I should leave

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Y/n POV : I woke up to freshly baked pancakes smell. "Good morning babe. I thought you could use some morning bed breakfast. Here you go your favorite pancakes. I myself baked them for you. Have a taste. " he offered me a plate full of pancakes. "Thank you. " I mumbled, but seeing pancakes reminded me yesterday., having breakfast with taehyung, making out with him, me breaking down, everything. Just like that I started to feel guilty and dirty again. I thought of beginning my day fresh but now My whole mood was spoiled. I feel like s**t. Wait..  Why am I being so irritated right now,for such a sweet and lovely gesture? Periods.., can do this to you. Aish! "If you don't mind, can I pass on it?" I asked him, "Huh... Yes... Yes.. you can." he sounded upset. "I am sorry jimin. I don't feel like eating pancakes, but you made them yourself, I feel bad for it., I am a terrible wife." I sniffled my running nose., now why the f**k I have cold?  You kidding me, seriously??  Right now? Out of all time, You choose to bash me now, I internally screamed at my health state. "hey it's completely fine. Seems like you're having cold." he handed me a tissue. "yeah.." I sniffled my s**t into the tissue paper. " Maybe it's because of you taking shower in the midnights. " he tried to reason my cold. "Can you blame me for that? Seriously!? I took a shower because I feel like s**t. Was that a very wrong of mine? " I asked him irritatingly. "Hey....  No, no..  It's not your fault, I am just saying. Am sorry. " he said with a dim face, he's officially upset. 'f**k you b***h!  First you cheated on him and now you are lashing out at him, on top of it he's apologizing to you for your s**t. Have some shame and conscious already. ' "No....  I am sorry. I am just not in my right mind. I-" "I know, it's your periods talking. I learned about all these things. For the next three days..  You will be like a time-ticking bomb. Your cramps, bleeding, irritation, mood swings, cravings and all. But with enough food, care and my cuddles you will be good. So I took a day off for you. " he said proudly. "You...  You don't have to. " I said. "I know but I want to. " he held my hand and kissed it's back. "Now.. You go fresh up, meanwhile I will figure out what you want to eat. Go.. " he ushered me to the bathroom. This whole thing is making me feel really awful and my periods were making it double. I cried quietly for some time and bathed. But when I looked into the mirror, those marks.... It's making me feel horrible, I tapped my head to the wall and sat there..  Crying. I can't help my situation. . . I tucked in comfy pair of clothes and went down to find jimin. "Baby.... " jimin came out of no where and hugged me from back. "Hey.... " I wished him back. I placed my hands on his and tried to move them, he understood what I am doing and removed them. "Oh am sorry, you are still in pain right!!" he apologized. Why he has to be this considerate and kind? If he's some maniac sadistic husband it would make easier for me..., but, the problem is he's not. He is too good to be true. And it's one more reason to make me feel dreadful. "let's go. I prepared some breakfast for you." he said with a hidden smile., as he ushered me to the dinning table. I was just taken back by the food items. Just the food I am craving right now. Tears formed in my eyes.., I just don't deserve him. He is...  He's so angelic and righteous. "I googled up all these things, women craves in there periods time. So, I ended up with a pizza, burger, chips, fries, cokes, popcorn, nuts, Choco chips and my personal favorite..  Mochis." he said while pointed each item. "Jimin...  This isn't necessary. " I told him. "And why is that? Taking care of woman that I love in her periods is my privilege. Now stop being grumpy and dig in. Wait!!  You are going to share with me right!!? " he asked in disbelief. "Yes..  Of course, why would you even ask that question? " "Nothing it's just they said, never take away food from a woman in her periods, they will bite you. So I am making sure. " he joked and I laughed. We had our breakfast together in peace until now. "so how's your day with Tae hyung yesterday? did he troubled you? He asked casually. "it's...  It's cool besides, Why would he trouble me?" "I mean he said he's not feeling well. So I figured it out. " he replied. "No he's fine. Everything's fine.... "I said. "Why are you lying y/n?" what??  He knows....!!? "What do you mean? " I started to sweat. "I know he's a trouble some. Don't cover up for him. " he said in a emotion less tone. My soul just ripped out of my body when he said I was lying. Thank God!! "No... It's not like that. He actually left to his home The morning itself. " I said with a forced smile. "Oh I see... " he's back to smiling and joking. Spending time with him, lightened up my mood. But somehow I couldn't stop thinking about me making out with Tae hyung yesterday on the same dining table we are having our breakfast. I just tried my level best to focus on jimin, only jimin. . . . Right now, we are cuddling each other and having a Tvd marathon in our bedroom with a bucket of Popcorn and bunch of chocolates. He let me pick the movie and snacks. I don't know whether he likes to watch Tvd or not? But he said he will watch anything as long as he gets to spend some quality time with me. He's being extra sweet to me, more like he's being careful with me because of my cramps and all.  