Theories Part II: Understanding Love

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Gawwd And Paul are seen drinking wine from the barrels that Prieta provided John with. "Should we be drinking"Says Paul. "I don't know.Maybe we may never get the chance again to drink royal wine.Its the best wine i ever tasted ."Says Gawwd. "Yeah.Just more than two cups of these and the world is upside down.Thats why this will be last for today"Says Paul as he closes the tap of the barrel and places in the store of the pod. "Hey Cmon .There are only two left now.And if Baruto starts drinking then he will finish one of those in no time"Says Gawwd. "There were half a dozen barrels that Prieta gifted.Theres only 2 left."Says Paul. "Well we drank the  night when we came here after that fire lady brought us from the coast.Baruto and I .I thought Baruto is only a big guy at killing.But man he can drink.He drunk a whole barrell....and"Says Gawwd. "And ....."asks Paul. "And he kinda said that you me and Darr are the ones who will drink much of this.And seeing that Darr already reserved one for himself already.We thought Baruto and I could finish these all"Says Gawwd. "And this remaining two is for you and me seeing Baruto and the others already finished two.And John will probable get more from Prieta."Adds Gawwd. "He finished two already."asks Paul. "Well we finished two .Actually since that night we used to sneak at the store.I was teaching Baruto to drink slowly you know 2 -3 cups in a time."Says Gawwd. "And sneaking 2-3 cups you drank a barrell"Says Paul. "Well we used to sneak a few more time"Says Gawwd. "FeW ......more time"asks Paul. "Ok may be more .............maybe a dozen if it includes this today"Says Gawwd. "A dozen .......How com I didn't know that .I used to know even when you had to pee during the war with the trolls"Says Paul. "Ya you would .....but you haven't noticed that you changed"Says Gawwd. "Changed......what do you mean changed.Like what changed.good or bad"Says Paul. "I don't know but that would be like John changed"Says Gawwd. "John changed..............What is that.......You mean I bail"Says Paul. "Yeah man changed since you got here...You just do the stuff like John used to do when we celebrated or whenwe are together.Although you don't look for a roof you do bail"Says Gawwd. "I don't bail......"Says Paul. "So where were you during the first night Baruto and I drank."asks Gawwd. "I don't know with Norva asking about her"Says Paul. "And where were you during the next night when I drank with Darr ."Says Gawwd. "You drank with Darr.He didn't told me.Wait ....I was busy making medicinal tablets"Says Paul. "Yes Paula told me you made medicinal tablets which were antiflame tablets to give to Norva to heal Norva's scars when her flame vanished."Says Gawwd. "Ok she helped her .That was the least we should do."Says Paul. "She can absorb the fire cosmic.Do you think that will kill her.Ok what about the time before the day when you and John and Norva went to search for the core.Even John was with us and got drunk that day and even Paula was drinking with us .Where were you"Says Gawwd. "I was busy discussing plans for the trip next day with Norrrrvaaa"Says Paul. "So why John was with us drinking .Admit you like her.No we like her ........but you love her."Says Gawwd. "I don't love her......She's older than me.She Says she was born in the early 60's but she is still beautiful ."Says Paul. "She's beautiful because she converted as our age.Thats why she's hasn't aged since just like charlie.I don't know what's wrong with you twins.One goes for the 60's and the other I don't how old Charlie is."Says Gawwd. "I'm in love with her aren't I.Wait my sister's in love with Charlie."asks Paul. "Yes .Ok that only I know about.You can't tell others.Your sister is good in secrecy but you are a sucker."Says Gawwd. "What do you mean .I can form a shield without my weapon.Even my sister can't do that ,Even John can't do that."Says Paul. "Yeah...How com everyone knows about you and your secrecy then and not your sisters"Says Gawwd. "Wait Everyone Knows."Says Paul. "Not everyone .......May b not John"Says Gawwd. "Ok wait........John never knows anything.That means everyone knows about me"Says Paul. "What thing?"asks Darr as he enters the scene. "Wow you guys are drinking.Glad I saved one for me.So no Baruto?"asks Darr. "You know about me and Norva"asks Paul. "What about you two..You mean the fact you love her.Ya I do.I was the second to find out after Paula."Says Darr. "Wait Paula found out first."asks Paul. "Ya she told me.That time you made that nice tablets for her.So sweet.But why are drinking in the middle of a day."asks Darr. "Well I invited him ......seeing that we might finish these in a day or too.And he's never around with us.Cmon He's one of our friends.See Paul I should be your best friend.....Not John,Not your sister and definitely not this little man."Says Darr. "Well He will forget you at the night Gawwd.He might be making more tabbies for the fire lady"Says Darr as he laughs and Gawwd laughs with him. "That's the first time I'm agreeing with you in something"Says Gawwd. "See even we are aggreing and John is not in the roof and even Paula is drinking with us.Man you gotta speak with her"Says Gawwd. "With Paula...about what Charlie."Says Paul. "No you idiot.With that fire girl who fired your heart or whatever you have there.You know the one for whom you make tabbies"Says Gawwd as he laughs. "Wait Charlie ...Paula what are you talking about"asks Darr. Paul leaves the pod to pee. "Nothing...Just casual"Says Gawdd as he pours wine into Darr's cup." "I am not gonna give you from my barrell Gawwd"Says Darr "I don't want it .As a matter of fact our friend who's peeing now might need it if she says No.So I'm