What!!? No!!

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Y/n POV : "What ?" jimin stopped what ever he's doing and went into a alert mode. "I... I want to leave this place. It suffocates me. " I gulped my cries. "Hey babe....  What happened? " jimin came and walked his arms around me. "Just don't ask me anything. I want to leave. Please....  Please. " I sniffled my cries and hugged him tight. "Okay....  Babe. See, look at me. We will leave. I will take you somewhere refreshing is that OK? " he asked. "No....  I need a break from everything. I just need a moment for myself. And by all means, I want you to leave me alone and give me some privacy. I am so sorry. But I desperately need it. I need to figure things out and I can't do it if I am with you." I said. And he almost looked heartbroken after he heard whatever I said. It pained me. But I am doing this for him. For us. I just can't take it, him being so perfect and me, cheating on him, bitching with him, and yet him trying to make things straight, caring me. It's just multiplying my guilt. I should figure out why I did that.  I mean kissing Tae.....  Is that a moment of weakness or I really do have feelings for him? I am ready to think about it. But being with jimin, was clouding my thoughts. I can't focus on one single thing, because I am busy in feeling guilty towards jimin. I know I don't deserve time or something , but I really need it. So I did what I had to do. "Y/n.... Am I suffocating you? " "What!??  No. Jimin, don't you ever think like that. You are comforting me. But I need some private time to think some things that are making my mind fluctuate., making me fluctuate. I just need some lonely space. That's it. Please don't misunderstand me. " I told him. "Okay....  Just remember am always here to support you in whatever decision you make. I love you y/n". He held my hand and placed a kiss on it. I smiled and thanked him. . . " But what I don't understand is, what is it that you want to think privately without my presence. Let alone sharing it with me?" he asked while packing my bag. Yeah!  Am leaving to Hudson valley. Jimin and I had a very long discussion on how many days I am going to spend there. His point was about he don't want stay without me, but eventually he gave in. So I am spending my next week in Hudson valley, at jimin's stilt House. I mean of course ours. It was all good until he asked me this question. I got this. "Why?  Are you upset I am keeping things from you . See jimin...  No-one can completely disclose themselves in front of their partners. You should really -" "No...  You are wrong. Am just worried about you. Whatever this thing is...  It's really stressing you right? Nightmares...  Stress.... I am sad that I am not good enough for you to share such things with me. " he made his lips into a thin line. God!!  He.., can't be such considerate about me. What am I even going to do with him?  "you are more than anything I ever need. Don't blame yourself. OK? "I patted his cheeks and pecked his lips for the last time, where he hummed in response. We both left to the car and jimin started to load it. "Mrs. Well, please take good care of y/n." he handed the keys to our head chef. Why!? "Jimin!! I am going alone right? " Jimin POV : "No...  Y/n, definitely not. You are in your periods, on top of it, you are not feeling well, cold remember!!? "I tried to sound as cool as possible. First she's leaving me for a whole ass week to spend her periods alone. Didn't I took good care of her?  Or did she already get bored of me? Is she trying to Leave me? What was it that she can't share with me? Why she was keeping secrets from me? Was she avoiding me? I can never imagine her doing these things to me. I still agreed, why... Because I love her and I don't want her to feel caged, so I agreed even if it pained me. I want her to think she has her own freedom, even she didn't. Yes, she will think what I want her to think. This is it. And second, now she wants to go there alone? Why?  Why is that? Is she trying to do something behind my back? Is she not loving me? Is she trying to cheat on me? No....  She didn't and she won't . I will make sure of it. I wont let her go. Again. "Jimin......  All I need is you to leave me alone without any disturbances. I can take care of myself. I need a moment alone without anyone. Please... Understand...  Hmm? " she sighed. No....  Not going to happen babe. "Y/n..... You said you want to spend some time without me, I agreed. You said you don't want to stay here, so I am sending you to Hudson valley. These are all your choices to make. But sending you alone when your sick is my decision to make. Please don't make me even more worry about you." I said making your sure I hit deep to trigger her conscious. And I guess it worked....  She's looking really guilty. "Sir.... Even I do think mam needs this time. Sending me with her, probably isn't a good idea." Mrs. Well spoke all of a sudden.  This bitch.... "U think.....? " y/n asked her with lots if hope in her eyes. "Yes mam. I do. " she replied with a sweet smile. And y/n looked at me with a pleasing look in her eyes. Fuck! "Fine !! Just be safe. " she squealed and hugged me. She thanked me and drove her car...  Away from me. Fuck!  f**k!  