Chapter 3: Life Before

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-Two weeks prior- My high-tops click down the school tiles. School has never been my favorite, but it's better than being at home. Pushing the wooden, heavy bathroom door open, I step inside. Walking up to the mirror, I hesitated slightly, it appeared to be empty throughout, looking at my green eyes staring back through my reflection. The light purple shade pokes from my cheekbone. Pulling out the concealer, I dab some on, then lightly blended. A stall behind me opened, and I dropped the concealer into my back-pack, quickly grabbing mascara. Raising it, I look in the mirror and Meghann is behind me. Her long wavy brown hair and chocolate eyes stood staring at my reflection. Meghann was a curvier girl and neither of us are showstoppers, but she has been my life-long friend. I have known her since my childhood. "I don't see why you even try to hide it still, basically everyone knows," her sarcasm cut deeper than she probably meant. Yet she was right, everyone knew, nobody cared. In this massive school I was no one. Dabbing on a little mascara, I dropped it in and turned to face her as she walked forward to wash her hands. "So? What does it matter whether I do or not?" I looked at her, and she knew I was right. The teachers have more pressing matters to 'deal with' than me. "Why don't you try running again then? He is just going to keep getting worse, Athena." My dear friend just wanted to help. She was naive to think I could escape. "I will buy you another ticket if I have to." She shook the water from her hands, grabbing a paper towel and refused to turn back to me, "I hate what he has done to you.." This last beating was because I had stolen ramen noodles and a lighter from the store, my parents refusing to do even the smallest thing such as feed me. The lighter because sometimes a girl needs a smoke. "Okay...get me the ticket for two weeks from now then, I don't want to get caught with it so soon after i just got in trouble.." I mumbled and looked back at my green eyes that seemed to be dulling over the years of abuse. This wasn't the first time Meg had offered to help, and a big reason why we couldn't hang out anymore. The girl has tried saving my life more times than I can think of. Sighing, I went to walk out and she grabbed my hand. "We will get you out one way or another, Athena." Her reassurances did not do much to calm the ever-going storm in my head. "Yeah, okay.." I said as we headed back off into the flooded halls. -Current day- Sitting in the back of the police car, the sirens above me flashed red and blue. The ambulance door slamming shut across from the squad car has me snapping back to the present. The sirens wail loudly as the ambulance leaves quickly, me still numb and slightly cold. My ripped shirt and bloodied hands did not help the matter. The cold cuffs rubbed against my skin as I shifted uncomfortably on the leather seat. I had been sitting there for nearly thirty minutes already. I could feel my hands numb and tingling from the loss of circulation. Another fifteen minutes went by before I saw Dave. Before getting in, he speaks to several other officers. The door cracks open, and he slides into the driver's seat, half slamming it behind him. He runs his chubby hand through his hair and glances at me through the mirror. The tension in the car was thicker than fog on a humid day. "Dave.." My voice sounded so much quieter than I anticipated it to. "Just.. Please.. We will talk when we get to the stain, Athena.." His voice sounded defeated, and I could hear how disappointed he was. "Ok," I whispered out. I understood why. What I did was wrong, but Henry tried to cross a line that shouldn't have been. I defended myself. Sitting quietly, I watch as trees stream thinner as they turn into buildings. The twenty-minute ride into the city felt as though it had flown by. My mind was racing with adrenaline, the thought came up that I should have run. I could have escaped, but finding my mother's lifeless body in her bed after stabbing my father.. I called the police. I thought maybe they would be on my side, but Henry spewed off that I was psychotic. That I had gotten into a fit and killed my own mother. Tears fell down my face, the shock starting to wear off. I will never see her again, and hopefully, I won't see my father either. A life in jail away from his is better than what I have had to endure from him the last few years.
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