leaving one for him too."Says Gawwd. Paul drunken as he pees looks at the sky.Norva seeing him calls him "Paul come here.We have cooked some food here."Says Norva. "Ok go I will come later"Says Paul as he buttons his pants. "Ohh..god I shouldn't have done that.What would I Do I was peeing."Says Paul as he enters Norva's Camp. John,Paula,Norva And six commandos are eating. "So whats that.....brunch as John says"asks Paul. "Wow you talked to me like in a zillion years"says John. Paula hits John with her elbow when he says that. "Ok nothing Paul.Cmon let's eat.Although I don't Know what we are eating"Says John. "Insects.I told you didn't I"Says Norva. John throws up while Paula tries to keep what she chewed in.Paul laughs at John. "Looks like the jokes on you big guy"says Paul. "I thought you were cooking vespula vull or something"Says John. "Yeah Vespula Vulgaris....."Says Norva. "John vespula vulgaris is not something which is erotic ok .Its Wasps."Says Paul as he laughs holding his stomach. John pukes out again after hearing that as Paul laughs. "Is it that bad"Says Norva. "No let me try"Says Paul as he eats three pieces in no time as he sits near to Paula. "How did you do that?"whispers Paula to paul. "I am drunk.Hey I'm not talking to you anyways"Says Paul. "I don't mind .I hope there's some wine left after this"Says Paula as she leaves towards the pod. "You ok John .Hey So you guys found out how we gonna escape from this place?"asks Paul. "I don't know I told you everything I know ."Says Norva. Paula enters with a barrell of wine. "Guys How about some wine"she says as she begins to pour wine in cups. "Give me one fast"Says John. "You told us about the warrior,knights and the lady you were talking about and But you didnt tell us about redeeming you"asks Paul. "Well she told me already "Says John as he sips the whole wine from his cup. "It was bad.Wasnt it"Says Norva. "Well being from earth I hoped you know that we don't eat insects"Says John as he asks Paul to pour more wine. "Hey we don't eat too.Have you seen us eat insects all these years we were with you.And you two have already had your share of wine.Thats mine"Says Paula as he pours wine into his own cup. Norva goes to the pod to call the others. "Hey big guy I need to ask you something"asks Paul as he pours wine into John's cup. "Yeah what"Says John as he sips the whole wine in just one sip as he tries to evade the insects taste from his throat. "When you saw Prieta for the first time.How did you feel"asks Paul as he pours from the barrell into his own cup. "Well it was only her voice at first I knew.But I did imagined her."Says John as Paul pours more wine into John's cup and again John sips the whole cup. "No i mean when you say her when you were at the masters home"Says Paul. "When I saw her I couldn't get my eyes out of her.That golden hair ,those shining green eyes,her beautiful body..........Wait why m i saying this"Says John as he is drunk. "Well I just wanted to know.You know this wine she provided was so good "Says Paul as he pours more wine into John's cup. "Yeah her lips are even tastier than the wine.Sorry about that guys"Says John. "It's Ok.You can tell a about her hair and eyes.Do continue"Says Paula as she sips from her cup. "Yes when I saw her I knew I was in love because my eyes did not want to do anything except seeing her.She was glad to see me"Says John. "Wow....And who made the first move"asks Paul as he pours more wine into John's cup. "Hey He is pouring from his own cup"Says Paula. "Were you.Ohh My sweet friend.I did made the first move.You know you were right we could be best friends"Says John as he can't stand. "What why don't you get married then"Says Darr as he enters with Gawwd. "Hey Darr remembers that time.Dont you Darr"Says John. Darr nods his head " Is it the wine or the insect"asks Darr as he looks at Paula. "You know Darr the time you know wwwitttthhhh the fish"says John as he sips the whole cup again. "Hey is he sipping every cup like that.If he does that he may even beat Baruto"Says Darr as he pours into his cup and he eats one of the food. "You know it's a wasp"Says Paula. "I was a commando before.I eat more than 100 different insects during my time during the recruit."Says Darr. "Yeah you love eating insects,killing and flying don't you"asks John as he stutters being drunk. "So you asked her out just like that and you slept then"asks Paul. "Well actually he lost his way and then slept with her."Says Darr. "Wow you just slept with her"Says Paul. "Ya What did you say to her before you exactly you know"Says Darr. "I didn't ,I just grabbed her ,looked into her eyes and kissed her.I was drunk then"Says John. "Yeah Just like you are now.Ok you got enough wine.Tell more"Says Darr as he takes John's Cup and pours wine and drinks himself. "Wow i thought my brother was weird but looks like all the guys are"Says Paula as she sees Darr drinking. "Then everything happened after that."Says John. "Just like that."asks Paul. "No she hesitated but I could see the care she had for me in her eyes.I didn't care after that.After that we talked and found that we were in love."Says John. "So after thumping each other you found out"Says Darr. "What do you know?Eating insect,killing from laser beams and flying is all you love"Says John. "You are right about flying but not the other two"Says Darr. "Yeah you never told Why you joined ?"asks Paula. "Yeah She's right.Half of the commandos hate being here.And most of them during the recruit.No one knows the commandos.We are lucky to have Charlie who respects every one.Thats why we had more recruits in these years than the other leaders."Says Paul. "Well it's a long story"Says Darr as he looks at the fire and sips his wine.
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