I don't do virigins

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Y/N pov : Finally we finished our grand wedding party, my parents gave me their farewell and shedded some tears before leaving me all alone with him. We entered his home.. f**k it...it was a huge mansion. I gawked at how big his mansion was. Some maids stood there to welcome us. " Congratulations!!!!! Mate" two guys jumped on jimin out of nowhere. And one more girl hugged jimin from back. 'Well, I have seen them in the wedding too but didnt bothered to befriend, anyways, Both men looked like greek gods,just like jimin. And the girl.... Wait.... Its a girl and she is hugging him, and he is not doing anything about it. And she is looking like a model with her milky white skin, her naturally(my guess) curled brunette hair, with perfect toned body. Who Is She? And yeah, ur right.. Am jealous. She...I mean they didnt even acknowledge my existence, and continued to roll on the ground like pigs. Control...y/n, breath......' " stop it guys, and let me introduce you to my beautiful wife." finally.... " Y/N, this is Taehyung, Jungkook and this is... Melanie." he pointed them. " Hey y/n, it was very nice to meet you, you can call me tae in short. And we are future bestfriends, cos you are gonna need me a loot, am also his personal assistant...manager...whatever." He winked at me. I smiled." Hello tae." " How is it possible? Even am feeling the same vibe...." the b***h spoke finally... " Hey y/n!! Am melanie, pals call me minnie. And we are future bestiees." she hugged me. ' Woah... May be she's is not a b***h afterall'. "Enough both...... Hello y/n, as you already know I am Jungkook, and you can call me....?? Whatever you want" he smiled and offered his hand to shake. I took his hand and shaked hesistantly. "Nice was nice to meet you all" I tried to sound loud but failed. " You look so.... calm." "Innocent." " Beautiful." the three said and same drama, I blushed. " You are probably wondering who we are right!? I am jimin's cousin, and there... That standing statue is my husband-to-be." she pointed jungkook. ' Wow!! Minnie.... We can be friends after all'. "Aish... You spoiled the fun minnie" he pouted. ' aweee cute.' "Yaa... Dont tell me you are about to flirt with y/n !!!" tae shouted which only made jungkook shrug. " He is the biggest flirt here, but trust me y/n, rest assured, he is no harm" minnie said looking at jungkook warningly. " Yaaa... Can you all stop potraying me like a flirt infront of y/n!!" he dramatically cried. " What about you....tae?" I asked a question for the first time. " Me... Me, jimin and jungkook were bestfriends from childhood." he said. " Oh!! Ok." " Now will you guys excuse us... We were hella tired and wanna have some rest? Jimin whined tiredly. ' aweeee I didnt know he had this angle in him. And he is...cute'. They all smirked. "We know why you wanna make us leave soo fast jimin." tae said teasingly. . . . . . Finally, They all left after our dinner, shoving us both in a ..hmmm....well decorated room. He started walking towards me and I instantly panicked not knowing what to do. He came closer but gave me my personal space. He is smiling. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" I broke the silence. " Its nothing, I just cant believe you are actually my wife. What do you wanna do?" He asked. " Umm... You see, I know I agreed to give a chance to our marriage , but I want to take things slow. So if you dont mind.." " I am not asking about that love, but I completely understand y/n, take your own time. Lets get changed first". He assured me.' love...' "yeah thank you." with that he left the room, I left to the bathroom to change, and even the bathroom is magnificiently huge. I tried to get rid of my top but it was back laced one, so my hands just couldnt reach the lace, with all of my failed efforts, I went to ask jimin for help. "Jimin...." he laid on the bed with his deep neck white tshirt and shorts looking all fresh. I gulped watching the sight. ' What he is doing here? Is he gonna sleep here with me? Well.. This is his house, and I have no right.. But still,' " Hey.. You didnt changed yet? " " Can you help me with my top's lace ? " I showed him my lace. He signalled me to, come to him and I went. He got up and sat on the bed, his face is nearly opposite to my breasts with a safe distance ofcourse. "Turn back." He said huskily. I turned back and directed my hair all to shoulder giving him my whole back view. My face is red out of shy. He