Chapter 13

1224 Words

They enjoy three more beers each at Hangers, decide to leave. Jonah shouldn’t drive back to Ross Street, but he does. If a cop pulls him over, he’ll end up in the clink, his license will be taken away, and he’ll have to pay a steep fine. Fortunately, the two men make it safely to Jonah’s parent’s residence, almost five in the evening. Things in the Icicle kitchen are now just as confusing and dramatic prior to Jonah and Sandy stepping out for an afternoon drink and ending up at the gay cowboy bar: Bobo is back from doing charity work down at the mall. He bitches about Santa to Pam, telling her that the Santa thinks Bobo’s leotard is inappropriate. “He told me my d**k was obscene and never wanted to see me again. He said that I looked like a pedophile. I’m not sure what exactly a pedophil

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