Hello bitch...

2145 Words
Y/n POV: I got ready by 6.30pm and and waiting for my husband to come. Meanwhile I took a look at myself in the mirror, and satisfied with myself. I smiled remembering all the encounters we had had. "You look beautiful". I jolted with sudden shock. " Taehyung?" "Its just tae for you, remember?" he slightly tilted his head and raised his eyebrows waiting for my answer. " Yeah ok" I was really fighting my urge to ask him what is he doing here , I mean its may be his bestfriend's house but he can't enter our bedroom without permission right? Well that's what I thought. "Jimin asked me to escort you. It's already late, we have to start. Lets go." he walked out of the room. 'How rude.... He didn't even waited for my reply. Not every one will be like my husband right!!.' I felt lucky enough that I flipped my hair back and left. . . "Where are we going?" "Y/n, in our 30 min drive.. This is your eighth time asking me the same question. Can't you just drop it?" he said with a bit of annoyance. 'Am already moody enough that Jimin didn't show up yet and now this suspense.... Aish' "You could have just told me rather than being questioned the same question for eight times... " I said with a pout, instantly regretted after realising what I did. 'Aish, b***h are you a five years old f*****g kid to pout around..!?' "You look cute". 'It's official he lost it. I mean he himself look like a s*x god... Ok... Greek god, and he is f*****g complimenting me, Me??? Seriously?? I know he wants to make me feel comfortable, but its really getting uncomfortable, but I dont feel the same way with jimin, with him... I feel confident, but with others, my disgusting self-discouragement program will be on. "Y/n?" he offered his hand , I held it and came out only to get shocked. "Tae... What are we doing here in a Helipad??" It was a vast place with noone around. I regret coming here without calling jimin, 'This tae guy is planning to kidnap me or what?' "Do you have any least bit sense of gratitude?" he asked me with disbelief. 'what the heck?' " I mean, earlier today I complimented you, in the car I said you were cute, even now I offered you my hand like a gentleman. Will it take your lifespan to say a thank you....!!" "Huh! You caught me off guard all those times" I clenched my jaws in order to prevent myself from saying something I would regret later. "Still, you could hav-" he was interrupted by the helicopter landing sound. And there's my man, made his royal entrance and started walking towards me like a king, looking like a prince-charming. My surroundings went blank, and everything is happening in slow-mo. And that perfect man, is My man. Oh my god.... No wonder he is one of the biggest celebrities in the world. Yeah, Mr. Park Jimin, is an actor, model, singer, dancer, and my bloody husband. And he is the main reason for my trust issues. I mean my forever question is, how in the bloody heck he choose me as his wife?, out of all girls more like models who were going crazy over him. ' Aish!! Not a way to start your date y/n, instead focus on your attractive- stunning- abundant- ravishing- handsome husband. My husband... My f*****g husband is a literal adonis person. Ok.. Ok.. Control y/n., stop drooling.' " Stop drooling, he is all yours anyways..." tae teased me which he earned him a glare from me. "You are fiercer than you actually look. I like it" he said approvingly. "Huh" I scoffed. He was surprised 'so am I' but laughed eventually. And finally..... "Babe, you look dazzling ." He was looking at me with a spark in his eyes. "Thankyou for accepting my date proposal and I am sorry for keeping you wait, shall we go?" he offered his hand which I took it in. "Even you look................................................ 'hot-sexy-perfect-smart-awesome' 'y/n, pick one fastly'........ Good." 'aishhhhhh, damn me' "Just good?" did he just pouted??? 'Owww... How can he be so hot and cute at the same time..!? ' "Umm... I mean handsome" I answered nervously. "Thats it?" he seemed not so satisfied with my reply. Aishhh! "May be hot and sexy?" I blurted out and looked away not ready to face him. "Oh woah... That is something I never expected from my wife. Finally, we are talking, and now that-" "Why am I even dealing with all of this disgusting s**t? Can both of you please acknowledge my existence too?" tae snorted. "Aish why am I even putting up with my nagging assistant,instead of firing him.!!" jimin snorted back. "Tell me about it. You can live without your wife but not without me. " Tae shrugged. "Huh!! Please not this self-hype s**t again." jimin held my hand and walked towards the copter. I turned back and saw taehyung standing there with longing eyes on us. 'What??? Whatever'. He got inside and helped me enter the helicopter. . .. "Umm... Jimin where are we going?" I asked hesistantly. "Surprise" 'Aish! I hate surprises.' "Okkk...." In the meanwhile I took a peak at how beautiful the scenary is, it is an dark island but captivating. Am in totally love with it. He is doing his best for me. I really am impressed. "Y/n?" "Huh?" I turned to look at him but nothing came in the view. Thats when realization hits me. Blindfold... "What are you doing?" he placed his forefinger on my lips from talking any further. I felt him nearing to my face. " You will see". He wishpered in my ears and I shviered. I blamed it on the cold breeze. We both walked for sometime holding each other's hands and stopped at a point. He placed his both hands on either side of my shoulders from behind and pulled me closer to him. Somehow he always manages to makes my heart flutter. And don't even talk about my stupid heart, it flutters all time when am with him. "You ready?" his voice is giving me chills. He slowly untangled my blindfold. " Ohhh.. Wowww" I clapped my both hands in my mouth with overjoy. I was so thrilled, to the point that I don't even care about jimin, and started shouting with a feeling of great enthusiasm. "Jimin..... It was soooo good. Oh my god! I can't believe you did this for me. I love it. " "And remember....!! I love you. I would do anything for you. I was very sad for leaving you like that, so I thought of doing something like this." he said casually. Owww.. My poor heartuu. 