Story By Vero


I’ve always loved to write stories from a young age. As I got older I started to write more dramatic and longer stories and now I want to share these stories in hopes you will enjoy them just as much as I do.
Embracing the Abyss
Updated at May 13, 2024, 23:46
A cold chill ran down my spine. I opened my eyes to a sky full of stars. When did I fall asleep? I looked around the tall grass. It was pitch black out. The lights from the rich part of town, the Heights, were sparkling in the distance. Here in the Valley the lights were flickering as they pitifully shined.I stood up, stretching my arms up to the sky, taking in a breath of crisp fall air, before heading back to the place I sleep. I wouldn’t call it home. Home is where you feel safe and secure. This house hasn’t been a home in years.I opened the front door, careful not to step on the first board because it would squeak and wake up Anne. I closed the door gently, making sure not to make a noise. I crept along the entrance hall and looked into the living room. Anne was passed out on the recliner in front of the television. Her bottles stacking up on the side table. Walking up the stairs I stayed as close to the railing as I could to avoid the creeping sound the boards would surely make. Reaching my room I closed the door behind me. Triple checking that I had locked it. I was a little ocd about this. I never trusted the company Anne kept. I tossed my sweater over my desk chair, pulling my phone out of the pocket while tapping the screen to see that it was half past midnight. I plugged it in, setting it on my desk before plopping down on my bed. My room was small, but it had everything I needed. No closet, but I had a small worn down dresser that was missing a few handles. A shabby old desk that was missing a few draws, but held up my books and what little makeup I had. Then there was my bed. I’ve had the same one since I was in 5th grade. Anne found it at a garage sale and since I could no longer fit in the toddler bed she was forced to buy it. As much as I wanted to shower I didn’t want to fight with Anne in her drunken state. She wasn’t always like this. There was a point in time where I thought of her as a mom. After my dad left she spiraled down into a depressive state. Her only way to cope was at the bottom of a bottle.Rolling over, ignoring the loud gurgling from my stomach. I’d be able to grab something quick to eat before I go to school in the morning. I tossed and turned for hours before finally falling asleep.The alarm on my phone had gone off and was vibrating loud enough for me to hear. It felt like I didn’t sleep at all. Squinting at the brightly lit screen I turned off my alarm. Why did 6 in the morning have to come so soon? I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes from the dresser I left out the day before.Unlocking my door I opened it just a crack and listened for Anne. She must still be asleep. Quickly making it across the hall to the bathroom. Triple checking that I locked it behind me. Looking into the cracked mirror, thanks to one of Anne’s blackout accidents, I couldn’t help but stare at my reflection. I looked like Anne before she sank so low. She wasn’t ugly by any means, but drinking has definitely aged her. I have dark brown wavy hair. I wasn’t short, but I could hardly say I was tall standing at 5’4”. Skinny and with my fair skin it made me look sickly. The only thing I got from my dad was my bright blue eyes. I always hated my eyes. They reminded me of my dad, Jacob, and how he abandoned me here. Quickly showering and getting dressed I walked briskly to my room, grabbing my phone, school bag and sweater. I slipped on my shoes and when I opened my door I was met by a pair of bloodshot green eyes. Anne must've gotten up while I was in the shower. The smell of stale alcohol flooded my nostrils, upsetting my empty stomach. “Where the hell are you going?” She said, swaying a bit.“School,” I pushed past her, rushing down the stairs.“You think you can just come and go as you please? Staying out all night and doing god knows what,” she followed, gripping the railing to keep herself from falling.“Aria! Get back here-““I’ll be home late tonight too,” I said, cutting her off as I opened the door and stepped out, “don’t wait up,” shutting it behind me.A part of me felt like I should help her, but after all the bullshit she’s tried pulling over the years it was kind of hard to feel anything towards her anymore.
