Ser Criston Cole

761 Words
Six months had passed since the deaths of Aemma and Baelon. Six months of mourning. Six months of relearning. Six months of establishing a new routine. Six months and Jessica still had a dragon egg. She had carried that egg everywhere. Kept it warm by the fire. Took it with her when she bathed and slept and ate and studied. It was still just an egg. Rhaenyra sat next to Jessica under the weirwood tree. "You're not supposed to be this sad at four Jessie." Jessica playfully nudged her sister. "Five now, Nyra." Rhaenyra laughed. "Five right. Are we sure?" They both began laughing, Rhaenyra settled Jessica into her lap. "Oh sweet sister, your dragon will hatch soon." Jessica sighed. "I'm going to be the only Targaryen without a dragon." "No you are not." Rhaenyra squeezed her firmly. "I will not allow it." Rhaenyra stood Jessica up. "Come help me pick a new Kingsguard." Rhaenyra picked Jessica up and they headed off to the overview in Maegor's Holdfast. There were many candidates, many that Jessica had seen from the tournament. One by one Rhaenyra judged them, and nearly all Jessica could see her give a shake of her head. Rhaenyra "What do they have in common Jessie?" Jessica leaned against the rail. "They've all fought in tourneys." "Exactly." Rhaenyra smiled. "No one with any really battle experience." Rhaenyra motined to Jessica. "Here let me see the egg." Jessica handed it over and Rhaenyra gave the egg to her guard Ser Harrold Westerling. "Up we go." Rhaenyra picked Jessica up and sat her on the edge of the overview. Jessica smiled down at the knights, her feet kicking back and forth. Rhaenyra was looking straight foward. "I think the candidates should have a test. See how they react under pressure." Ser Harrold went to charge for tbe pair, already seeing the outcome. "Princess...don't!" But it was too late. Rhaenyra had pushed Jessica off the overview's edge down to the crowd below. The knights blinked in shock. All but one. Ser Criston Cole immediately lept into action running across the space to where Jessica was falling. There was a crash, the sounds of Ser Criston's armor hitting stone and then silence. Ser Harrold closed his eyes, waiting to hear Jessica's cry. But there was none. A heartbeat later, high laughter rang throughout the Holdfast. "Again Nyra! Again!" Jessica was safely in Ser Criston Cole's arms. "Maybe later." Rhaenyra smiled and leaned on the rail. She turned to Ser Harrold. "Criston Cole will do." Rhaenyra called down to the pair. "I'd bring her up. She doesn't like to be separated from her egg for too long." Jessica was returned safely, and once back in the Red Keep, Jessica raced off to her Father's chambers. As expected, Viserys was busy working on the Valyrian Model. She took her normal spot and said nothing. Viserys looked up after a few minutes. "What have you been up to?" "Nyra picked Ser Criston Cole." Jessica answered plainly. Viserys looked up at her. "The Dornishman?" Jessica shrugged. "Nyra said he has good reflexes. Whatever that means." Viserys gave a small chuckle. Jessica looked over as the door opened and Alicent made her way in. Alicent smiled and made her way over and kissed the top of her head. "Did you have fun with Rhaenyra?" "She picked Ser Criston Cole." Jessica answered, not looking at her. "I'm sure he'll be a fine cho-" Alicent looked down at the back of her neck. "Your neck...your arms..." Alicent pushed up the sleeves of Jessica's dress. There were large bruises up each arm and across her neck. Alicent turned Jessica to look at her. "How did you get these?" Jessica simply shrugged. "Jessica." Alicent pressed. She was met with silence. Viserys now rose and went over to the two girls. "What is the fuss Alicent?" "Look." Alicent showed Viserys the bruises. "Call Maesters." Viserys order. And before Jessica blinked, she was being fussed over. The Maesters had given Jessica a small dose of Milk of the Poppy and cool rags. Viserys was pacing and fuming. Jessica had refused to speak about how she came upon her injuries. "It was my idea." Rhaenyra finally confessed at dinner. Viserys glanced up from his plate. "What do you mean?" "Jessica was helping me pick a new Kingsguard. She got hurt on my watch." Viserys sighed and set his fork down. "Our family is small Rhaenyra. It doesn't need to be growing smaller." Viserys looked at them both in turn. "Remember. All we have is each other."
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