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Bill and Stefan stared warily at one another, like two alley cats measuring each other up. If they had been cats their fur would be bristled out, backs arched, and their ears back hissing and spitting at one another. Jeeze. Men. “Outside,” Bill said, and stepped out of the room. Stefan followed him. I was certain they were not going to fight. They were in a hospital, after all. But I followed them with my eyes. Dr. Phillips let the door partially close, and leaned through the opening to give them a warning. If they took it, I didn't know, but doubted it. * * * “I promise not to kill you, Stefan, as long as you don't try anything like that again,” Bill said between clenched teeth. “Can we simply agree to disagree?” Stefan squeezed his eyes at Bill. The nerve of the man. Who the hell did he think he was? But caution overrode his need to pummel the guy. If it's true, and he really did kill Naamah, then, he is quite possibly stronger than any demon or vampire anywhere. He reconsidered teaching him a lesson. At least for the time being. Bill folded his arms and looked down at him. “Where is Vasyl? Or do you even know?” “I actually do not know where Vasyl is,” Stefan said. That was the truth. “Why isn't he here, with her?” Then he added, “I warn you, I'll know if you lie.” Stefan let go an exasperated sigh. “He had to leave Sabrina because of a blood issue.” Bill's brow arched. “Her blood? He became attracted to her blood?” “Yes.” “When?” “About three, or four nights ago. After he became magnate. At any rate, he had to abdicate in the light of… things.” “He did? And so he left because of her blood?” “It's complicated.” Stefan shook his head and brought his hands up in a calming gesture. “Look, it happens. Vasyl was with Sabrina when she started her menses, and that was it. He had to get the hell away from her. Sibyl's blood is too much for a vampire to resist. He did the only thing he could do. He left. I'm sure he is as far away from her as he could get.” Stefan paused and said, “I think you should know I was dating her. Before this accident, I mean.” “Dating her?” Bill said, surprise in his voice. “You certainly don't waste time, do you?” Stefan squeezed his eyes at him again. “She's still the sibyl. Right? I mean that can't have changed. Right?” Bill inclined his head. “Yes. There would be no reason that would change. She simply can't recall things. She knew our names only because she is the sibyl—she got that from her talents.” “That makes sense.” “Where will she be taken, once she is released from the hospital?” Bill asked. “Her house was swarming with demons, last I checked.” “Back to the Towers. She has a penthouse.” “Penthouse? On which side? Vampire, or human?” “I put her in the human side, of course.” “She'll need someone to watch over her.” “She has servants.” “You've hired servants too?” Stefan nodded. “So, she's a kept woman.” “She's married, until someone says otherwise. But she is the sibyl and must become pregnant.” “Oh. That's right. That silly prophesy.” Stefan gave him a warning glare, but Bill's eyes slid away in thought, then nodded. “So, Vasyl is gone. How has this dubious task go to you?” He was a comedian, this one was. And how the hell did he know about the prophesy.?He couldn't wait to speak to father about this one. “I was next in line. Once Vasyl abdicated, I was put into the magnate position. I am a master, in case you wondered.” “No. I wasn't wondering that at all,” Bill said smugly. “But remember, as we've been told, she doesn't remember anything about her life. She doesn't know she is the sibyl. To tell her, even that much, might bring back too much too soon. What she endured in Dark World was horrifying. Also, you had better be more careful about that temper of yours. She is probably wondering how the two of us didn't get a b****y nose or broken neck from our scuffle in there.” Bill inclined his head toward the room. “No problem, as long as you stay out of my way and out of my business. The sibyl is mine. By all rights I've won her fair and square.” Bill snickered, refolding his arms. “I won't challenge that. I just hope Ms. Strong has no objections.” Stefan smiled. “There should be no problem there, Gannon.” He turned and strode out the waiting room and got into the elevator. * * * Dr. Phillips stepped out of the hallway into the waiting room where Bill was. “Quite a discussion. Everything okay?” The doctor's thick brows went up to Bill. “Yeah. I didn't count on him, that's all.” “A suitor to our young sibyl?” the doctor said. “Apparently.” Bill still stared at the elevator. “I detect your disappointment. You were hoping to have a relationship with her?” “Seems like someone is always in line in front of me,” Bill said. The doctor patted his shoulder. “Well, you never know, since she doesn't know him, or anyone for that matter, any more, everything is like a clean slate. You may still have a chance to impress her.” Bill hiked his shoulder. “Maybe.” Dr. Phillip chuckled, and stepped away. “Oh, doctor?” “Yes, my boy?” “I was wondering, could I make an appointment for an examination?” “Examination?” “I—” Bill looked down at the pebbled gray carpet. “I just need to verify a few things. My wings, especially.” He said the last in a low voice. “Were they injured?” Bill caught someone's shadow become long in the hall. “We'll talk.” “Call my office in the morning. I'll try to move a few things around.” “Great.” Bill watched the doctor exit the room. He looked to find it was Hobart who had entered from the hallway