Theories Part I-Seen and heard

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John and Norva are seen in the cockpit of the island as they look through the window and into the dark atmosphere of the waste. "I wish I could go back there one more time.I know Trapp can't be back but I can go to earth .Dont you ever think  about going back"Says Norva. "Ya i didn't remember anything when I came here.But when I saw her i remembered everything.Just like you remembered when you met Trapp.We were in love and i didn't think of anything except about her and the protectors.They are my family."Says John. "Atleast you have people who you love with you"Says Norva. "I wanted to ask you more about the cosmos?"Says John. "Ya common shoot partner.Im all ears.......and mouth"Says Norva. "You said your guardian told you everything about the cosmos.So tell me we meeting a gravity well is the only possibility we were here."asks John. "No it can happen if all of you break the code at the same time.You were doing the protecting stuff weren't you"asks Norva. "We were raiding immigrants from planets.But we had to kill some of them because they decide to wage war with us"Says John. "I thought the protectors used to kill crazy warlords and rescue the planet they used to attack.Back in my day we used to defend against these crazy war lords.I remembered one,a big warlord ,even bigger than you big guy,the white warrior they used to say him.He had his army of 200 knights each powerful as you big guy wearing black armor with black horses and the white warrior their leader with a white horse.They raided every planet to show their dominance."Says Norva. "I heard that was a story.One of the old commandos said that he and his people were raided from their home planet by black armored men.They though they were commandos but they were on horses which could fly."Says John. "I heard your animal flies too,whatever it is.I would not probably believe until I saw them with my eyes."Says Norva. "Maybe.But they could have been space bandits."Says John. "Space bandits!Do you think space bandits think that they can take over a planet with 200 men.I faced them on battle when I was a new recruit.None of the Protectors who recruited me could defeat them.For 5 years we were in war with these army of knights as they used to call .........or death knights.Do you think I remember only theories that Trapp told me."Says Norva. "So how did you defeated them"asks John. "After seeing our fighting for 5 years the watcher himself appeared.I saw him for the first time and the only time.He suggested the masters to lower the white warrior and his black knights into a gravity well for eternity.But No protector could do the task.So all the leaders of their respective protector crew summoned their masters.We did not see what happened after that.The leader told me that the masters used their powers to create a gigantic gravity well .They made the gravity well look like planets with people who could be raided.The white warrior and the black knights fell for the trap and were sucked in by the Well for eternity.But there are other stories.Trapp told me that they are in a waste like me waiting for someone to redeem them."Says Norva. "Redeem.What do you mean"asks John. "When any individual is exiled they are given a path for returning back to the real world.Like my master gave me"Says Norva. "So you think we are like the death knights and that is why we got sucked to the well."asks John. "No if the stories is to be believed,these space bandits,and the white warrior and his death knights were created by the Lady chaos herself.The waste is the only place where she could not use her powers.The masters realised that as even they could not match her together.So they tricked her army into the Well.She like the eternity and infinity could not interfere according to the laws of cosmos.Buy you don't follow Lady chaos do you?"asks Norva. "We are the protectors.Why would we kill .We are bound to protect the code of the cosmos"Says John. "And yet we are here as if we broke the code."Adds John. "But you did kill immigrants.And killing is a way offering Lady Chaos."Says Norva. "Offering.What do you mean"Says John. "Look I only know about those death knights and the warrior because I saw them.I don't know much about Lady Chaos But my Master must know.He might be able to tell me if I get redeemed."Says Norva. "How can you get redeemed.May be if you get redeemed we might be saved too."asks John. "The master told me "You're a good child.When youll find someone who loves you as the extent you loved your guardian this waste will c***k and you'll be free in the cosmos as a wanderer" and that the same speech that he gave me."Says Norva. "Look I am not a bright guy in deducing these masters' wordings .It took me 2 years to decode what my guardian told me about using the bow.But I'm sure it's about love."Says John as he clears his throat. "I know ok .But I won't love anyone like i did to Trapp.You know when I met you first I thought you were one of those telepathic protectors.Normally these telepathic protectors carry weapons like these know old medieval times."Says Norva. "Old!Hey I can shoot 12 arrows with that bow at one time and kill any target I focus,try calling that old.Now I may not fly or dry an ocean but I have killed 2 champions on my way and by champions I mean beasts."Says John. "Ya May be.You can't use your hands to use your power cosmic.Must have used your bow.So typically your an archer aren't you"asks Norva. "No I used this to kill a troll champion"Says John as he unsheaths the Xartan sword from his sheath covered by the robe he wore. "This is too heavy.How long have you been using this"Says Norva. "More than a year maybe."Says John. "It can't be.Its heavier than your bow.Which you used for how long?"asks Norva. "I found it when I was 27.But could use it when I was 29.Im 30 and a half year old now.That would make more than 3 years."says John. "Let's say you used the bow when you were sacrificed .That would still make you use it for more than one and a half year.And i can see that you use the bow as equal as the sword.So why is it too heavy.Man I need to ignite my flames to a higher level to lift this one."Says Norva. "And it's just 5 feet tall.But the steel itself is exquisite to absorb its wielder's cosmic power.Only a powerful individual with a high power cosmic can break this one.This sword has absorbed your powers but just over a year it can't absorb this power cosmic."Says Norva. "I mean you don't have the compact power cosmic do you?"Says Norva. "And what is that. I heard Baruto had that power cosmic.You know that 7 foot guy with the masked armor.I heard there was then lightening,telepathic,shielding,fire like yours,ignition and that also like yours,transfer like I can do to use my cosmic power using any weapon.Os that all"says John. "No there are more.You forgot one you had or Bullseye cosmic power as they say you know when you can shoot any target when you focused it with your vision.Thats why they call you that don't they.Who Gave you that name"asks Norva. "What?Bullseye.No Charlie gave me that name"Says John. "He is the most powerful among us.He has telepathy"Says John. "And any other.We had no telepathic when I was a protector.The masters and the guardians only had that as they do .But however it's not quite as effective when you're raiding immigrants.You can't make them all sleep you know"Says Norva. "I don't know he only commanded us when I was a protector."Says John. "But we were talking about redeeming you ?Werent we?"asks John. "Yes until I saw your sword.I just wanted to know whether there is other power cosmic it has absorbed from its previous wielders."says Norva. "What do you mean"Says John. "I mean you don't think you are the only one who wielded that sword,do you"Says Norva. "Wait but The minister Ajax told that it was a new forged one when he gave to Charlie and then Charlie gifted it to me."Says John. "May be the minister could have lied"Says Norva as John is puzzled.
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