Heir for a Day

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She wasn't allowed to see her mother at all. She tried to, but Viserys scooped Jessica up in his arms. "Let's go see the baby..." He soothed to her. He walked her a few doors down to where the Maesters and a Wet Nurse were tending to a small bundle. "Your Grace..." Maester Orwyle turned to Viserys. Viserys gave a nod. "Jesscareya wants to meet the newest member of the family." He gave a smile but his voice faltered. Orwyle gave a nod. "Of course." With a wave of his hand, the room was cleared. Viserys carried Jessica over to a small bundle laid in a bassinet. There was a small coo to the child. "Jessie, this is Baelon. This is your baby brother." Jessica leaned over and touched Baelon's cheek. Baelon opened his eyes and looked at Jessica. Another small coo from him. "He's telling you hello Jessie." Viserys shifted her, so she was more comfortable. Jessica giggled "He's so tiny." Viserys didnt let Jessica see the tear that fell. "That he is." Jessica stood at Baelon's crib for hours. Watched his every move. She was enamored with him. As the sun was setting, Jessica was sat down and Baelon was placed in her arms. He was heavier than what she thought. Viserys smiled and helped her hold him. "Baelon is your brother Jesscareya. When he is older he will be your best friend. When you both become of age he will be your husband. And when I am dead, you two will oversee the Seven Kingdoms as King and Queen." Jessica looked up at her Father almost in awe. "I'll be Queen?" Viserys kissed her forehead. "You will sweet girl." Jessica didn't smile. "And what about Nyra?" Viserys sighed. "When Rhaenyra comes of age she will marry a suitable Lord and that Lord will become a Prince Consort." "Not Uncle Daemon." Jessica questioned. Viserys gave a wholehearted laugh. "Seven Hells no. Not your Uncle Daemon. Not while I'm still alive." Jessica smiled. She watched Baelon all day. Watched his every move, trying to get to know her brother, her betrothed. She was taking her new duties seriously. As seriously as a four-year-old could muster. That future was short lived. Short lived for Viserys. Short lived for Rhaenyra. Short lived for King's Landing. Most importantly, short lived for Jessica. The funeral was that following afternoon. Her mother, Aemma Arryn lay on the larger pyre. But that was not the one that Jessica fully focused on. Baelon Targaryen. Her baby bother, her best friend, her beloved betrothed, lay on the smaller pyre in front of their mother. Baelon had passed in the night, after Jessica had been carried to her room. That left Jessica back to being second born, not a son and a widow at four. She walked over and took Rhaenyra's hand. Everyone was waiting on her to give the command to light the funeral pyre. Rhaenyra looked down at Jessica. She gave a small smile and gently gave her hand a squeeze. "They are waiting for you." Daemon leaned over to the pair of them. Rhaenyra looked back down to Jessica and then over to her dragon, Syrax. "Dra-" Rhaenyra's voice hitched. Then looked down at Jessica. "She's four. Daemon she's four." Daemon kelt down to Jessica. "I've got her." "Dracarys." As soon as the command left her moth, Syrax set the pyres ablaze. Jessica flinched and took a step back, but Daemon's hand was gently placed on her back to keep her steady. They stayed, watching the fires until they died, until the pair were little more than ash. Daemon kissed her temple, pressing his forehead to hers. "You did well, Little One." He stood and gave a nod to Rhaenyra. It was later into the evening. Jessica was in her Father's chambers. She looked upon the scale model of King's Landing that her Father had been working on since before she was born. Neither of them had spoke, her father worked and she watched. There was a knock at the door and a King's Guard entered. "The Lady Alicent Hightower, Your Grace. Princess." He gave a nod and saw himself out. Viserys glanced up. "What is it, Alicent?" Jessica glanced over seeing Alicent hover in the doorway. She seemed nervous. "I thought I might come and look in on you...on both of you, Your Grace." Viserys gave a nod. "That's very kind of you, thank you." Alicent sat down. "It's a favorite of mine." Viserys kept on working. "I do know how passionate you are for the histories." "Yes...I am. Jessie what are you looking at?" Alicent was met with silence. Viserys looked to his young daughter. "She's been like that since she went to check Baelon this morning...." Alicent sat the book down and went over behind Jessica. Alicent wrapped her arms around Jessica, their cheeks pressing against each other. "When my mother died....people only ever spoke to me in riddles. All I wanted was for someone to say that they were sorry for what happened to me." Alicent kissed her cheek. "I am sorry Princess." Alicent looked over to Viserys. "I am very sorry, Your Grace." "I failed..." Jessica whispered. "How so Jesscareya?" Alicent asked softly. "I loved Momma. It wasn't enough. I loved Baelon. It wasn't enough. I did everything I could and it wasn't enough!!" "Shhh sweet girl." Alicent picked her up and soothed her. "Shhh. None of this is your fault." Alicent held her close until Jessica fell asleep in her arms. In the days that followed, Jessica saw her sister declared heir, and all the lords bend the knee to her. She stood dutifully at her Father's side as this all unfolded. Jessica had looked at her Father's model every night, well past time for her to sleep. And one night Rhaenyra was called in. "Thers something that I need to tell you. This might be difficult for you to hear, but you need to hear it." He turned to Jessica. "Both of you." Jessica went over to where her father and sister were. "Now our histories tell us that Aegon looked across the Blackwater from Dragonstone, and saw a rich land ripe for the capture. But ambition alone is not is not what drove him to conquest. It was a dream. And just as Danny's foresaw the end of Valyria, Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men. 'Tis to begin with a terrible winter gusting out of the distant north." Viserys cupped each of his daughter's cheeks. "Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds. And whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living. When this great winter comes, Rhaenyra, Jesscareya...all of Westeros must stand against it. And if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne. A king or queen, strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark." Viserys thumbs rubbed against their cheeks. "Aegon called his dream "The Song of Ice and Fire." This secret...it has been passed from king to heir since Aegon's time. Now both of you must promise to carry it...and protect it." Both girls were silent. "Promise me Rhaenyra. Promise me Jesscareya." Viserys pulled them close. "Promise me."
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