Book 1 Chapter Three

1968 Words
"James get in here and help me get ready", I yelled from my room. Tonight was my crowning ceremony and I still needed to do my hair, makeup and get dressed. Alice and James were both supposed to help me do my hair and makeup but that was until Alice found out that James is gay. Honestly, I don't see the problem she was his sister, his family that should mean something to her. He's happy that should mean the world to her but its like she just doesn't want him to be himself. "I'm here, I'm here. Now, time to do your face", He said and stepped forward. He clipped my hair up and out of the way and started his masterpiece. He started with the foundation, bronzer and blush. Then he moved onto my eyes, doing a smoky eye effect. He added some red lipstick to finish off. He had painted my nails a dark red earlier, which matched my lips. Then he moved onto my hair where he started to curl and twirl my hair then pinning it and spraying my hair with hairspray. He wouldn't let me look at myself until he was finished and I was dressed. I put on my white strapless dress that flowed down and touched the floor. It had jewels around the waist, I sat on the bed and put on my white heels. I walked out and saw James had put on a black suit and styled his hair so it was combed over to the side. "You look handsome", I said walking out of my room. He turned to me and instantly his eyes widened as saw me standing there after two hours of work. "Sarah you look... beautiful if I was into girls I would be drooling", He said, taking out his phone to take a picture. "I'm going to tell your parents that you're a real woman now", he said placing a kiss on my head and walking out. I turned to the mirror so I could fully see myself, pulling the black blanket off I suddenly felt nervous. What if I actually looked hideous? "OH MY GOD!", I yelled. I heard my Dad yell from downstairs if I was okay from downstairs. "Yeah Dad, I just don't know who I'm looking at", I yelled back as I heard them all chuckle. "Sarah, you better come downstairs and show us! Or I'm coming up there and dragging you out", my mother shouted. 'Sarah you look beautiful', Anna said. I smiled and looked at the mirror, I still didn't realise that this was actually me but I liked it. I stood at the top of the stairs with my family all looking up at me. I heard them all gasp, even my brother Gale. I walked down the stairs and stood in front of my parents. "So what do you think?", I asked them. My mother was already crying while my father looked like he was ready to break down at any moment. My brother just smiled and came up to hug me. My mother then hugged me tight and wouldn't let go until my dad stepped in and took her place. "Honey you look amazing James I'm impressed she looks like a grown woman", Mum said as she went over to hug him. "My little girl isn't so little anymore you're going to be Alpha, then you're going to find your mate and...", my Dad said as he started to lightly cry. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Dad I'll always be your little girl no matter what, I'll always love you and you will always be here for me. That's what I love about you", I said as I too started crying. "Don't cry! You'll smudge my masterpiece! ", James shrieked making us laugh as he gently fixed my makeup. "Okay let me take one photo so I can hang it up", Mum said as she took out her camera. She took heaps of photos of everyone. "Dad I want one with just me and you ", I said and he smiled and straightened his shirt and stood next to me. He placed his arm around my shoulder and mum took the picture then I turned to him and pulled him in and lay my head on his chest. "Thank you, dad, for everything". ------The Crowning------ " I William Collins Alpha of the gold moon pack give you Sarah Collins, my daughter my power to step up as Alpha as I step down", he said and I smiled and began to tear up and he did as well. "I, Sarah Collins, accept this pack and promise to protect and fulfil the duties as Alpha of the Gold Moon Pack", I said and my dad held out his hand and I placed mine in his. He took the golden dagger from the altar and cut a line across my hand, he gave me the dagger and I did the same to him. "As you join hands the blood of the Alpha will transfer to you and you will be gifted with the power to command and lead this pack", Jonathan said as he stepped forward and placed his hand on my cheek. He was an emissary, but we call them elders. They where the only ones who could perform this ceremony they are the council of the packs. Jonathan was the oldest and he was a friend of the Alpha family he watched my father growing up and he has watched my brother and me grow up. He was human but he was born into this world the supernatural world. Wendigos murdered his parents and he saw the whole thing the only reason he survived it was because of my great-grandfather. I looked at my father and he nodded and held out his hand and I placed mine