Surprise.... am shocked

1377 Words
Y/N POV: Miracles do happen. 'I just cant believe am doing this, never in my whole life I spoke back to someone, simply I will just make up words in my mind and leave it right there, thats who I am, thats how sensitive I am..where did I get these guts!' I smiled to myself. Holy..I didnt even asked his name.. "Hey" I tapped on his shoulder,he turned his head to the side,showing me that he is listening to me."Umm....Whats your name?"i asked him. He laughed. 'seriously u kidnapped me from my whole ass wedding and you are laughing like a f*****g maniac,ok..fyn you didnt kidnapped me,but still!!. Wait,wait, what if he is a maniac,sadist a complete psycho?Why Y/N....why are you so stupid,naive,dumb.....How could you believe a complete stranger against your whole ass family n all memebers.....What if he rape me,kill me and plucked my organs out of body...!and sell them off..Serves you better b***h,you hurted that poor guy and that wedding of yours cost you a fortune for a common man!!Pure it with your organs.Now rot in hell.Amen.' I feel like crying,and finally he stopped laughing as well as his bike and turned back,lifting his helmet glasslid,and for the first time I fell in love with someone's eyes at the first sight..I can just drown myself in those brownish honey eyes of him. "So first you tell me,why did you leave ur groom,parents,friends,relatives,everyone over there and came with me?"he smiled through his eyes.And there I was,still shamelessly mesmorising his eyes."Hello,Miss!!I asked you something!?"he asked while waving his hands infront my face.'b***h,enough of this teenage act and get a grip on urself'. "Yeah, you said something?"I asked. "You heard me"he said while smirking,fuck..he knows he's effecting me."Please dont tell me you have fallen for my looks more like just my eyes,I didnt even show you the better,yet..."he said challengingly. 'What's wrong with him?Why is he full of himself?such a rude bastard....'I rolled my eyes over him. "Its not what you think" "Then what it is?" he asked curiously. "I dont like this marriage,but was forcefully getting married to someone I dont even know,I thought it was my fate,and was about to accept it,but in between you came and saved my ass"I let it all out in a single breath. 'Did I saw it correctly or my mind is playing tricks on me?I swear hurt is evident in his eyes..Should I ask him what happened?May be he is pitying me?Or may be....I dont know!!Why is he like that all of sudden?'I was about to ask him-"So I saved your..ass?" he is back to his cheerful-teasing mode,'heck why am I so slow like a tortoise.Inner b***h- trust me ur worse than a snail.' "You know what I mean rider?"he smiled again,'aish why is he soo...I mean why his eyes were so captivating!!?'I turned back to look back.. "How the heck it is soo quite and peaceful?"i turned back to face him."What do you mean Ms.eloped bride?"he questioned me.'How dare he say that to me.. I didnt eloped, I just did what I have to do,to free myself,but why do I feel so sorry more like guilty..?' "A penny to your thoughts Ms. Elo-". "Stop calling me like that, you are making me feel guilty." I directed my eyes to the ground. "Why so?"he asked again. "Its know I am ok with doing this until my fiance started popping in my head,I feel like I betrayed him,never in my whole life neither I have talked to him nor seen him...But with or without my involvement, I gave him hopes right!!through my parents said he is in love with how can one crushes someone's heart like that, most importantly me..."I looked into his eyes again,I dont know why but I dont him to think of me in any bad way. "Am not that type of cold-hearted selfish bitch...really am not..." tears fall down on cheeks. " are anything but a cold hearted selfish bitch..ok!!"he said while wiping my tears so lovingly."How can you say that?"I wiped my tears again and asked him... "Because you are giving me a good girl vibes".he shrugged. "well..well..looks can betray you Mr...."I said folding my hands across my chest not acknowledging the fact that I am giving him a whole ass cleavage show.He looked down for a second and averted his eyes and started examining our surroundings. 'What..what now,is someone following us..are we getting secretly followed by my father?may be my husband to be?Well he has all rights to that..where my father has no rights...but seriously I dont think I have made a right choice..' "Can you stop putting your t**s on show?"He said,still examining the surroundings...'Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh how can he talk so raw...!???????Am embarassed.....ottoke!'I adjusted myself immediately. "Better" he huffed.. 'huff...seriously huff is all I got... I know am.not a model or something....but I never thought my cleavage is so worst that even makes men uncomfortable.' "Why are looking like an angry bird?A red one, to be particular." "Stop teasing not in the mood to fight you" I said uninterestedly. "And you is very silent and peaceful,I mean why my parents were not following us?I hope every thing is ok? What if someone comitted suicide?Father?Mother?Mr.park? I think  I did a grave mistake...Can you please take me back to my wedding venue!!? Please?" I asked him hopefully.. "You shore about this? There's no going back.. It may gonna effect your life and-" " One thing I hate about people is giving advices to others. Stop your threats,advices whatever and lets go"I ordered him. "ok. Your wish is my command."he started off. And we reached our venue, my parents!!where are they?There they were...Wait why are looking soo.....calm!!?What the heck? I entered, everyone's attention was on me..I started to get panic. My parents came to me, and they are wrapping their hands around my shoulder and smiling!!?What have I missed here? Soon my confusion was carried out when both of them squeezed my shoulders. 'Ouch! Its hurting.' Both were glaring me, like am there grave enemy, well I didnt expect any less, infact I expected the worst...and everyone in the wedding is whishperimg some shit... "Attention everyone... Did you enjoy the little show of our both bride and groom?"My dad asked through his big smile.... " Wha-" " Shut up y/n, I never thought you would do something like that,which could cost our whole family's respect and pride.."my mom whisperingly yelled at me. " Mom I dont understand what are you saying" I was beyond confused. " You think you left your wedding with some stranger, no.. He is your groom."my mom said with her deadly expression. My throught was dry, blood drained to the deep pits of my body. 'Dont panic y/n,first you have to confirm it . There could be a lot of chances that my parents were making up this story,and for the first time, I turned around to see that rider guy. dead.  He really is Mr. Park Jimin. Aish this is soo embarassing.....out of all people in this world,why the heck did I voice out my opinion to him,the GROOM!!! "He just want to surprise you by kidnapping you.., his friends assured us, the moment you left with him. Me and your dad covered it up anyways.., saying that you already know the plan somehow and you..wanna shock return favour. Now live the same script, even with your husband.I hope you didnt blab anything infront of him!!" she's eyeing me suspiciously.I simply nodded. My dad hugged him and appreciated him for his innovative idea, where am here hella freaked with all the events happened today. Every one surrounded him, and cheering for us. And for the first he made an eye contact with me and my breath got hitched in my throught. He stared waking to heart beat is raising up and cheeks were turning red, and not even for a second he stopped staring at my eyes.. He snaked his hand over my waist....and pulled me into his side. ' heart is gonna explode today..for shore... I dont know out of what, but its gonna explode today.' "I hope everyone enjoyed our little stunt. Surprise" he said dramatically. 'Huh! Surprise... Am shocked'.
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