday along with some other toys. "It's been hard down here, not just with you gone you're the Alpha and all, but there's been Rouges creeping onto our land. Alpha Blake's pack was attacked two days ago, we helped fight them off and some of our men were injured. We've started training them but it's no use, they won't listen to us. We're afraid if there's another attack we won't be able to hold them off. You're our only hope Sarah please you have to come back. They'll listen to you", my mother cried. My pack they are defenceless with no Alpha to lead them, I don't want that I never did it was my responsibility no one else's. I have to go back I have to help. I sighed and put my head in my hands, thinking. 'We have to go home and protect our pack Sarah', Anna told me 'I know it's just...what if he finds out Mason's his? What if he tries to take him from me? What if he rejects him?', I said looking over at the now sleeping Mason who lay in his playpen, with his thumb in his mouth. 'He has a right to know he's Mason's father, we'll be there with Mason to protect and love him whatever happens', Anna said. I agreed with her. "Okay I'll be back by tomorrow night", I said my parent's face's lighting up. My mother started dancing around the room I was mortified and by the looks of it my father was too. She tried to do some kind of moonwalk and ended up falling to the floor. "I'm okay!", She yelled. "God, crazy woman", I laughed, Dad agreeing with me. "Try being married to her", He whispered, only to have her hit him on the head. "I heard that", She said as she crossed her arms and pouted. Dad wrapped his arms around her, pulling her onto his lap while kissing her forehead. They were so cute. I wish me and my mate were like that. "Ehem! I'm still here please not in my office. I love you guys but I have to start packing Mason's stuff and mine I'll see you tomorrow", I interrupted. We said our goodbyes and I looked over at Mason I picked him up and walked to his room, laying him down. I kissed his forehead before moving to his closet and taking all of his clothes and shoes out. I dragged everything to my room where our bags were and began folding his clothes and placing them neatly in the bag. I moved on to my bags doing the same but stopped when my phone began to ring, it was Lena so I picked up. " Hey", I said placing it on speaker and continuing with my bags. " Hey just letting you know that the Kennedys loved the photos and they've sent you a bag of goodies ", she said and I smiled. "I swear that family sends a basket every time we work with them ", I said zipping up my bag and moving to the bathroom "The banana bread they send is amazing so I'm not complaining", she said and I giggled and walked back into my room placing everything in another bag. "Hey so I know its short notice but I'm flying home tomorrow morning so ill need you to take over everything while I'm gone you have my number and email so if you need anything just call or email", I said zipping up the last bag. " Yes of course don't worry about a thing I've got it all handled did you need me to take you to the airport?", she said and I smiled at how considerate she was. " No its fine, thank you ", I said and I sat down on the bed after placing the bags by my door. " Well let me know when you land and give Mason my love have a safe flight ", she said and we said our goodbyes. I took out my laptop and booked our tickets for 9am tomorrow then I closed my laptop and replaced my clothes with my blue silk PJ's. I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I slipped into bed and immediately drifted off thinking about my family.
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