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Hobart dragged the unconscious nurse to a chair and arranged her in it the best he could. She slid, nearly going to the floor, and he had to pull her back up, and had to re-arrange her skirt as it had slid up to her hips. When he got her situated he stepped over to the bed. “What are you doing?” He looked at Sabrina. “She seems calmer, now.” “It's called a mind touch,” Tremayne said. “Only a vampire can reach her in this state and bring her out of the vision. Otherwise she might go into a semi-automatic state for hours, maybe days if the vision is so strong.” Hobart nodded. “Why did you come? I thought you were all the way in California.” “I was—am.” He made an exasperated sound and looked up at Hobart briefly. “I slipped back here. We share a blood bond, Sabrina and I. A very strong o

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