'Its not something, for him, maybe. But for me, this is everything that I have ever dreamed for. Being with a person, who makes me happy, check. makes my heart flutter, check. cares for not only me but for aslo my choices, check. Values my opinions, check. Lastly who never forces me into anything that I don't want to do, double check. I am the luckiest ass here. Amn't I?' "I never thought you would be this impressed!!" I can say he was definitely delighted,not used to me being expressive. Even I want to give him that satisfaction, I can't offer him anything ,the least I can do is, making him feel happy inreturn, even if it means I have to stop being an introvert and to openup n show my feelings, I will. Oh wait, I just did. "Please don't say that, you don't know what it means to me. Noone ever made an effort to give me a surprise in my whole life. You did... This my first surprise, first date and it is incredible. Thank you for making me feel special". "You. Are. Special y/n. Its not your fault that noone acknowledged that fact. Lucky me. I did." he looked into my eyes with an hearty smile and kissing my knuckles. In this case, my heart will stop for beating excessively . Aish, calm down bitch.... Breath. . . . We both had a wonderful time all along that night. We talked, cheered, joked on certain things. I would say that this date is really helpful for us, mostly me because I got to know about my husband, his habits, his favourites. . . In this one month, he made me the happiest woman in this world. He also spent a plenty of time with me everday. I grew comfortable with him day by day, to the point, that I don't even have to hold myself back for doing something spontaneously without any further thinking. I even have my own bestfriends now, any guesses? Yes I stole them from my husband.. Tae, kookie and minnie. Tae was my annoying b***h where as kookie and minnie were my supporting minions. We became closer than ever. I am so happy rn. But what concerns me the most is that we both didn't have had any s****l encounters in this one month not even intimidate ones. He never initiated or talked about our s****l life. He always acted like a understanding husband and a comfortable bestfriend. 'May be he is waiting for my concern....' Today we have an award show to attend, Jimin is nominated for the best actor, popular face of the year, best fashion icon and best couple with samantha, his co-actress. I am really nervous about this whole thing. I have never been into these shows and now I am a wife of a popular actor. I have no choice but to make my appearance perfect and to prove myself that I am worthy for his wife position to his fans. I wore a peach coloured frock, which I'm totally in love with, I had my hairs in a braid with less makeup and just a small pair of ear studs. "Babe you are so beautiful" minnie hugged me. " please don't bluff and tell me the truth. Am I really looking good enough?" I asked her. " Trust me you are incredibly beautiful. Am serious. " she answered sincerely. I love this girl. " Thank you. But not better than you, don't fight me on this." we both laughed. " Hey guys, Simmu already- Wow y/n you look... gorgeous." kookie clapped his right hand on his mouth and looked me in awe, where the other hand is resting on his waist. Very dramatic. "Thanks kookie, you don't know but you really boasted my confidence right now. Even you look amazing " I gave him a thumbs up which he returned it back with a cheeky smile. "Ok hurry up, simmu and jimin are waiting for us." jungkook hushered us both. " You both go, I have to use washroom." I stayed back and they left reminding me to be quick. This is my first time meeting her. I took a look at myself in the mirror. I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help. I feel insecure with this Samantha, simmu gal. She is the very close friend of jimin's, and also his official ex-girlfriend. They both dated for like 3 months and ended it up with good notes. But fans loved them as a couple and always rooted for their pair. They both acted as a couple in many films even after their breakup. They both were well known for their chemistry. Even now, they two were nominated for the best couple this year. And to my luck, she looks like a goddess. It's like her face is meant to be flawless. Yeah I searched it all up in the google. "ok.. Y/n, you can do this. Just dont be nervous and act normal". I uffed for few times and went down. I walked down the stairs, lowered my eyes down feeling all eyes on me. Jimin..... He is as handsome as always. He looked at me in awe. He took my hand and kissed my knuckles as he did everytime. I can't stop but always blush at his acts. " You look like a princess, my queen." he wishpered in my ears and kissed my cheek. " Thank you. You don't look bad yourself". I held his hand side hugged him. " Wow..... Y/n you look insanely hot with your back open. By the way, am Samantha. You can call me simmu." finally, she offered her hand. I smiled at her fake laugh and her approach. " y/n." I shaked her hand. As expected she looked stunning in her beautiful black dress. " well hi, nice to meet you." She continued smiling at me, which I returned it back as fakely as I can. 'Hello b***h'.
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