Star Crossed Mates
Updated at Feb 3, 2024, 09:40
In a town called Loyal, Nova Wilkes finds herself trapped in a town full of unloyal people when her best friend Celeste goes missing. Hated by her community she is forced to leave the town she had grown up in tk get a fresh start. As the anniversary of Celeste’s disappearance approaches, Nova finds herself itching for a change. This comes in the form of a washed up flier for a job as a stewardess on a yacht. Deciding to honor Celeste by living out her dream of traveling the world she accepts the offer and begins her new career. Over the next few years Nova moves up the career laser to Chief stewardess. During what should’ve been a normal voyage. Nova is challenged by a group of wealthy individuals who get a little too handsy. Just when she is about to snap a dark figure roses from the corner, clearing his throat. The mystery man caught their attention and everyone returned to being civil. Nova storms away and doesn’t hear from the group for a few hours till another steward reports that a gentleman has asked for a drink in the entertainment room and asks for her specifically. Sighing in frustration she takes the drink, but the yacht hits a rough patch of water, causing her to spill the drink all over the man. Trying to fix the situation she rush to get him a towel, he takes hold of her wrist and demands she cleans him off now. Unsure of what he means, the mysterious man pulls her hands to his shirt and tells her to take his clothing to the wash. Annoyed, but not wanting to lose the tips she would make in the end, forces her to do as he asks. When she is heading towards the exit she feels the man grip her hips from behind and push her against the wall as he whispers, “I think my staff should have better manners. Don’t take it personally sweetheart. It’s just business” Was she on the border of slapping this man or forcing him down by the collar to kiss him? Can she survive the next 2 weeks with this man and his party?
My Luna’s Secret
Updated at Sep 28, 2023, 00:01
My pack is one that I have always been proud of. I was born to Joel and Alanah of the Silvermoon pack. I’ve never agreed with most of my parent’s choices but it was just something I learned to accept. My name is Casey and I am the Future Alpha. Most of the pack have doubts whether I am my fathers son. I am one of the smallest Alpha’s they have ever seen. Standing only 5’4” on a good day. I have a very slim frame and slender arms and legs. My hair is a light auburn color that makes my dark brown eyes look darker. I am turning eighteen today. This is the day I am supposed to find my mate, but I am in no rush. My mother has told me time and time again that my mate will never accept me and it’s for the best. So I’d like to hold on to the dream of one day having my mate by my side for as long as I can. The day started off the same as usual. My sister Elyse, I call her El, still lives in the pack house with us while our oldest sister Kathleen, I call her Kat, lives in one of the houses near the pack house with her mate Nathan, but I call him Nate. I love them both dearly and I like to think that they love me too, but sometimes I can see the resentment in their eyes when our parents come around. We all gathered around the table to have breakfast. “Kat, how is Nate?” “He’s doing good. Looking forward to your guys training session today” “Maybe this time he’ll be able to land a punch,” I smirked as I ate a piece of toast. “Casey! Get your idiot friends out of here!” El shouted, her clothes were dripping as she swung the newspaper at my friends, Blaine, Miles and Adam. “What did they do now?” “We were only having fun,” Adam said, taking my plate of food and scarfing it down. “It’s just water,” Miles said, taking the toast out of my hand. “Hey!” I reached up to get my food back but hardly came close to touching any of it. “Ouch!” Both Miles and Adam said as Blaine smacks them both in the head. “Give him his food” “We’re growing boys! Pip squeak here doesn't need it,” Miles said. I punched him right in the arm, making him drop my toast. I snatched it quickly and shoved the whole thing in my mouth, making me look like a chipmunk. “Maybe I wouldn’t be so small if you neanderthals would stop stealing my food!” “Come on little buddy. We’re going to be late. Don’t want to keep the ladies waiting on your big day,” Adam said, setting my empty plate back on the table. We raced out the front door only for my parents to call me back. “What’s up?” “We just wanted to wish you a happy birthday,” my dad smiled, giving me a hug. “Thanks,” I smiled back. “Remember to come right back after training” “Will do,” I waved him off while my mom still stood in front of me. I saw her eyeing me up and down. “What’s wrong mom?” “Did you remember to wrap up today?” “I do it every day. Why?” “Maybe you should add some more just in case. Maybe take a sweater” “Mom it’s like 100 degrees outside,” it really wasn’t, but it was a nice day. “Please,” she handed me my black zip up hoodie. I took it and threw it on quickly. “Happy?” “Thank you,” I ran off before she decided to make me go in and change. There was nothing wrong with what I was wearing. I had on some loose dark blue skinny jeans, a white crew neck shirt and my black vans. My hair was short and always messy, like I had just gotten out of bed. She always worried that I would forget my chest wraps and alway made sure to double check with me each day. Did I forget to mention that I’m a female.
