Chapter 4: Interrogation

1027 Words
After sitting at a metal table for hours and being handcuffed by one hand to the underside of it, I must have drifted off to sleep. A light shake of my shoulder had me stirring awake, confused for a moment about where I was. So it wasn't a bad dream then. Looking up at the chunky cop that woke me, his face was stiffened. His usual soft eyes were hard. I know I had messed up, but my mother wasn't my fault...and my father took things too far. "What happened, Athena?" Dave's gruff voice spoke as he sat. The dark circles under his eyes showed lack of sleep. "I already told you it wasn't my fault," I started, leaning back against the cool metal chair. The thin clothes I was given provide little warmth for the sudden drop in temperature in the air. The images of what happened burned into my brain, squeezing my legs together, I cross them before continuing, "When you dropped me off I got my ass handed to me, okay? You already have pictures of the bruises, of the evidence of what happened. Why should I go through it again when you won't believe me?" Leaning forward, I glared. His hazel eyes were dull and passive, not giving away emotion. "Athena," he sighed loudly, leaning back as he rubbed the balding patch of hair under his cap, then replaced it. "We have the proof now to put your father in prison for a while. But, you stabbed him in the chest! What were you thinking?" His eyes were harsh, and his expression stared hard at me. "He took it too far!" I yelled at him, tears filling my eyes. "Did you kill your mother, Athena?" The question took the breath from my lungs. "How. Dare YOU!" I half lunged forward, the single cuff digging deep into my wrist as I pulled against it. Inches from his face, but not able to reach, I spat my next words harshly. "YOU think I did THAT? HE DID!" The venomous fact left my tongue. "Athena Platz," he rose, looking defeated. Did he not have a choice? "I place you under arrest for the attempted murder of your father, Henry Platz. You are the prime suspect in your mother, Shelby Platz, murder. You have the right to.." the rest blurred out as the world around me faded into a buzzing noise, my wrist being yanked behind me to fully cuff me. In a last ditch effort, I felt adrenaline running through me. Before I could even think, I whipped my head back, making contact with the chubby cop's nose. I could hear a loud groan and thud as he stumbled back, racing out the open door still handcuffed behind my back. Looking back as I ran down the hall, my body slammed into a wall. Stumbling back, a solid hand gripped my upper arm and pulled me to my feet. Looking up at the person who stopped me, I was met with the most enticing eyes I have ever seen. The silver was like metal or slate, dark shades of gray mixing with light. The extremely tall man had dark long black hair that met his shoulders, the tailored suit was dark gray and blue. "Where are you going?" His head tilted to the side, and a slight smile drew along his face. "I- UH- Um-" I stuttered out at the absolute god of a man that stood before me. Footsteps approached from behind me. "I have her, James." Dave's angry voice sounded from behind me. Gulping, I half turned to give his bleeding face a half smile. "You sure? I can take her to the cells, so you can clean up." Jame's voice was deep and thick like honey, honestly a man from fairy tales. "How about you just take me to the bus stop?" I tried to flutter my lashes at the man, and for a moment he looked intrigued by my inquisition. His gray eyes smiled, but his face held strong as his jaw line. "Just take her straight to the cells," Dave's anger could be heard clearer than the crystal water seas. James pushed my arm gently forward, and I walked slowly, dragging my feet. "James," Dave called out before we made it far, "Watch out for her." His eyes looked at James hard and there was something about it that gave me the jitters. Without saying anything, he turned and walked me further, turning a left and heading towards the holding area. Pausing at the locked door, he pulled out a badge and swiped it across the screen. Looking at the card, I see his last name, Henworth. Wait, that's the crazy rising billionaire everyone's raving about.. "Wait your James Henworth." I said to him, but he just ignored me as he opened the door and pulled me along. "Come on man, you could help me!" I pleaded with him, but he just kept a straight face as he walked. People were gathered together in cells for holding, some for individuals. Walking up to an empty one further down on its own, he opened the door, and it creaked loudly with the twist of the key. "Please." I tried again to no avail, he removed my handcuffs and stood in front of me, and I backed away from the open door shaking my head. In a flash, he was standing in front of me holding my arm. "How did you move so fast?" I asked him, and he just smiled at me as he dragged me toward the open cell. I could feel the bruises starting to form from me fighting his grip. Giving in, I walked into the cell and turned towards him. Tears stung my eyes harshly at the gruesome reality that was setting in. Staring him hard in the face as a tear streaked my cheek, "It wasn't my fault." I whispered to him. "I'm sure it wasn't darling." He looked back at me, his gray eyes examining me. I swear for a moment he almost looked sad, before locking the door and walking away, leaving me completely alone.
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