Chapter Ten

3971 Words

Chapter TenOld Business Once Dante made himself invisible, I dressed. Wherever he went, I had no clue. When I pulled on my jeans someone knocked on my door. “Who is it?” I asked. “It's Mindy, miss.” She poked her head in and then stepped into my room. “Would you like breakfast in bed or at the table this morning?” “I'd like to sit at a table, thank you,” I said from where I sat on my bed moving slowly. She turned and spoke to someone in the hall, then turned back and asked. “Do you need help in getting there?” “Probably. But no wheelchair,” I protested. “Have James come in. I can walk if I can hold his arm.” She turned and leaned out into the hallway. She whispered and after a few seconds, James stepped inside. “I will escort you to the dining room, miss,” he said. He was in a dark

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