in his letting our blood mix. "Those who came before us and those who have fallen we honour them by passing down their legacy and letting a new Alpha take the responsibilities and the weight that will fall on their shoulders", Jonathan said. I felt a surge of power radiate through me almost pushing me back but my father held on and I grabbed his other hand and closed my eyes. I opened them and I looked at my father his eyes glowed bright red and he smiled at me. I watched as the red faded from his eyes and all that remained was glowing gold eyes. Once an Alpha steps down their eyes change to a gold just like their betas. " I give you your Alpha", Jonathan said and I turned with glowing red eyes to my pack and they all bowed, I saw my family with their heads bowed then I turned to my father and he did the same. Everyone looked up and howled and cheered. " I'm so proud of you ", Jonathan said and I hugged him and smiled. "Thank you ", I said and kissed his cheek before turning to my father who came to stand next to me. "Now she will pick her Beta and Third in command", my Dad said as everyone calmed down. "As Beta, I choose James Lightwood and as my Third in Command, our top warrior, Latin Jackson", I said as they both came up on stage and accepted their positions. " I call on Damon Lightwood and Oliver Jackson ", I said and they made their way onto the stage. They were my fathers Beta and third in command both being the fathers of both of mine. They all stood on opposite sides of each other, Damon and Oliver were given a dagger to complete the bonding. " James Lightwood, Latin Jackson please step forward", I said. " James Light do you accept the position of Beta?", I asked and his eye glowed gold. "I accept", he said and I smiled and looked at Latin. "Finally do you Latin Jackson accept the position on third in command?", I asked and his eye glowed neon blue. " I accept ", he said and I looked at my pack. " I give you your Beta and Third in command ", I said and everyone cheered and howled. "The ceremony is now complete", Jonathan said and I smiled and turned to the boys. " We're like the three musketeers ", James said and I laughed and hugged them both. " Thank you Alpha", Latin said and I smiled. " We've been friends since we were all in nappies so its Sarah to both of you ", I said and we all laughed. Latin left and James and I walked towards my family that wasn't hard to spot due to the fact that my mother was waving her arms around. " Oh honey I'm so proud of you ", she cried and pulled me in and I hugged her back. I pulled away and my brother gave me a bear hugged and I smiled. "Well done sis, even though your alpha ill still pick on you ", he said and I laughed. "Well you kids have fun tonight but be safe I love you all ", mum said and dad kissed my forehead before they both walked off. I turned to James and Gale with a smirk. " Party?", I said and they both looked at me. "PARTY!", they yelled. I changed into a black long sleeved dress that reached mid-thigh, once we were all ready we made our way over to the Blood Moon Packhouse. The music vibrated throughout the house and people flowed in and out of it, I had members of both packs come up to me and congratulate me. James and I danced and drank the night away, no one could stop us until the most compelling smell hit me. Apples, Tropical Fruit and the Forest. "MATE, MATE, MATE GO TO MATE", Anna howled as I followed the smell leading me to a group of people from the Blood Moon Pack. Only one of them stood out...His ice blue eyes gazing into mine, golden hair that I had the desire to run my fingers through. As he saw me his eyes filled with lust. I couldn't speak and my body just decided it forgot how to move, then he began to make his way through the crowd until he was suddenly standing right in front of me. All I could do was look and what I was seeing was stars, he reached out and tucked a strand on my hair behind my ear. I felt sparks across my skin as his fingertips brushed against my neck. I don't know why I couldn't speak or move but that didn't stop him, because he slowly wrapped his arm around my waist and moved me closer. Every part of my body seemed to relax as he held me close to him then I looked at him and god he was beautiful, I've never seen anything like it and I wanted him. My eyes moved down to his lips, his facial structure was magnificent, his lips formed a small smirk and he leaned in and kissed me. My mind exploded all over the place and I moved my hands up and tangled them in his soft golden locks. It felt like hours, but I wasn't complaining because I was in bliss and it felt right. He pulled away and he took my hand guiding me through the crowd and to a room which smelt exactly like him and I sighed. We spent the rest of the night together under the covers and I knew id have to explain myself to James for leaving him but when you find your mate you can't help what happens.
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