Date with you

2112 Words
Y/n pov : I woke up with a terrible headache, scanning my surroundings. 'Holy f**k, where's my night gown?' I tried to sit but couldn't, a strong muscular hand, holding onto my waist, I turned around and saw my handsome husband. He snuggled onto me closer. Even our legs  were entangled by each other. He was sleeping peacefully. Wait... ' What the hell n heavens happened?' He is in his boxers and am left with my inners. 'Did we had s*x yesterday?' All my thoughts were interrupted when some hard thing is poking my butt. I felt like my breath stopped. I sensed some uneven movements in our posture, which concludes, he's awake. "Good morning wifey" he murmured into my ears, which caused me to jolt. We both woke up and he smiled sweetly. Watching him like that, I was beyond red, he looked like a sculpted greek s*x god, with only his boxers on. My mouth watered , I mentally scolded myself for being a such a horny b***h. He is doing nothing but observing my every movement quietly.I quickly covered myself with sheets and looked at him. " What's with the defense?" he joked but I gave him am-not-in-the-mood look. "what happened ? Why are we both half-naked?" I asked him accusingly. " You don't remember what we did last night?" he said with a shocking expression which feared me more. " Last night you gave yourself to me, and we both made love. Trust me it was heaven, and it was a poor thing you didnt remember anything." his lips made a thin line. " Last night we both played, drank... Thats all I remember.." I said with a hand on my head. ' Aish this headache.' I feel like crying, I really did gave myself to someone I met yesterday, in a moment of lust and dizz. Tears started welling up in my eyes, but I tried not to show them. I dont want him to feel bad. ' But, how could he take advantage of me, when am drunk. Again, he is in love with me. How can someone resist the person they love the most?' I failed in not-to-make-him-feel-bad mission and cried, he took me into his arms. " Hey babe? Babe? You are crying...!? Oh god y/n! I am sorry, I was just joking. We didn't do anything. Yes.. Last night we drank, kissed and things got little heaten up. But I stopped knowing you would regret doing this with... me, just like now." He cooed into my ears, caressing my hairs and held me closer. " Really?" he took my head in his hands. " Yes y/n, I would never do that to you...... Am not that low" he smiled assuringly. 'So we did kissed, did he kissed me or I kissed me?what he meant by things got little heaten up? Aish damn my mud brain for not remembering.,' I dont know what to do, instead I smiled back at him nervously. " Now come on, lets get freshen up." "Ok". I held those sheets and headed to bathroom. " Ouwwwch!!". " What happened y/n?"he hurriedly reached me. " Oh my god!! Blood." I said with pain in my legs. Then I noticed several glass peices on the ground. " Oh f**k!!! Y/N, How could you not see where you are walking?" he shouted on me, for the first time. 'And I feel good to have someone to worry about me more than I do.' He lifted me in the bridal style, sparks spreaded all over my body,and laid me on the bed. He hurriedly left only to comeback with a first aid box. His hand reached my legs, and slowly started applying ointment. " Aaaaa.. Jimin stop, something's still there." " Stay still, let me check." he massaged my feet dead smoothly, and stopped when he felt a glass splinter inside. He took a cotton bud and cleaned the blood. He slowly tried to pull out that splinter with his hands pressuring that wound. " JIMIN..... Nooo please stop, it's hurting a lot." " Am sorry. Does it hurt a lot?" I nodded. He sighed n slowly brought his face to feet and placed his lips on my wound. It doesn't hurt but felt so good. " Jimin what are you doing?" He didn't bothered to answer my question and slowly sucked on my wound, involuntarily a moan espaced from my mouth, can't help, it felt so good. He smirked at me and I looked away out of embarrasment. This time he increased some more pressure and sucked again,and  just like that, the splinter came out. I oofed and he smiled. Wait wait, What the f**k!! He looked so sexy with my blood on the sides of his lips, just like a vampire. He slowly wiped that blood on his lips,with his thumb. As he licked his lower lip.Woahhhhhh... f**k!! Vampire s**t is my forever kink. Get a grip y/n. " All done." he finished applying ointment. 'Even I am done.' "Thank you , you know.... U don't have to do that, right?" " And why is that...? Babe, I just cant see you in pain. And this is just a peice of cake. I can and will do anything for you." He petted my hair. 'Such a sweet talker'. " Now, dont forget to wear chappels. Come on lets get freshen up. And can you just cover yourself up, it's really getting hard to control myself while you are like that" he winked at me and left. And that's when realization hit me that I dropped these sheets when I got hurt. ' Fuck... Fuck... Did I gave him a whole ass nude show right now? You are so stupid y/n". . . . . . I wore one of my floral dresses and went down to have my breakfast. I dont want to face him, but the situation is just not under my favour.  " Ah... There you are.. I have been waiting for ages. Somehow seeing you all dolled up, just makes it all worthful." he signaled me to come. " You are looking gorgeous babe." he kissed my forehead and smiled looking at me. " You do look handsome." I said tucking my hairs behind my ears.  " Tell me something that I don't know." he fliped his hair back with dramatic blow. I smiled. Big. " That's how my charm works. Now just wait for few minutes, I am almost done with breakfast, and will serve you in a bit. " He went back to kitchen. I seated on the dining table, shamelessly, waiting for my husband to bring my food. "Tada.. Here we go,I remember you said you like korean cuisines. So I prepared seaweed kimchi and korean egg rolls. Is it good with you? Orelse I will order our cook to prepare whatever you crave.." " No am fine with egg rolls". He offered me a already served plate. " You are not going to eat?" I asked, wanted to eat with him. " No." he curtly said. ' Owch..' " May I know why?" " Haha... Cause it's my first time cooking a korean cuisine and I don't know how it's gonna taste. I just can't risk my life right? So I decided to experiment it on you, now tell me how was it?" he said normally. I eyed him with a threatened look. " Woah... Even you know how to threaten people, well y/n I didn't expected this from you." ' neither am I.' " I want to eat with you." I said tucking my hair behind my ears. " Wow.. Ok.. Lets eat." he seemed vey happy. And we both started eating. " it was sooo good. I loved it". I moaned mesmorisingly. " I love you." he said looking straight into my eyes. I blushed instantly. " I.. I.. didnt mean to blab like that. It's just that I am happy, that you are finally starting to open up, I thought it would take a long tim-" " I like you jimin." He froze. " W..what?" " Yes, I like you. I don't know why, but with you, I feel free, loved. Not that I have been mistreated before but it's just that I was never been a priority.  You don't know but your small gestures are enough  to prove me that I can be myself, I just feel it. You are making me feel things I never experienced before. For someone whom I met yesterday , you feel awfully close and I let my guard down easily, with you., Thats why I feel free. And that's why I like you." I said looking straight into his eyes. He took my hands in his and squeezed them lightly. " Babe, I am so happy, thank you so much for telling me. I know it will be hard for you to take all this in. I promise I will never hurt you or force you into anything. But I just want one thing from you. Please talk me, whatever it is, talk to me. Don't pent it up inside your mind. Ok?" "Ok". " Perfect. Now lets eat." " Do you have any work today?" I asked. " Huh! We just got married yesterday and you expect me to go to work?" he asked in disbelief. 'Such a dramaqueen.' "No, I am just asking in case." I mumbled. "So you don't want me to go..?" he asked teasingly. "Jimin.... Stop it. Will you?" we both laughed. . . Just like that our breakfast was filled with his jokes and my laughs. After a lots n lots n lots od discussions, Jimin agreed to watch  vampire dairies ( my fav‍♀) marathon with me, so I was all ready to bang it. We planned it in the main hall. I was sitting on the couch, eagerly waiting for him to come and join me, finally he came. " Umm.. Y/n.." " Yeah?" " Am so sorry, but I got an important call regarding work. I have to go, can we please postpone it? If you don't want me to go, I will cancel it." he asked me with a not-so-happy look. "No. Dont worry, am fine. You go, it seems important anyways." I assured him. " Thank you so much babe. You don't know how important it is. I am sorry, for being such a busy person. I promise I will make it up to you."  he kissed me on the forehead and left to bedroom. ' Well, if that work is that important, then why he asked me my permission. Would he really stop if I say no to him? He really is giving a huge importance to my feelings.' And that point I knew I made a right choice by marrying him. He came back looking all professional and ravishing with a navy blue suit. " Umm.. Babe, I asked maids to cook whatever you want. So just order them if you like. I will be back by evening, you can watch the show till then. Bye". He hurried left. " B...bye". I turned to leave and felt him hugging me from behind. I froze.  " I am sooo sorry for leaving you alone. I really am." He made me turn to face him, cupping my face, holding me close to his face. He placed his forehead on mine,  for a moment I thought he is kissing me and I closed my eyes. He stroked his nose with mine and kissed me on the forehead again. " I am really sorry." " Its ok jimin. I told you to don't be bothered by me. Am fine, you can go. " I smiled at him. " Ok bye..I love you." he left. "Bye." I talked to my parents for sometime and went to our room after watching few episodes of tvd and found a beautiful dress laying on the bed with a card. * Since we didn't get a chance to spend our first day together, I, Park jimin, wants to take my wife  to a date tonight. Hope you will accept my invitation and will get ready by 7.00pm.You can even turn down my proposal, I can understand. I deserve it. I picked an outfit for you, if you dont want to, you can wear anything you want to. I don't mind.                       - Your lovely husband 'wink wink' * I laughed at his funng yet cute invitation. ' He is impossible.' I smiled at myself. " I would love to go on a date with you."
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