Chapter Two

2795 Words

Chapter TwoStrangers & Friends I certainly had a number of things to think about once Bill left for the day. He'd said he had a number of things to do, including getting a hair cut, a doctor's appointment, and checking in on his grandmother who was also in a hospital, but closer to where we both lived—wherever that was. I tried to read the novel Lindee brought me. Couldn't. I flipped through the pages of the magazines she'd brought me to pass the time. Nothing but stupid ads for lipstick and make-up. There wasn't a thing on TV that interested me. I pondered the thought of my having worked for vampires—namely the one who had visited me last night. If Bjorn Tremayne was a vampire I found myself wondering if I hadn't been insane for agreeing to working for him. I mean, what sort of person w

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