Chapter Four

2842 Words

Chapter FourBill “Nemesis?” he repeated. “Shhh, Bill. It's Naomi while I'm here. Now, what can I do for you today?” “Uh… huh?” he said, still startled by seeing the goddess here in such a common place as a hair dresser's spa. She made a hard tsk sound. Hand on her c****d hip, she said, “Hair cut? Definitely.” She pursed her lips and then sauntered over to him and with the fingers of one hand tousled his hair as she walked around him. “And a shave. Right?” “Right,” he said. “But…” “But what?” “I didn't expect to see you here.” “I own the place. I cut hair and shave men's beards. I also give one hell of a massage. Would you like one of those, too?” she said in her most sultry voice, flicking her eyes down and then up his masculine form. “Massage? Massage where?” he said. “In the ba

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