Breaking the Cycle
Updated at Jul 24, 2022, 05:48
***Sequel to the story Fallen Love*** Intro Vincent Ever since I could remember I have always been By Claire’s side. I remember one day we were all playing in the pool. I overheard our dads talking about how I was nothing like my parents. I was confused because my dad was agreeing with them. He told them I was still young and hopefully I would never end up like them. I didn’t understand what they were talking about and went back to playing. I told Claire that I was going to stay with pops. She asked her dad and he told her that it’d be better for her to stay. She started to tear up when we saw Pop’s walking up to the patio. We were all getting out of the pool to say hi. Pop was my favorite person to be with. I was running right behind Claire when I heard Uncle Mason telling aunt Claire he doesn’t want me to get too attached to Claire and that it would be safer for both of us if we didn’t. I had honestly forgotten about this moment until a few years later when I stayed the night with Claire. She woke me up to ask me to take a drink of my water. I let her take a drink and grabbed her cup so I could go fill it. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I heard Aunt Claire talking to my mom about how much I looked like my dad, but I had my mom's hair. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked nothing like my dad. My eyes were a light green and my left eye had a strip of blue in it. Claire liked to say it helped me see things others couldn’t. My hair was also dark brown. Both my parents looked nothing like me and my mom had blonde hair. It was then that I started to question who I was. I started to realize I didn’t look like my parents because they weren’t my parents. And then I felt my stomach drop. “I’m adopted” I ran back to Claire and started crying. It scared her and she wrapped her arms around me and apologized for drinking my water. I didn’t care about that and just wanted her to hold me. After that everything just seemed to fall apart. I didn’t realize how much I was pushing everyone away, until it was too late. Including her.
Fallen Love
Updated at Feb 26, 2022, 00:02
#Dare to be a teen: elite academy After years of hard work and studying, I will finally be able to attend Lutz Elite Academy. It's been nice to still be here with Lucas, but I am ready for a change of scenery. I know Lucas is going to worry since he won't be able to watch me anymore. In the end he was excited to see all my hard work pay off. The Elites have different standards so we are given black uniforms to wear. They made a mistake and gave me a boys uniform which almost looks like a business suit. It does well to hide my small frame and curvy figure. I would honestly prefer the suit over the girls uniform. After a grouling hour of pre-calculus the bell rang. I gathered my things and rushed out of the classroom. Most teens had exciting plans for their weekend. For me though it meant playing an intense game of hide-and-seek. Who still plays hide-and-seek in high school? My mother died durnig childbirth. Her side of the family has always disliked me. Everyone except grandma Clair and Lucas. Their dislike turned into hate once grandma passed away when I was 9. I was forced to live with my Aunt Annissa and she never missed an opportunity to remind me of what a burden I am to the family. How she was blessed with a son like Lucas I will never know. When Lucas turned 17 and entered his Senior year of high school Annissa helped him buy a house on the edge of town. Just outside of what we call the rich part if town. Once he moved there was no one around to keep me safe from Annissa's anger. When it all finally became to much I ran away. No one came looking for me. Lucas had seen me around town, and asked his mom what I was doing out so late. She told him that I was probably selling myself and just causing trouble for the rest of them. Lucas knew me better than that and decided to follow me one night and caught me crawling under some bushes behind a 24 hour store. After that he took me in. One day Annissa came over while I was attending an afterschool study session and found some of my clothes mixed in with Lucas' laundry. He told her that he has had a few get togethers with friends and it could have been a number of different girls clothes. After that close encounter Lucas made it clear to her that she can only come by on the weekends. And because she never wants to upset Lucas she has been following his request. We both know nothing good will happen if she finds out I'm living here. I have tried to leave a few times just or the weekend, but it breaks my heart to see Lucas hurt when I bring it up. Thus my game of hide-and-seek.