It felt good, loved. But the more it remains the more it's hurting me. He never stopped massaging my stomach during this whole time. And gladly it calmed me down. I couldn't tell if he's enjoying the show or not, he maintained a single expression in face, the whole time. Smile. Meanwhile me, I was laughing so hard for Damon's comments, been so pissed with Elena and felt so pity for Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline. Pity souls, they three were. Right now am crying my heart out for Bonnie, she's saying goodbye to her friends. Jimin seemed pretty amazed with me. "Ahh...  Bonnie.... No " he wiped my tears with a tissue and took another one , ready to wipe my upcoming tears. Like he's expecting it. Am I looking dramatic here..!? "What's that face? " I asked him. "haha.. No, it's just you look pretty entertaining all this time. " he smiled. I turned off the TV. "Ah haaa... Why so? " I turned towards him. "Do you even have to ask? " he trailed his fingers on my face. "You are amazing y/n." he kissed my forehead. I looked right into his eyes and it felt so true and correct to kiss him., whereas with Tae I don't even why I did that., but right now when I think about it, I feel disgusting. "Jimin.... " I held his face. "hmm? " I kissed him softly. He seemed surprised but kissed me, by holding my back. I moved my lips with his, until I got his lower lip under my possession. He has perfect lips than anyone else's in the world. I sucked on it, again and again. For this one kiss, I feel like I'm in charge, well... He let me. I licked on his lips just like he does, and he opened his mouth for me. I invaded it all with my tongue, where he moaned softly. I slowly started hovering him, and he just stayed still, enjoying it. I want to do this, with him. Only him. f**k!  Why did I let Tae have his way with me? I tilted my head and deepened the kiss, as he was laying on the bed and I was sitting on him, kissing him deep as ever. My hands started wandering his biceps and chest, as his hands made their way through my waist. I feel like I am running out of my breath, so I pulled back from our kiss, instead started kissing his jawline and neck. I can feel him holding his breath, as in controlling himself from taking the control. See...  He likes to be in control, but he gave up for me. Tae never did.., he never cared. Yet, I let him kiss me. I am a w***e. Simple. He held my breasts and hissed in pain. f**k!  My periods. My breasts were sore...  My whole body was sore, but kissing him somehow distracted me from the pain. But when he gripped my breasts, all the pain reflected back. He left my breasts swiftly after I hissed. "Am sorry. " he said. "No it's fine." I held his hands and placed them on my breasts. "But be gentle, I feel sore over here. " I mumbled, for what he smiled and pulled me back in to a kiss. He kissed me really smooth, as he sucked on my lips. "What are you doing? " he asked after we parted from our kiss. "I am kissing you. " I said staying still in our position. "That I can see., and it feels so good., but why all of a sudden? I mean..  U never initiated before." he  asked in a very careful way not wanting to trigger my anger. "Why?  Ain't I allowed to initiate? " I asked. "No...  you are more than allowed... It's just makes me feel really happy, that you are finally into this all physical contact with me. " he blushed. "Or may be it's just my hormones." I said with Duh face, folding my hands across my chest. And he looked like he's lost. I laughed at his face. "I was kidding. "  I pecked his lips. "Mmm... hmm.." he joined me in laughing. Just seeing his smiles, laughs are all it for me. But I don't deserve any of this. I know. I ruined everything. And it's paining me like hell. Should I just tell him and face the consequences or should I enjoy my present time, knowing future always avails that hell for me? Or should I go to talk to taehyung first? Yes..  I am ready to know his reasons. I have to figure it out, all of this s**t happened with him. What's happening between us or what happened between us..., God I just wish one person, one single person to vent out all my s**t to him/her, so that I can somehow feel less burdened by sharing it with someone and I can also take their suggestions on what to do? I just wish someone on my side. "Y/n..."jimin tapped on my shoulders in order to shake me from my trance . "Huh? " "umm... Seems like your bleeding is overflowing." he pointed to my pants which is covered in blood. "Oh s**t! " I was quick to stand up and recognised big bad red stains on the white bed sheet. Thats a lot if blood. "Babe it's okay. Don't panic, you just over-bleeded yourself." he tried to calm me down. I just ruined all these bed sheets and mattress., and he's- he's worrying about me. Believe it or not, I feel really gross. I hate it when there's a period stains in my surroundings. What? Just because I am a girl, I am not supposed to feel filthy about period stains. But I do,  I hate it when people are not attentive enough to take care of themselves. Aish!  Look at me now. "No...  I ain't panicking. It's just, there's all blood. And practically I ruined the bed sheets. Isn't it gross? " I asked him in disguise for my self. "What!!? No! I see it as a normal thing. It's common. " he reasoned him self. "okay... " " First of all you clean your self up. Go. " "yeah ok. I will be right back. " I showered and changed myself with a hoodie and pyjama. And when I came back, I saw jimin cleaning up all the mess I made. He's busy in setting up mattress for the bed. I feel so bad for him. I just can't. No. And that's when I said what I had to say. "Jimin... I think I should leave. "
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