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(NATASHA'S POV) "Good morning, honey," I greeted Alexander as soon as he woke up. He had just woken up and was running late today. "Morning, my love," he replied, yawning and covering his mouth with his hands. After turning, he rubbed his eyes and stretched. I was now living with him in his private home, which had become my own home as well. I couldn't help but continue staring at his handsome face that had captivated me the first time we met. From his face, my gaze moved to his chest. His muscular chest always had a powerful effect on me. Even though he was my husband and we had been intimate many times, every time I saw his naked chest or his entire well-built body, I couldn't help but feel desire. I bit my lip as I stared at him. "What?" he asked, noticing my gaze fixed on him. "Nothing," I answered, my eyes still fixed on his chest. I couldn't stop admiring his perfect physique, the kind that no woman could resist. And he would always be like that. "You said nothing, but you're still staring at me," he said, gesturing towards his body with his hands. "You've seen me naked countless times, so I don't understand why you always react like this." He was right. That's what I did every time I saw his naked body. He knew. I averted my gaze and turned to face the door. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, which made me turn to face him. His touch sent tingles throughout my body. "Can I give you a little massage?" he asked. "Now?" I asked, and he nodded. "If you want to." He unbuttoned my pajamas, revealing my nak£d br£asts. He gently pushed me down on the bed, facing upward. He touched my nippl£s, causing my br£asts to harden, sending waves of pleasure through my body. I let out a slight moan. He massaged my br£asts and ribs with such tenderness. I couldn't help but close my eyes. The pleasure was so intense that I had to close my eyes. "How are you feeling?" he asked, making me open my eyes. "I'm feeling fine," I answered. "You can massage me when I'm done massaging you." "Okay." I said. He slowly and carefully moved down to my stomach area, caressing it softly, being careful not to hurt our unborn baby. Although his touch on my stomach sent tingles throughout my body, I preferred him touching my br£ast area. As if he could read my mind, he brought his hands back to my br£asts and squeezed them, giving me immense pleasure. I closed my eyes again. Suddenly, I felt his tongue on my nippl£s. He sucked on them, causing me to moan loudly. He completely took off my pajamas, leaving me naked. He climbed on top of me, his mouth still on my nippl£. He sucked on it with intensity, making me incredibly aroused. He took his mouth away from my nippl£s and kissed my lips passionately, as if he wanted to devour me. I was enjoying the sensation so much that I didn't want him to stop. I held his face with my hands, not wanting the kiss to end. We kissed for a long time before breaking apart. He then took off his own pajamas. I opened my eyes to see his impressive erection. I grabbed it gently, and I noticed him let out a soft moan. He was really enjoying it. I guided his p£nis into my vaginα with my hands, and both of us let out a loud moan as it entered. I raised my leg while still lying on my back. He moved in and out of my vaginα with great power, pleasuring me beyond measure. "I love it like that. F*ck me harder," I moaned continuously. He kept thrusting in and out of me, his hand gripping my br£ast tightly. He was breathing heavily. "Yes, my queen," he said, still breathing heavily as he continued moving in and out of me. He stopped, pulling his p£nis out of my Vaginα. He moved a little further down, his mouth on my vaginα. He spread my legs wide and began pleasuring me with his tongue and mouth. I moaned in pleasure. I was enjoying him so much. The s£x we were having was incredibly satisfying, even though I was pregnant. Taking his mouth away from my vaginα, he inserted his p£nis back into my vaginα and resumed pleasuring me. He moved in and out of me until both of us reached climax, moaning loudly enough that someone outside the room might have heard us. Finally, he fell back onto the bed, facing upward and breathing heavily. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. I knew it wasn't a deep sleep but rather a rest his body required after s£x. Feeling tired and satisfied, I closed my eyes and drifted off as well. ********************* Opening my eyes again, I slowly sat up. Alexander was no longer lying next to me; he had gotten out of bed. I wondered where he could have gone. Did he go to the palace? I noticed the bathroom door open, and he walked out wearing a white towel. "You're awake," he said as soon as he saw me. "Yes," I answered with a smile. "Are you going to the palace?" I asked. "Yes, I have a meeting with Desmond and some of my warriors, including the chief warrior, David. The meeting is regarding our upcoming marriage ceremony in six days. I need the warriors to protect every corner of our kingdom and ensure its safety," he explained to me. "What you're planning is good, but I don't think anything can happen. We are both already married, and I'm already the crown queen. Cynthia is in prison, her mother is dead, Jorge has been banned from this land, and Cyrus can't do anything," I said. "I know all that, but we still have to protect our kingdom. We don't know what the enemies are planning. There is a possibility that someone, somewhere, is planning evil against us," he said, now putting on his clothes. He was right, very, very right. We needed to take precautions in case they had bad plans for us. "I'll see you soon, babe," he said as he finished dressing. He kissed me on the forehead and left the room. "I love you, honey," I whispered. For now, I don't have a job. I'm planning on starting one as a manager in one of the companies owned by Alexander, but for now, let me focus on the upcoming marriage ceremony. Though I love the marriage ritual, I believe the ceremony will be even sweeter and more enjoyable. I can't wait for that day.
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