Give us a chance

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Y/N POV: Soon he changed into his wedding suit and appeared infront me. And mannn.... let me tell me you,he is really a other name for perfection.My inner b***h is refusing to accept the truth, but I really am lucky to marry this man. I mean he is all perfect, in looks like a greek god, in wealth, fame (because of the media we are surrounded with), what not. Just watching him stand there,waiting for me is really a blissful scenary to watch... I walked down through the aisle with my father. He handed my hand over to Mr. Park Jimin. He gave a warm smile which melted my heart, we made our own way to proceed our wedding vows. . . . . . " Mr. Park Jimin, please take the vow." he holded my hands and looked into my eyes with so much adoration. “I,Mr. Park Jimin,promise to respect, admire and appreciate you for who you are, as well as for the person you wish to become. I promise to support and protect your freedom, because although our lives are intertwined, your choices are still yours alone. I promise to seek a deep understanding of your wishes, your desires, your fears, and your dreams. I promise to always strive to meet your needs, not out of obligation, but because it delights me to see you happy. I promise to be there for you when you need me, whenever you need me. I promise to nurture your goals and ambitions; to support you through misfortune, and to celebrate your triumphs. I promise to keep our lives exciting, adventurous, and full of passion. I promise to persevere when times get tough, knowing that any challenges we might face, we will conquer them together. I promise to treat you with compassion rather than fairness, because we are a team, now and for always. I promise to show you, every day, that I know exactly how lucky I am to have you in my life. And I Love You Y/N.”  ' Wow that was ridiculously heart touching. How can he promise me such sweet things when noone ever did. Did he me that much!!' " Ms. Y/n , its your turn."I instantly panicked. "I, Y/N...., take thee..., Mr. Park Jimin, to be my wedded , to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to.... love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith." Somehow I managed to said without forgetting any word where I byhearted it a 30 min ago. 'It may be the worst vow -giving in history but hey  I have no feelings for him, remember? And am not even ready for this marriage.' He smiled with satisfaction. " So, Mr. Park Jimin, are you willing to take Ms. Y/N as your other half?" "I do". He smiled looking into my eyes. " Good, now, Ms. Y/N, are you willing to take Mr. Park Jimin as your other half?" "I d-" " Stop." Jimin said. I looked at him surprisingly, 'what now...oh god...please make this day end as soon as possible'. " Do you want to say anything to your bride?" the marriage officiant asked. " Yes. See y/n, First of all am sorry for not taking your consent and proceeded with your parents words. Now that I got to know about your opinion, I am gonna ask you one question and I want your genuine answer."he looked at my parents, whole wedding ceremony with a warning look, dont interrept me look. " Do you wanna marry me? Dont fear everyone and tell me your answer." I was dumbfounded with his question, I just dont know how to respond to his question. However, I diverted my eyes to my parents and remembered our conversation. Flashback: 1 hour ago : "What do you bloody think Y/N ? You want us to make ourselves fools infront of everyone!!" my mom yelled at me right after she closed the door. " I never ever expected this from you Y/N. I thought I raised you in a good way. But somehow you disappointed me y/n. You have always been a good silent girl, what happened to you? What made you to elope with some stranger? I understand that you are not ready for this marriage, but I never expected such behaviour from you y/n.."my dad said sadly. 'Ottoke.. For the first time, am feeling guilty. Aish damn my sensitive heart for being an emotional s**t. But what I did is for me, for my happiness, for the first time I did something... which concerns me,only me. I dont know whether it is good or bad, but either ways I knew one thing for shore..that am not gonna regret my actions, there may be consequences, but' I kept my mouth shut and sticked my eyes to the ground. " Just say something. damn it.." my mom roared. " I am sorry mom." " You are sorry? But it doesnot seem like you mean it y/n. You would have never left, if you are least bit of concerned" my mom started crying. Tears started welling up in my eyes. . . "See whatever happened, is happened. Now I am gonna give you one last chance y/n. Stop crying and listen to me." I looked at my mom. " Its either you are gonna go straight through, pledge thees, marry jimin or you can call it off" my mom declared. " What are you talking ?" my dad asked my mom confusingly. She raised her hand to stop him from further talking. "Mom can I really call it off?" am still confused. " Yes you can, and also remember one thing, the  decision you make right now, will decide our relationship in future. By calling off the wedding, you will make it easier for both of us to cut off our ties with you as well." my mom said with determination in her eyes. " The last thing I want is, to loose you my baby." my dad said, by petting my hair., where my mom stood there folding her hands over her chest. " Tell me y/n. The choice is all yours." my mom asked me impatiently. " Mom, I can never afford to loose you both. I will marry him, no matter what happens. Please dont leave me" I bursted into tears not knowing its because of the fear of loosing my parents or my own parents threatened me. " Good. You have been always proved me that you are a perfect daughter for us. " my mom hugged me. 'But you both never did mom' I let my tears fall in her embrace. Flashback ends. " Please tell me y/n, dont fear any one or any consequences. I will take care of it. Its just that I dont want to force you in any thing that you are not comfortable with." he said concernly. 'Please someone stop him from being so considerate about me. He literally is giving me a chance to call off this wedding., and that too, infront of his family, my family, relatives, friends, and main importantly MEDIA... It would definitely effect his career , but now,it was his least concern. Is he loving me that much... That he can let me go. Oh my god! He really is a perfect gentleman. Well, I have no choice here, I have to say yes in either ways. But it doesn't bothered me anymore because, with or without my parents blackmail I am gonna say yes, because of his concern towards me, his honesty, more importantly he is not pestering me like others do., that means he is a patient guy. Hell yeah... Am not gonna loose this gentleman infront of me. . . I smiled at him, turned to face officiant. "I do ". " You dont have to do this for your parents..or..for me. Its your life and you have a right to choose." he said to me calmly. 'ottoke.. The more he is concerned about me, the more am starting to like him.... What? do I like him? I dont know.. And I really dont wanna figure it out....atleast not now.' "So y/n-" " I really do." I said assuringly. " Now I officially announce that these two young buds were a couple" he clapped and everyone cheered. " You may.....kiss the bride."he said teasingly. Jimin came to me like he is waiting for this moment forever., where am standing there like a statue, dont know what to do. He held my head in his both hands carefully, and started leaning for a kiss, slowly. I closed my eyes out of nervousness. In the moment of seconds, his lips connected with mine and...... It feels very good, he didnt move his lips, he just placed his lips on mine., but it really feels good. He moved his lips from my lips to ears. " You dont have to do anything you are not comfortable with, and thank so much for being my wife. You dont know how happy I am right now." he whishpered. ' Well.. Am comfortable though!' I thought but didnt dare to say. He hugged me and announced that I am his girl. 'I definitely dont deserve this man. He is so sweet and lovely, where am being a b***h to him.And am gonna change it. Am gonna, give us a chance.'
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