Chapter 5: Release.

1040 Words
After spending the last week in this small jail, I am more than grateful for its small size. I am not locked in a bigger unit with more aggressive vigilantes, although there have been a number of fights and after the first day I refused to leave my cell for anything other than a shower. I got moved further into the building and I now reside in a hall with seventeen other women or young girls. I was surprised to find that I was not the youngest juvenile in the big house. Sitting on the top bunk of the two-person cell, I stare at the ceiling. I am a lucky one of the few to have my own quarters, but according to Dave, depending on how my trail goes, I may just have a chance to get out. The last seven days have been gruesome for me. With little to do and no one keeping me company, the events play out in my head over and over. -flashback- My father's bulky figure towered over my small frame, the smell of rum so strong I could taste it in my own mouth. Pinned in the corner of the wooden, linoleum-top counter and I had nowhere to run. His massive hand struck my cheek, blood spewing from my nose. I cried out in pain and shoved my hands hard against his chest, begging a god I never believed in to stop this crime. "Get OFF!!" I screamed harshly at him as my nails dug into his fat chest. "It's time you grew up, Athena." His voice slurred my name, his hot breath invading my air and making me want to gag. "STOP!! MO-" His hand covered my mouth, the taste of dirt entering my mouth. Clamping it shut, I leaned back harder at the counter, willing myself away from him. He said nothing as one of his hands gripped tightly around my throat. The other hand ripped my neckline and exposed my black lace bra under, his hand cupped my breast and tears streamed down my cheeks. He kept his hand covering my mouth, using the other he undid his button, fumbling in his drunken state. Looking over, I saw a four-inch steak knife sitting in its wooden holder slot. As Henry fumbled with his belt and button, I reached over, grabbing the knife and quickly sinking it into his chest. The knife squelched as blood spurted from the hole. Pulling this hilt back, I leaned against the counter and drove my foot as hard as I could into his groin. Falling to his knees, with shock in his eyes, I ran to their room. Quickly locking the door and quickly moving to push the heavy wooden dresser that sat against the same wall. Old trash and drug needles falling to the floor. My breath came out heavy as I turned to face my mother lying in bed. "Momma.." I whispered to her as my feet crept carefully forward, watching where I stepped. Her hair hung to the side and draped down the pillow like dulling waves, her mouth hanging partially open. Creeping forward, my heart sank, feeling heavier than my legs. -Flashback ends- A loud creak stirred me from the horrors in my mind, the metal screaming almost as loud as the tsunami that threatened my brain's walls. "Prisoner 665527, you're being released." A woman's loud angry voice rang off the concrete walls. "GET up, and collect your things." She ordered, and I nearly sprang off the bed. I don't even care how I got out early. Hell, it could be a mistake, but I am taking it. Neatly folding my blanket and shoving it onto my pillow, I bustle to collect the small amount of items I was given. Shoving them onto the pillow, they bulged heavily in my arms. Slipping on my shoes, I faced the thin guard. Walking quickly down the hall, women yelled from behind their closed doors. Some poking their faces into the small window. Ignoring them all, I kept my eyes glued to the front of me and set about the goal of getting out. The blonde women's hair was tied tightly into a bun at the nape of her neck, the keys and other accessories on her belt rattling. "Do you know if someone is here to get me? Or am I on my own?" I asked as we went through the third set of double doors from the cell block. Her boots heavily hitting the floor only enticed my curiosity. With no response, another set of doors, a very uncomfortable strip search, and being given jeans and a shirt that were far too big, I walked into the last stop. Pausing at the window, the guard nodded her head at the women behind its blurriness. The chunky women behind the window quickly typed on the computer before walking away and grabbing a zip-lock bag with my phone and wallet in it. "Where's the rest? I had an entire backpack of stuff?" I questioned, frustration ringing into my voice. "That is all you get back," the chunky women half laughed. "Sweetie, you know pot is not legal, and the clothes and extras were taken as evidence. You're lucky to even be getting that." She smiled sweetly at me, and it only pissed me off more. Swiping the bag, I turned, and the blonde guard opened the door. She smiled at me as she held it open. "Good luck," she said as the door started to creak closed behind me. I stared at her with confusion as the door shut. Turning, I searched the lobby and found no one. Rolling my eyes, I sighed and walked out of the double glass doors. Walking into the crisp air, the snow had melted and turned the ground to mud. The bitter wind nipped through my skin, damn people wouldn't even spare a jacket. Huffing I started making my way towards the gates at the end of the long muddy dirt road. "Where are you going?" A deep voice sounded from behind me. It made my heart drop to my stomach, I knew who it was before I even turned and met those trancing gray eyes.
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