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(JORGE'S POV) As the gentle sunlight filtered into the room, I slowly opened my eyes and blinked against the soft glow. I felt disoriented, uncertain of my surroundings. The room was unfamiliar, with white walls and a sterile atmosphere. Outside the room, I could hear the voices of people conversing. Looking down, I noticed a clear tube connected to my arm, leading to a stand with a bag of red liquid. It was a blood transfusion tube, which meant I was receiving a blood transfusion. I also realized that my clothes had been changed. I was now wearing a blue t-shirt and shorts. Where am I? And who is administering the blood to me? Panic started to rise within me as I struggled to remember how I ended up here. The last thing I recalled was being banished from the White Vampire land and being forced out of the kingdom by the warriors. I shouldn't be in a room, which meant something was amiss. I attempted to sit up, but the pain in my ribs and waist prevented me from doing so. The pain was undoubtedly a result of the warriors who had beaten me out of the White Vampire kingdom. I looked around the room, still confused. It resembled a hospital room with medical equipment and tools scattered about. Was I truly in a hospital? Why would anyone take care of me, especially when I bore the mark of banishment? And which kingdom was I in? Suddenly, the doorknob turned, slowly cracking the door open. A woman dressed in white attire, resembling a nurse, entered the room. Our eyes met, and she greeted me with a smile. She was tall, with dark and beautiful skin. As she stepped fully into the room, she closed the door behind her and approached the side of my bed, still wearing a smile. "Good morning, Lord Jorge," she greeted, bowing before straightening herself. How did she know who I was? She adjusted the flow of the transfusion and then said to me, "I'm glad you're awake. I'll go inform the lord. I'm sure he would be delighted to learn of your awakening." The lord? Who could this lord be? After completing her check-up, she left the room, closing the door behind her. A few minutes later, to my shock, Cyrus walked in, closing the door behind him. "Jorge," he called out as he made his way toward me. "How are you doing, my boy?" he asked, his face devoid of a smile but stern. "I'm getting better," I replied, surprised by how strange my voice sounded to me. It was greatly impaired, indicating that I had lost my voice. Cyrus took a seat near my bed. "I know you're wondering how you ended up here. Well, I sent my warriors to bring you here after news of your banishment went viral," he explained. "So, why did you rescue me? Why not let me die there or something of that sort?" I asked. "Jorge, don't ask me why I brought you here because you already know. I'm sure you know, so don't pretend otherwise. We have to finish what we started," he replied firmly. I understood what he meant, but I still wanted him to confirm it verbally. "What did we start? What do you mean?" I asked, still struggling to speak aloud with my impaired voice. Cyrus's facial expression immediately changed to anger. "Jorge, don't play games with me. Like I've said before, you know why I brought you here, and you know what we started. I can't let my daughter remain imprisoned in that damn prison with the White Vampires. I can't sit back on my throne and allow Alexander and his people to make me look weak. I must seek revenge for the death of my wife, and I'm sure you want revenge too," he said, his voice raised, almost as if he was shouting. "So, what do you want us to do now? What plans do you have? Our initial plans failed, so what's the new plan?" I asked, gazing into his eyes. "For now, I don't have many plans, but I do have a few plans. Once you're fully healed and back on your feet, we can discuss the plans in detail. I hope you still have the phone number of... what's his name... hmm... the werewolf Alpha" I nodded. "Damien," I responded, and he nodded in acknowledgment. "I have it memorized. I stored the number in my head before we proceeded with our plans, which didn't go as planned," I explained. "We need him now. If he's still interested in working together with us, we can utilize his warriors. Alexander and Natasha got married officially yesterday, and in six days, they will celebrate their wedding ceremony. So, you better recover quickly so that we can plan our attack. Rest and get well soon. The blood transfusion you're receiving is meant to expedite your healing and strengthen your inner vampire," he said, standing up. "I'll be leaving now. I'll see you later today before the day ends. By then, I believe you'll be fully healed, and we can thoroughly plan everything," he concluded, and I nodded in agreement. He stood up, walked towards the door, opened it, and left, closing the door behind him. Everything he said was true. We needed to seek revenge. We needed to strike back, this time with full force. But how could we successfully attack them when their warriors were always on high alert? I pondered that question for what seemed like thirty minutes before an idea crossed my mind. "Yes, that's the plan I need," I muttered to myself, a wide smile spreading across my face. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my head, and I instinctively pressed my hand gently against my temple to alleviate the pain. These pains were the result of the mistreatment I endured while locked up in prison in the White Vampire land and the beatings I received from their warriors before finally escaping their kingdom. I would definitely seek revenge on Alexander. I would make him suffer, make him beg for his life, and I would turn a deaf ear to his pleas. I would kill him, but before that, I would ensure that Natasha suffered as well. "F*ck you, Alexander," I finally muttered, my face now filled with anger.
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