CHAPTER 3 : Arrival of the werewolves

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(JORGE'S POV) I had regained my strength. The power of my inner vampire coursed through me once again. Although I was still confined to a hospital bed, I believed that I would be discharged soon. The door swung open, and a young man, who was the doctor in charge of my care, entered the room. He approached my bedside and conducted a thorough examination. He placed his hands against my ribs and asked, "Do you feel any pain?" I felt no pain. My vampire abilities had completely healed me. I shook my head. He proceeded to examine other parts of my body, repeating the same question each time. And each time, I responded by shaking my head. "I think you're good to go now. I'm glad your vampire has finally healed you, although it took some time," he said, removing the transfusion tube from my body. "You are now free to leave," he said after removing the tube. He had discharged me. I sat up on the bed. "I need to see Lord Cyrus immediately. Where can I find him?" I asked the doctor. "Why do you ask?" he inquired. One principle I firmly believe in is that one should not answer a question with another question. If this were my kingdom, and I still held the position of Second in Command, I would ensure that this doctor never saw the sun rise again. Today would mark the end of his existence. I was consumed by anger, but I needed to maintain control. I didn't belong to this kingdom. "Where can I find Cyrus?" I asked, my face contorted with rage. My voice resonated with fury and loudness. My vampire instincts urged me to tear him apart; he had disrespected me. The doctor became visibly frightened, realizing my anger. I'm certain he knew who I was. He took a step back, distancing himself from me. I could see his leg trembling. Utilizing my vampire hearing abilities, I could hear his heart beating rapidly with fear. "He must be in his pala..." "Here I am," a deep voice interrupted the doctor as the room door swung open. I turned to see Cyrus entering the room. Cyrus walked toward me and gestured to the healer, indicating that we needed privacy. The doctor bowed to him and exited the room. "My boy, I can see that you are now strong, although it took longer than expected. In two days, Natasha's wedding ceremony will take place, and we haven't yet planned our attack against them," he said to me. "That's why I was inquiring about you. I need a cell phone. I must contact Damien immediately. Once that's done, we can determine how we will launch the attack.," I said, doing my best to suppress the anger provoked by the doctor. Cyrus reached into his trouser pocket, retrieved a phone, and handed it to me. "You can use mine." I took the phone and pressed the power button, waking it up. I realized it was locked. "Unlock it," I said, returning the phone to Cyrus. He unlocked it and handed it back to me. I dialed Damien's number, which I had memorized, and called him. He didn't answer the first time, but after redialing his number, he picked up. "Hello," he said from the other end. "Good morning, Alpha. This is Lord Jorge, the Second in Command of the White Vampire Kingdom..." "Yes, I know... yes, I know," he interrupted me. "I've been waiting for your call. What took you so long to call?" "It's a long story. Without wasting too much of your time, let me get straight to the reason for my call. I wanted to know if you're still interested in retrieving one of your lost pack members named Natasha Elizabeth Sky," I asked. "Yes, as I mentioned earlier, I've been waiting for your call all this time, but you didn't call," he replied. "I know. Now, since you want her back, send a considerable number of your warriors to me. I want them to be under my command. I'll use them to achieve my goals, and in return, I will help you achieve what you need," I said. "Where should I send them? The White Vampire Kingdom?" he inquired. "No. Send them to the Black Vampire Kingdom. They should arrive before evening today. I need to train them. Two days from now, we will launch an attack on the White Vampires using them, just as we discussed. The attack will appear as if it was initiated by you. I have my reasons for that," I explained. "So when do I get Natasha?" he asked. "Immediately after I am crowned as the King of the White Vampires, your warriors will return her to you. So, what do you say? Deal or no deal?" I proposed. "Deal. But do not try to disappoint me, because if you do, you will have me against you. As for my warriors, I'll select the best among them and send them to you right away," he said before I ended the call. I pulled the phone away from my ear and handed it back to Cyrus, who had been standing and observing me during the conversation. "Is he in?" he asked, and I nodded. I noticed an evil smile creep across his face, but he quickly concealed it. Since I had regained my strength, fully healed, and been discharged from the hospital, there was no need for me to