Chapter Nine

1571 Words

Chapter NineMr. Jangles Morning. At least he wouldn't have to eat the dry very undesirable kibble he'd been eating as a cat. Somehow Booth's human form had escaped discovery. Unfortunately, he could not shut out the noises from the bedroom nearby. The man and woman had been… mating nearly all night. The noises were intolerable, and Booth had to bury his head further into the smelly, dirty clothes he lay in. At some point the noises had stopped, and Booth had gotten much needed rest. The woman had finally left some time this morning. He sensed that easily enough. The man had made some parting words to her, and she giggled as she passed the door to this room. The man… What was his name? Surely I'd heard the old woman say it a few times… Her name was… Emma. Yes. Emma Bench. An odd name. Bu

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