trailed his fingers on my back reaching to my laces. Goosebumps raised all over my body, and my problem is, he can see that my body is reacting to his touch. He slowly untangled those tied laces and my top was about to fall, fuck.... I didnt wear any bra inside, I held it, I thanked him without facing him and went straight to the bathroom. I bathed and changed into my silky night frock which ends right at my mid thighs. I let my hair loose and applied my night lotions, and left. And he is sitting in middle of the bed, with a wine bottle and two glasses. He eyed me from tip to toe, which made me self- conscious. " Hey, you never suggested what to do, so I figured it out for you." he smiled excitedly. 'well, you never asked me, wait he asked me right! And I blabbed some shit.. Aish' " Come lets have a drink". I went and sat at the side of the bed. " Come closer y/n, I wont bite you." he joked. I smiled and went closer to him. " So lets play, 20 questions." he said. ' What are we? Kids!!!? Seriously.. No.' " Yeah ok." I agreed, anyways. He poured wine for both of us, and handed one glass to me. I hestitated to drink. " Dont tell me, its your first time, drinking-" " No" I blurted out. He raised his eyebrows questioningly. "I mean I did drink in my Jr. year, farewell party" I said proudly. " Wow" he is trying hard not to laugh but failed. " You are laughing?" " Am sorry. Lets start the game. Here's to our new start...." he raised his glass and I clinked mine with his. We drank for two- three glasses and he started the game. " What is your favourite food?" " Fried chicken, korean cuisines and all junk foods are my babies." I said dreamingly. 'am blaming the alcohol for my outbursting nature.' "Why did you choose me as your wife?" i asked, he was taken back with question but quickly recovered. " Why wouldnt I? You are way too perfect for not to choose you." I blushed slightly slapped his arm. He look surprised but didnt react. " What's your favourite vacation spot?" " Paris, Maldives, Moritius, austrailia and last but not the least,the most impotant one, korea." " You shore do have lots of choices in each thing." he smiled. " You lool handsome when you smile." I instantly panicked after realizing what I said. " I have been told wifey, but somehow it feels different yet special, hearing it from you". He smiled again. I blushed. " Why didnt you approached me directly?" " It just happened like that y/n. As you know, I am a model, with a play boy reputation." I looked at him. "..What will you think if I approached you directly? I dont want to make any bad impression inperson, so I backed off and started digged from your parents side, and I got my treasure, ....you." he eyed me with a specific romantic look. 'Am done with his eyes.' " What are your hobbies ?" " music, books, trecking." "What if I am not the girl you are dreaming of?" " yes you are the one, if you are not then am going to adjust." his simple words fluttered my heart. " You see.. Till now you never bothered me to know me, declaring you are least interested in knowing me.." he lips made a thin line. " Am sorry. " he didnt respond which made me feel even worse. " No worries, am a patient guy. So my question, Favourite colour? " " Black, peach, grey." " your's?" I asked him hesistantly. " Seriously y/n, please dont do this... Dont beat yourself up and ask me something you want to know, not I want to answer." 'I need to act quick' I gulped two more glasses of wine and everything become little tipsy yet I feel free and refreshing. " Pick one, thongs or g-strings". I smirked and he choked on his own drink. " W..What?" " You heard me jimin, and that is what I want to know" I know am gonna regret this later but there's no going back. " G- strings". He seductively eyes me and said. 'Now.. Now.. We are talking'. " What do you prefer- Beach date or... Beach s*x?" and now it was his turn to smirk. " What do you want me to say?" I drank one more glass. " Something interesting." " Beach date then after...... Beach sex." "I like this drunkard version of you a lot, may be we have to try it more often." I smiled. "What type of girls do you prefer more, in bed?" " Seriously... You want me to answer this question..?" he laughed cautiously, anyone can feel the tension. " I want to know " I pouted. " Well.... I dont actually prefer in kinds, but there's one thing I am particular about"and the next thing he said made my heart beat drop. " I dont do virgins".
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