remain there. So, I followed Cyrus, and we both left the hospital, heading to his palace. After a few minutes, we arrived at the palace. Cyrus ordered his servants to lead me to a room where I would be staying for now until we accomplished our plans. The warriors escorted me to the room and left after showing it to me. The room was exquisitely beautiful and well-decorated, adorned with wallpaper, marble floors, and chandeliers. I stayed in the room until evening, engrossed in thoughts about various strategies to attack Alexander, even though I already had a perfect one in mind. A knock sounded on my door. "Come in," I ordered the person knocking. The door opened, and a girl walked in. She bowed her head in greeting and stood respectfully. "Lord Jorge, the king requested me to inform you that food is ready. You are to come downstairs to the dining area and join him," she said. "Tell him I'm coming." "Yes, Lord." She bowed again and left the room, closing the door behind her. As she left, I stood up and also left the room. I used the stairs and walked down to the dining area. I approached the dining table, and Cyrus gestured for me to sit opposite him. I sat down and began enjoying the delicious meal that had been prepared. It had been a while since I had last eaten such a satisfying meal. While I was still engrossed in my food, a man, whom I recognized as a warrior due to his attire and the sword he carried, rushed into the dining room and knelt before Lord Cyrus, bowing. "Lord, there are some groups of werewolves on our boundaries. They claim that you invited them to come, so I came here to confirm that," he said, breathing heavily. He looked as if he had rushed all the way from the kingdom border to the palace. Even though he shouldn't be breathing so heavily, I knew that if I were to use the werewolves to launch an attack on Alexander, I would have to train them extensively. After all, Alexander's warriors were undoubtedly more skilled and experienced. But for now, I would make use of the werewolves. I had my reasons. "Yes, let them in. I am the one who invited them," Cyrus said, a smile on his face. "Okay, Lord," the warrior said, about to leave but was stopped by Lord Cyrus. "Hold on, boy! How many werewolves are there?" "I don't really know their number because we never counted them, but there are many, like hundreds," he answered. Lord Cyrus gestured for him to leave, and he did. Lord Cyrus turned to meet my eyes, nodding his head and smiling. "Let the game begin," he said, and we both chuckled before bursting into laughter. We continued eating, and after a few more minutes, we finished. A group of maids walked in and cleared the table. I was about to return to my room when another warrior entered. "Lord, they are here. They are outside," he said, bowing his head. "Okay," Lord Cyrus replied, gesturing for me to follow him. We both went outside, and the first sight that greeted me was a large number of men standing in the compound. In fact, there were so many that the entire compound was filled. Many of them had Natasha's blue eyes, and their scent filled the air. I despised their scent, loathed it, for it reminded me of werewolves, whom I normally detested. But now I needed them to achieve my goals, so I suppressed my distaste. As they noticed our presence, one of them stepped forward and bowed his head, followed by the others. Then they stood upright. The one who came forward, judging by his appearance, seemed to be the group leader. "I am Striker, Chief Warrior of the MoonLite pack. I have been sent here by my alpha, Damien. I am here to see Lord Jorge, second in command to the Lord of the White Vampires' kingdom," he said, exuding strength. I stepped forward from where I was standing and introduced myself to them. They all bowed in submission. Now, I needed to train them for the upcoming war. With the assistance of Cyrus's warriors, Striker and his men were led to the training grounds. They waited there for me until I arrived. I began training them, although they displayed considerable power, they still required extensive training to match Alexander's warriors. We had the entire night and the whole of the next day to train, so that the day after tomorrow, we could launch the attack. I taught them numerous skills that night, and I was pleased with how quickly they learned. We continued training until morning the next day, foregoing sleep. We carried on with the training, only pausing to rest, eat, and then continue. We trained relentlessly until the day came to an end, marking the eve of the day we would launch the attack. The training finally concluded, and they had learned a great deal. They had acquired enough knowledge to emerge victorious in the upcoming fight. It was still morning, and today was the day of Alexander and Natasha's marriage ceremony. We would attack them today, but not too early. I had a suitable time in mind to initiate the attack.
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