creating that shadow. “Everything okay?” Bill asked. “Yeah. The nurses came in. She needs to have some privacy. I thought—” “Yes?” “I thought it would be good if someone stays and watches over her.” “Oh? Why?” “Just in case. You don't know her as well as I do.” “No. I'm sure I don't.” “She's been under attack by demons.” “I knew that part.” “And that witch,” Bill added. “Right.” “So, I thought I'd take the night watch.” Hobart bent and sat on the couch. “Okay. Who will watch her tomorrow?” “Well, I thought maybe I'd ask around. I don't have a job right now. Actually my job is watching over Sabrina.” He chuckled. “That's like a full-time job in itself.” Bill chuckled with him. “What's this about Sabrina?” Morkel and Lindee stepped into the room. “We were discussing having watches put on Sabrina,” Hobart said. “I volunteered for the night shift.” “Very well,” Morkel said. “I think I might be able to get away for a few hours tomorrow. I'll see if a few others might be able to come out. Like Rick, perhaps.” He looked at his watch. “Rick? Does he even know?” Hobart asked. “I hadn't thought of it, actually. Thanks for reminding me. Oh, he's going to be ticked at us for leaving him out of the loop.” Morkel's brow crinkled. “No doubt.” “But, when I heard that she didn't remember anyone, the sight of Rick…” “Yeah. Might be a bit of a shock.” “Who's Rick?” Bill asked. “Oh, he's a leprechaun,” Lindee piped up. “And that's bad because?” Bill asked. “Because he hasn't any arms.” Morkel said. “His hands are attached to his shoulders. Ah, it's a birth defect.” “Ah, I see.” Bill turned to Hobart. “I've a few things to do tomorrow, but when I can, I'll come and take over for whoever is here, if they need a break.” 11:45pm ~ same night Hobart's fourth cup of coffee sat half-full on the coffee table. He had found an old novel and picked it up to read. It wasn't bad, but not his usual reading material. It was nearly midnight, last time he looked. The scream from the hallway alarmed him. He threw down the novel, jumped over the coffee table, and was in Sabrina's room within ten seconds. Sabrina's screams were loud, and didn't stop. It were as though someone was torturing her. Why aren't the nurses coming? his mind screamed. When he entered her room, she was flailing around in her bed. Her screams were torn from her. There was no one in the room with her—unless they were invisible. Without thinking, Hobart went to her and grasped her shoulders and yelled, “Sabrina! Sabrina! It's just a dream! You're okay! You're okay, babe. You're safe.” Tear stained eyes looked up at him. Two seconds passed between them, and he pulled her into the comforting folds of his arms. She looked relieved to realize she had only been dreaming. He'd known people who had been in a war, and had dealt with PTSD. Nightmares were just part of the post war symptoms where they went back to that painful, horrifying moment that made them slightly unstable, unable to deal, the memories burned into their minds forever. Sabrina stopped shivering. She sniffled once and said, “Wow. You're really warm.” With realization, Hobart let her go and stepped away from her. “Sorry. I didn't know what to do.” She smiled at him. “Thank you.” That was when someone stepped right through the wall and scared the bejezus out of Hobart and he twirled to face them head on, pulling out both the metal claws from his belt, ready to hack whoever to pieces. He recognized Bjorn Tremayne and stopped dead in his tracks. It took another two seconds for him to relax and drop his hands holding the weapons. Then he sheathed the silver-coated three-pronged three inch claws. The only part he could touch were where his fingers fit into the loops to hold them. He'd had this belt buckle special made so that the claws fit into the buckle in such a way that it hid them, they appeared to be nothing more than part of the intertwining decoration on the buckle. Tremayne glared at him. “Out of my way, Were.” “God damn you to hell!” Hobart spat. No one could sneak up on him—not a vampire, and not a Were. But this one had, and it had startled him. “He already has,” Tremayne quipped, stepping over to Sabrina's bed. “What's happening? Why are you here?” “I heard her scream.” Hobart looked back at the door. “I don't know why the nurse hasn't come in, yet.” He turned to Sabrina. She was jerking her head back and forth. “What the hell? She was fine just now. I swear!” “Out of the way, wolfman.” Tremayne practically shoved Hobart out of the way with the hulk of his own body. Automatically, he placed his finders to Sabrina's temples. “Just as I thought. She's having a vision.” “A vision? Now?” Hobart said. Someone rushed into the room. Now a nurse comes? “What are you two doing!” the nurse asked, looking both terrified and ready to kick them out. “Get out of here! She's having a seizure!” She rushed up to the bedside. “Take it easy, Nurse Ratchet,” Tremayne said glaring her down. “I'll call security if you don't step away from her at once!” she threatened. “Oh, crap,” Hobart said, looking at the master vampire. Now what do we do? Tremayne turned his teal gaze on her. His eyes went from sea green to blood red. “You need to relax.” The nurse blinked and then swooned. “s**t!” Hobart, who was closest to the nurse, caught her. “What do I do with her?” He asked desperately, holding the limp nurse by the armpits. If anyone comes in here seeing this… “Put her over in that chair. I'll be done in a minute,” Tremayne said, nodding to the chair in the corner.
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