Chapter Three

1599 Words

Chapter ThreeDante After visiting me for nearly two hours, Andrew, the elf, and Rick, the leprechaun, left. I really had to pee. Again. I was not about to buzz for the nurse. She wasn't going to answer my call right away. Sure, maybe she had better things to do than to help me. Maybe she had a little old lady who needed to pee worse than me and she had to use a walker. I didn't need a walker—I told myself. I swung my feet over the side of the bed, slid myself down to the floor, my feet finding the slippers Lindee brought. The room pitched and swam around me, the floor tipped toward me. Before I fell, someone's strong hands caught me. I sucked in a startled gasp, saw the brown hands that had me. I twisted my head over my shoulder to look into a bronze-skinned face—the high cheekbones and

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