I can't keep an eye on her now. All because of this f*****g head cook. Now what if she's planning to meet she guy over there? Or what if she will find a new guy over there?  Or what if she will have s*x with someone in a moment if heat? f**k!  My paranoid tablets...  I took a couple of my prescribed tabs to calm me down. I calmed down. But just a mere thought of y/n being alone without me is making me anxious in no time. No!  I have to find out a way to figure this all out. Y/n POV : I drove my car to the opposite side for Hadson valley. As I reached to a cafe store, my phone rang . "Hey I am here. What about you? " "I will be there in a bit. " I parked my car and went into the cafe. He is already waiting for me at the table., as his back is facing to me. I walked past through him and sat in the opposite seat of his. "Hi y/n." he smiled nervously. I folded my hands and looked at him with a serious frown. "Thanks for giving me a chance to explain myself.  I wasn't in my sens-" "Your order please sir ?" a waiter cut him in middle and heard him curse underneath his breath. "How dare you cut in? " he raised his voice at her. "It's fine. Let's order first . I will go with hot chocolate." I said with a straight face. "OK...  Make it two. " he smiled at me again, where I rolled my eyes at him. "y/n..... You said you will hear me out. But you acting like this is not at all helping. " he sighed in helplessness. "What can't I even be mad at you? Is it my fault now? " I snapped at him.  Wow my periods got the best of me. "No..  It's not like that. I am telling you I am sorry. I didn't mean any of it to happen." "Yeah!! You do!? Seriously? " I asked him in rage. "Y/n... Believe it or not, I Iove you. And it happened, even though I know it shouldnt have. and I am not sorry for it. Because I get to love you,and... I couldn't see the sight of you with jimin, when I know you do feel something for me.  I wanted to invoke those buried feelings of yours. So I did what I think I had to do.  I am sorry. Please understand me. " he completed his speech in one breath as if he practiced it. Whatever. "So? " "So...  Can we be friends again? " he asked. "No...  Definitely not. Not when you have feelings for me, not when you tried to go behind your best friend and try to screw his wife. You really think it's acceptable or forgettable? " I asked in disbelief. "No I know it's hard for you. " "I am shore you do. " I hissed. "And please give me a chance. I will try my level best to forget you and move on with the fact that I should live my life without you in my arms." he said with a pitiful face. No!!  Don't fall for it. "Just....  Stop it OK!!  You...  How can you love me, when you know I am best friend's wife?  And what makes you so sure about me having feelings for you?" I demanded his answer. "Honestly...  I don't know. You are impossible for anyone to not to love you y/n. No-one can do anything when it comes to there feelings. Its my worst luck that you are jimin's wife. I tried my level best to avoid this feeling, but I just can't. You don't make it simple for me either." he said with an hint of honesty in his eyes. Okay.... "What about me? " "I... I just felt it. And you never denied it as well. I know you feel something towards me. If not this convo wouldn't be going in this civilized way." Yeah...  he's right. He just feels so close to me. Like I have known him from forever., which is the reason I was drawn to him. And I don't know how it happened. And someone kill me for it please. "It doesn't matter Tae. Jimin is my husband. I want to be with him, only him. And moreover he doesn't deserve any of this s**t. You do know it right? " I questioned him. "Huh! " he scoffed. "Yeah....  If you really think he does not deserve it then its fine by me. " "You hiding from me something ?" I asked while crunching my eyebrows together. "No..  It's nothing. So...  You want to forget about me, and your attraction towards me...  And whatever s**t so far happened between  us.  Consider it done. I wont bring it up again. I will try to....  Forget you. " he said looking away from my eyes. "Tae we both know...  You can never tell a lie to my face. "  I said. "Fine!! It's hard okay....!!  It's hard for me too.  I love you y/n. You think it's really possible to wipe you out of my heart. Well,  I can't . But I will try. " he said looking straight in my eyes with tears in his. "Here's your order mam. " the waiter came back with our orders. "thank you. " I said. "You can tip me off, rather than saying  thank you. What do you think handsome? " she tilted her head to tae's side. Why this b***h is acting like this all if a sudden.!? I mean yeah....  She's hot but b***h he's with someone. Cant you see.....!!? "Get lost,  before I smash your face with this hot chocolate. " Tae stated in a very calm yet dangerous tone, as she started sweating very soon. "Sorry sir. Please enjoy your orders. " she left hurriedly. "So...  Can we just go back to friends ?" he asked in a tiring tone of his. "I will think about it . It's really a short time to take decision. " I replied. "OK.... " "And...  I am thinking to tell jimin,  whatever happened between us? " I said before taking a sip from his chocolate. "What!!?  No!! "
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